Game Plot
The Arrival
You find yourself in the living room of the Mystery Manor. In one hand you hold a crumpled envelope, containing a note that reads “We were misled. They lied to us all along. I need your help! They locked me away in…” Then the letter ends abruptly, but there is another message scribbled on the envelope, “Beware of the mist!” No date, no signature, no return address. In your other hand rests an oddly-shaped key with a metal tag bearing the letter “A.” You don’t remember how the note or the key made their way into your possession. What’s worse, you don't have the slightest clue how you ended up here and to what purpose. Fragments of strange visuals flash before your eyes. A hotel suite. A Japanese gardener with a dragon tattoo on his arm. A train falling into a chasm. A deck of Tarot cards scattered on a table. An upended Lasso of Death lying to the side. An aircraft burning on a tropical beach. Stars spinning in the night sky. A pleasant female voice brings you out of your reverie. And there is the lady herself, standing before you. “Welcome to the residence of Mr. X. I’m Katherine, Mr. X’s personal assistant. He asked me to take care of you while he's away. Please follow my advice if you wish to avoid all manner of unpleasant incidents.” The young woman takes a nervous look around and adds in a whisper, even though there’s no one else in the room, “And I beg you, help me and all the others escape this place!”
The Manor, Its Owner and Its Residents
This is quite an unusual manor. Trying to figure out its geographical location is futile, as the landscapes outside the room windows are constantly changing, like in a kaleidoscope. You can’t even tell what time of day it is: a warm Italian night is present in the kitchen, bright daylight is shining through the hallway’s stained-glass windows, while the living room clock seems to have gone certifiably mad. The cook is mixing dough made from mandrake flour and bird milk. The maid swears that a monster lives in the bedroom closet. The insomniac hunter boasts a room full of trophies, including pterodactyls, dinosaurs, and even the legendary chupacabra. Even the local plumber is convinced that he’s seen a real-life mermaid in the bathtub. Like you, they don’t remember how they ended up here, but they can help you learn about the manor’s other visitors: researchers, government agents, and plain old adventurers. These people have shown up at various times, though the front door remains always locked and allegedly guarded by a vicious spirit. Some of the guests have vanished without a trace. Others lost their way in the maze of rooms, sealed with intricate locks. Occasionally their pitiful voices could be heard through the doors, begging for help. Perhaps if you could helped them escape, they would useful to you. Maybe they could even help you find answers to the questions tormenting you. Questions like, what is this place and how did you get here? Who left you the note asking for help and the key that doesn’t fit any of the locks? Who is Mr. X, the faceless owner of the Mystery Manor? Why didn’t anyone ever see him or his wife, Madam X? And what is this mysterious Incident that all the residents keep talking about?
The Incident
Many years ago something happened in the manor that came to be known as the Incident. Was it a scientific experiment, the meddling of some mysterious forces, perhaps even an alien visit? Everyone you ask has their own opinion on the subject. Perhaps the Architect’s journals, mentioned by Katherine, could shed some light on the situation. It seems that they’re kept in the local library. Perhaps some of the manor inhabitants lived through the Incident first-hand? Or maybe even died in it, as long as they can still talk about it! The Incident also triggered a very unusual behavior of items in the rooms. As soon as you exit a room, all the items change their places, making it difficult to find what you need. Not only that, certain items acquired peculiar properties. Kitchenware became platinum.
A delicate snail statue from Jawa Island can slow down time. A rabbit foot charm indicates the location of rare artifacts or vermouth bottles, stashed away by the plumber. The manor inhabitants also talk about dangerous phenomena that could pose a real threat to unsuspecting explorers. And yet, phenomena and locks are no deterrence against adventurers with an eye on Mr. X’s treasures. If you’re feeling lucky, perhaps you should hold off on trying to escape the manor, where pieces of diamond necklaces and golden apples that increase stem cell growth are a common occurrence. Never mind the fact that no one has been able to leave the manor yet. “Your only chance may be to find the legendary Wandering Room,” Katherine says and immediately falls silent, clearly scared. When you begin to explore the Mystery Manor, remember that nothing here is as it seems. A friend may be an enemy in fact, shelter may be a trap, and wealth may end up being a veritable curse. We wish you luck, and may doors always open for you on your path.
Your Character’s Attributes
Energy. Spent every time you explore a room. One unit of energy is restored every 3 minutes. You can also restore some or all your spent energy with food from the game store.
Strength. Spent when helping friends, and restored the same way as energy. You can also restore strength with special boosts in the shape of sporting equipment.
Experience. Every time you explore a room, help a friend, or trade with a creature on the map, you gain experience points. When you acquire a sufficient amount of experience points, you gain a level. Every time you gain a level, you restore all your energy and strength, receive prize diamonds, access to new rooms, and new tools to use in them.
Reputation. Every time you help a friend, you gain reputation points. When you reach a certain amount, your reputation level is increased. The higher your reputation level, the more help you can offer your friends. Every level of reputation increases the amount of prizes you receive for visiting friends, as well as the size of the additional reward for your friend’s profession when you take them with you to explore a room.
Coins. You get awarded coins for exploring rooms and completing quests.
Diamonds. Used to acquire special items in the game store. You get 5 diamonds when you gain a level, or you can buy them in the game bank.
Manor Map
The map is your main game screen. You will find rooms on it. And around the manor you’ll find all sorts of creatures (gypsies, snatchins, full moon monsters, etc.) roaming. Your quests are displayed on the left-hand side. Every room in the manor is unique in its own way. Firstly, all rooms except the living room, where the game begins, require a certain level to start exploring them. If you don’t want to wait, you can buy access to them with diamonds. Secondly, rooms are sealed with locks, the keys to which you can buy at the game store with coins. Tap a room on the manor map to open up an entrance window, which displays how much money and experience you will get for successful completion. You will also see how much energy you will spend, as well as which items can drop after completion. After you’ve explored a particular room a certain amount of times, your mastery level for that specific room is increased. As your mastery level grows, the time allotted for the room’s exploration and the amount of items you need to find change, while the coins and experience awarded and energy requirements are increased. Each additional mastery level also increases your chances of finding collection items in the room, and the list of dropped collection items expands.
Exploring Rooms
Upon entering a room you see its furnishings and randomized items. On the right-hand side of the screen is a list of items you need to find. Above the list is a timer, which shows the time allotted to complete the room. Below the list is a toolbar which can help to complete a room. Move the magnifying glass around the room to find all the items from the list before your time runs out. Hover over an item and tap. If the item you find is one of the required items, it will disappear from the list. When you’ve found all the required items, the room is completed. The reward for completing the room is displayed in the window when you exit it.
Quests and Collection Items
In every room there lives a character who will ask you to carry out certain quests for them. These quests include exploring specific rooms, acquiring specific items, assembling collections, and so on. Upon completing a quest, the player will be able to keep the items they want; this will be explained in a special window. Collections are special sets of five items that drop when you complete quests or explore rooms. You can charge an assembled collection on the collection screen (chest icon) and receive a bonus, indicated in the parenthesis next to the collection name. Every time you charge a collection, one of the items that comprise the collection is removed, as well as one of the essential elements, such as a Mobius band, a Klein bottle, a Schrodinger box, and others. You can find these elements by exploring rooms or banishing snatchins, receive them as gifts from friends or purchase them in the store.
Room Modes
The rooms have several exploration modes, which are randomly selected in a manner beyond your control.
Words – you search for items by seeing their names in a list.
Silhouettes – you search for items by comparing their symbolic images-silhouettes against items in the room.
Night – you search for items by their names in a dark room.
Phenomena are special game modes that randomly appear in rooms. Every phenomenon increases the amount of energy required to explore the room you’ve captured, as well as adjacent rooms. You can explore the phenomenon by completing the room. If successful, you receive a bonus in addition to your usual reward. After a phenomenon has been explored, it leaves behind a special curse mode. You can also save your energy and banish the anomaly with a special item which can be purchased for diamonds. Currently there are four phenomena attacking the Mystery Manor:
Mist. The flow of time in a room is doubled, the item list is in the form of silhouettes, the room is shrouded in darkness. Can be banished with an Illuminati Lamp. Leaves behind the Evil Eye curse, which simply increases the time of completion.
Will-o’-the-Wisp. The flow of time in a room is doubled. The phenomenon can be banished with a Tesla Coil. Leaves behind the Witch’s Curse, which causes the timer to run extremely fast and jumbles up the letters in the item list.
Indigenous Idol. This terrible statue from Easter Island not only speeds up time, but thoroughly confuses players by swapping the letters in words. Can be banished with an Angry Idol. The Stone-Tongue curse left behind by the idol does the same thing, except the timer runs normally.
UFO phenomenon. Crafty aliens take advantage of the room’s total darkness to turn everything upside down and cause the time to flow faster. The phenomenon can be banished with a Proton Hyperboloid. The Zero Gravity curse left behind by the UFO also leaves the room upended, though the room is now light and the timer runs normally.
Tools in Rooms
You can use special tools to make difficult explorations easier.
Compass – hints at the item’s location in the room
Golden Bomb – blows up 5 items or 4 silhouettes
Flare – illuminates a dark room for 30 seconds
Flashlight / Enhanced Flashlight – temporarily increases the light range
Time Snail / Enhanced Time Snail – temporarily slows the flow of time
Time Freeze – temporarily stops the flow of time in a room
You can acquire tools in the game store, receive them as rewards for completing the characters’ quests, or by charging collections. You can buy restock on spent tools while exploring a room by clicking on the + icon in the given tool’s slot, but it will cost 30% more than its regular store price. The timer will be frozen while the purchase is being made.
Game FAQ
How do I restore my energy?
Energy is restored on its own at the rate of one unit every three minutes. The waiting time can be reduced with Copper and Golden Phoenix charms. The Energy can also be restored with special energy boosts that can be purchased at the game shop or taken as awards for charging certain collections or unlocking achievements.
What does it mean that there is a chance the item can be found?
It means that it's not guaranteed that the item will be found with the first try.
Why did an item disappear from my collection?
Some items are removed after completition of the quests,. It is always mentioned in the clue and in the special window which pops up after the quest is completed.
What level can I find gypsies and snatchins at?
Gypsies appear around the walls of the Mystery Manor beginning with 14th level. Snatchins emerge from the shadows as follows:
Bookworms – from level 5
Hungries – from level 5
Thieves – from level 5
Ear-Twisters – from level 9
Grubbies – from level 9
Snowdolls – from level 10
Where can I get diamonds?
When you gain a level you are awarded with 5 diamonds, but you can also trade in the bank for them.
How can I find my profession?
Your profession is selected randomly and is only useful for your friends, as it gives them various bonuses from using assistance.
How do I banish a phenomenon?
A phenomenon can be banished with a special item or by completing a room under more complicated conditions.
Where do I get horseshoes?
All horseshoes can be purchased in the store. Copper and silver horseshoes sometimes drop in rooms and golden horseshoes are given when you activate the Midas’ Hand artifact. Also, copper horseshoes may be given as gifts from friends. Silver horseshoes are included as a bonus for charging the Fussy Horses collection.
Where do I find items to open the special rooms?
Some of them you can get as a bonus for visiting friends. You can also get them by charging certain collections. Items required for entering Bosses' rooms can be found in the chests received after winning a Boss.
As your room mastery level grows, the amount of items required to enter the room is increased:
Novice – 10.
Trainee – 20.
Detective – 30.
Professional – 40.
Expert – 50.
Where do I get the parts for the intergalactic beacon and decoder, and how much do they cost?
These items have a chance to drop from aliens. Each part costs 1 diamond.
How do I use energy boosts from my inventory?
Tap the item icon and you'll see a window with "Use" button on it - tap it to boost your energy.
How do I rescue a friend?
You need to tap them, then select the Rescue option and explore the room, where the friends are. If you are successful, your friend will become your helper, which will be indicated by the hand icon above the head.
Who are the helpers? How do I use their services?
Tap a helper to take them to a room with you. If you are successful, you will receive an additional bonus. A helper will go with you to complete any room you select with a magnifying glass icon above their head. All player characters have some profession that will determine the bonus for their help in a room:
Banker - take your friend into a room to receive 10% more coins.
Scientist - your friend will add 10% experience for exploring a room.
Explorer - your friend will increase your chances of finding a collection item by 5%.
The profession bonus is valid for one room exploration. After this your friend will roam the map drowsy and tired, unless you energize them with a special Alarm Clock. Your helper can also be awakened by your friends.
How do I visit my friends?
You can visit your friends by using the "Friends" button in the main menu on the right side of the game screen.
Are there bonuses for visiting your friends?
When you visit your friend for the first time per day, you get a reward. The quantity of rewards depends on your reputation level: 1 at level 1, 2 at level 2, and so on. However, you can only get a reward from each friend once a day, which is why the quantity of rewards cannot exceed the quantity of friends.
How can I help a friend?
In your friends’ manors you can tap their opened rooms to leave a clue there so your friends could use it exploring the room. Also you can tap the alarm clocks above your friend’s helpers to energize them. Any time you help a friend in any way, you are rewarded with reputation points.
And how can my friend help me?
Your friends can leave clues for you in your rooms. It could increase the bonus prize for exploration of the rooms. The bonus depends on your friend’s profession: a banker increases the quantity of coins, a scientist increases experience, and an explorer increases your chances of finding a collection item. Also, your friends can energize your helpers.
You now have an amazing chance to take part in Mystic Battles on the Arena!
Test your strength! Fight other players and win unique prizes!
How do I start a battle?
To take part in Mystic Battles, you first need to build an Arena. Inside, you’ll be able to study the rankings of the best players, see possible rewards, and start a battle.
To start a battle, you need willpower. You can replenish it by tapping the swords icon or simply wait for it to recharge with time.
Tap the ‘To battle!’ button and wait for matchmaking to find suitable opponents for you. This might take a moment, so be patient and don’t quit the game.
As soon as all the contestants have been determined, you will be taken to the combat window or will receive a system message.
How do I fight?
In order to fight, you need to have a weapon: You can trade monsters for one or simply buy one through the combat window. To deal damage, you need to choose your weapon and tap the ‘Use’ button. Note, that weapons need time to recharge. More expensive weapons deal more damage.
What types of weapons are there?
Weapons can be found in two different tabs: ‘Weapons’ and ‘Effects’. In the ‘Weapons’ tab, you’ll find items that deal damage. In the ‘Effects’ tab, you’ll find items that replenish health and cast various effects.
Health replenishing weapons:
Effect casting weapons:
How do I select an opponent/teammate?
To choose an opponent or a teammate, tap their icon on the list and a border will appear around that player. By default, you and the first opponent on the list are chosen.
What is player value?
Player value is the measure of all useful things a player does during combat. It includes dealt damage, restored health and also all negative and positive cast effects.
Player value determines the leaders in both teams.
How do I find out how much health my opponent/teammate has left?
You will see your opponent’s or teammate's heath bar after selecting them from the list.
What happens if my health runs out?
If your health reaches zero, you are no longer able to fight and won’t be able to use weapons until the end of the battle. However, you can spectate for the rest of the fight.
How do I win?
To win, you need to be the first to lower all your opponents’ health bars to zero. Try to use your weapon as soon as it recharges.
How are rewards determined?
As a reward for victory, you will receive a unique chest, gold, experience, honor points and medals. The personal reward is determined by how actively a player participated in the fight and which place they took in the end. Go to the Arena and tap the ‘Reward’ button to find out more about prizes.
Don’t worry if you didn’t defeat your opponents. You'll get a runner-up prize for all the damage you dealt.
What is a medal?
Medals are unique rewards, which can only be acquired through battles. Save up enough medals, and you’ll be able to purchase incredibly useful items in a special section of the store.
What are ranks?
Ranks are titles given to the most successful battle participants. There are a total of 13 ranks starting with Claimant and all the way up to Lord of the Arena.
At first, winning Mystic Battles is enough to receive a new rank.
Only a limited number of players can have the seven highest ranks. To advance in the top ranks, you need more victories than your opponents.
Ranks, number of victories needed, maximum players:

Claimant — this rank is for new players who have less than 10 victories.

Warrior — this rank is for players who have 10 victories under their belt.

Seasoned Veteran — this rank is for players who have 100 victories under their belt.

Thug — this rank is for players who have 250 victories under their belt.

Pursuer — this rank is for players who have 500 victories under their belt.

Conqueror — this rank is for players who have 750 victories under their belt.
Murderous — this rank is for players who have 1000 victories under their belt (no more than 150 players can have this rank at the same time).

Commander — this rank is for players who have 1500 victories under their belt (no more than 50 players can have this rank at the same time).

Keeper — this rank is for players who have 2000 victories under their belt (no more than 25 players can have this rank at the same time).

Stone Guardian — this rank is for players who have 2500 victories under their belt (no more than 15 players can have this rank at the same time).

Furious Gladiator — this rank is for players who have 3000 victories under their belt (no more than 7 players can have this rank at the same time).

Master of War — this rank is for players who have 4000 victories under their belt (no more than 2 players can have this rank at the same time).

Lord of the Arena — this rank is for players who have 5000 victories under their belt (only one player can have this rank).
Interface improvements
The Pillow

Pillow marks those of your friends, who did not visited the game for a week or more. It does not let you to visit those friends, but it allows you to call your friends to get back to the game. If the friend you have called get back to the game you will receive a pleasant gift. Only five friends can be marked with pillow at the same time. If any other friend will not enter the game for a long time, they will take the pillow from it's oldest owner.
Gift raiting

The new icon in the friends list indicates the number of gifts that the player sent in the latest seven days. It will help you to decide if it is an active player or not.
Quest line icons
These are the small icons in the upper-right corner of the most quest icons. They indicate the relation of the quest to some game event (e.g. gathering the Birate brig or completion the Fullmoon event). You can check what event does it indicate by tapping that icon in the quest window.
Welcome to Zodiac!
Have you ever thought why such strange things take place in Mystery Manor? What led to this? Who or what became the reason of all these obscure events? Now you have a chance to lift the veil of mystery and find out some exciting details of Mystery Manor history! Take part in real spirit rapping, travel to the depths of memory and find the legendary Holy Grail!
Zodiac is a new mode of room exploration. You will recognise it by the original sign in the corner of the room.
To play in this mode you shall assemble Ocularis Spiritus(complete special sequence of quests). Only with its help you will be able to find signs of Zodiac.
To enter any room in new mode you will need unique items – shatters of Zodiac. You can get the items trading with Gypsies and exploring rooms in other modes.
Zodiac mode appears in a room with a chance of any other mode. There can be no more than 3 rooms in Zodiac mode simultaneously.
From now you have a wonderful possibility to go deeper into the world of our hidden adventure and get touch with mighty creatures of it. Bosses are very experienced in fight and have an unbelievable power of resistance so you now have a unique chance to face the most interesting challenge ever! If you are brave enough, you can begin a battle and do your best to win. Your frineds can help you - become a legend together.
After your glorious victory you will receive a chest with very important items, among which will be fresh energetics, mighty charms, useful requisites and items to charge striking new collections. Reveal the cover of that mystery chest and get requisites, which are extremly necessary to open a door to completely new corners of manor – to the rooms, which will meet you with a wide range of new items and collections, for gathering of which you will get the most tempting rewards ever!
Let's have a deeper look into the battle with a boss on example of General of snatchins.
The room of General of snathins is Bunker. General is ill and you need to cure him. As a gratitude he will allow you to explore the Bunker, which is well-guarded by snatchins. To get into the room You'll have to go through several stages:
1) Clear the Bunker
On this stage you shall collect a set of different items, which you need to dig out the Bunker. Your friends can send you the items as gifts. Having collected the required amount of items you need to tap “Upgrade” button in Bunker window to proceed to the next stage.

2) Collecting keys
The Bunker is dug out and you need to collect miraculous keys to the bunker by banishing snatchin – guardsmen and knights using Chocolate medals, which can be found while exploring the rooms of the Manor. You also can buy keys for diamonds. After you will have the keys collected you will have to tap “Upgrade” button in Bunker window to proceed to the next stage.
3) Entering the battle
Bunker is open and you are ready to enter the battle. You can do it in different ways:
Tap Bunker and choose “New” to create a new battle with a Boss.
Tap Bunker and choose “Join” to join one of already existing battles of other players. If nobody is in battle at the moment, the new one will be created automatically.
Tap on the invitation to the battle from your friend, which occurs on the wall. In this case you'll try to join your friend's battle. You will not join it, if it is almost finished or if the maximum amount of player are already in the battle.
4) Battle with Boss
On this stage you need to use specified items to damage the Boss, or as in our case, to heal the Boss. Some items can be re-used only after certain period of time. The amount of actions is limited. Every time you use the item you spend one action, so you'd better to choose what items to use in advance.
You can battle against a Boss alone or together with your friends. Friends will not be able to join the battle if time has almost ended up or if Boss is almost defeated. Every battle lasts a limited period of time. If during this period the Boss wasn't defeated all the participants of the battle lose and the rooms turns to the “Collecting keys” stage.
After winning the Boss his room becomes available to explore and you will get a chest as a reward. The contents of the chest depend on you activity in battle.
You will have 2 hours to explore room of the Boss. After it the rooms turn to the “Collecting keys” stage. To explore the room you will need the keys as for Fortune-Telling room or Pirate Brig.
If necessary you can always lock the Boss room and go back to the stage of “Collecting keys” by tapping the “Go back to Boss” button. It can be necessary if you want to help your friend in a battle or if you don't have enough keys to explore the room.
Boss battles window
When you are in the yard you can find new “Bosses” button. Tap it to see new window with the list of all Bosses of the Manor. The picture of each Boss depends on his stage.
If you did not reach the level required to open Boss room, the icon would look like a silhouette. When the level is reached, the icon will become black-and-white.
The icon will remain black-and-white until you collect the required amount of keys and let the Boss out. Tap the icon to see the amount of collected keys. When the keys are collected, the icon will become colored.
Colored icon means that you are ready for the fight. Press any Boss icon to switch to the window, which will let you to proceed to the next stage. Press the colored Boss picture to go to the list of available fights, where you will be able to switch between the fights of All players or only Friends. For every battle you will see the Bosses life points and time left as well as the amount of fighting players.
The number of available fights is shown in the right lower corner of the Boss icon.
Besides, you can limit the access for not invited players. Set a tick next to the "By invitation only" option. In this case uninvited players won't see this battle in the public list
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