What is Cloud Raiders about? What do I do here?
Cloud Raiders offer you a unique chance to build your own floating island fortress. Raise massive walls, construct defensive towers and bunkers to fight off the pirate raiders, and when your home is safe, train a host of your own swashbucklers to raid, pillage and battle thousands of other players for loot and glory!
How do I train an army? What types of units are there?
Troops are built at your training grounds. You start the game with the basic unit type – the Raiders. Stronger units are unlocked as you upgrade the building. At higher levels, training grounds grant you access to some of the most powerful units in the game. Please note that the size of your army is limited by the total capacity of your Troop Camps. But don't worry, they can be upgraded too, to provide more housing space!
What do I do with my army?
There's a variety of options to choose from when your army is trained and ready to do some damage. Leave some troops in the defensive bunkers to protect your base while you're away, or complete the campaign by repelling pirate raids and launching powerful counter-attacks to punish them for their insolence. Your main goal, however, is to raid other players' islands and bring home as much loot as you can carry!
Why can't I train more troops?
Your Troop Camps are probably full. Upgrade some of them or build more to create additional housing space for your units.
What's the Bunker for and how do I use it?
The Bunker is your most potent defensive structure. Station your troops inside to protect the island from incoming attacks. When you are away, units stationed in the Bunker will deploy and engage the enemy in case the base is attacked. But if the pirates attack your base while you are playing, you can deploy your Bunker units just like you deploy troops when attacking enemy strongholds.
What are resources for? What types of resources are there in the game?
There are three types of resources in Cloud Raiders: Gold, Clouds and Diamonds.
Gold is mainly used to purchase new buildings and base defenses.
Cloud is the basic component for troop training.
Diamonds are an extremely valuable commodity that can be traded for other resources.
How and where do I get more resources?
Use Gold Drills to mine Gold on your island, and Cloud Beacons to extract Clouds from the sky. Gold and Clouds can also be earned by completing tasks or pillaging enemy bases. Diamonds are earned by completing certain tasks and leveling up. They are also available for purchase in the treasury!
Why can't I collect the Gold from my Gold Drills, or Clouds from my Cloud Beacon?
If you can't collect resources, check your storage capacity! If your Gold Storage or Cloud Silos are full, you'll need to upgrade them or build more to create extra storage space.
What is ammo and how do I use it?
Ammo is fired from your Battle Carrier's guns when you defend your base. You can upgrade ammo and unlock new ammo types in the Ammo Forge (check out the shop for it). In combat, your Battle Carrier is always floating nearby, ready to rain down some heavy punishment. Simply drag the ammo icon on the area you wish to attack, and watch the hellfire unleashed. Different types of ammunition have different purpose and effects which range from poison DoT to freezing enemy units to dealing massive splash damage, etc.
Why can't I use other ammo types?
Simply construct the Ammo Forge to be able to unlock new ammo types and upgrade them to deal insane amounts of damage!
How do I upgrade my units, barrels and ammo?
Unit and barrel upgrades are unlocked when you build the Research Shack. Upgrades improve the power of your units and barrels dramatically. You will have to build an Ammo Forge to improve your ammo and unlock new ammo types.
What does the Barrel Brewery do, and what are Barrels?
The Barrel Brewery is where you order Barrels filled with various sorts of magical substances. Build the Barrel Brewery to access powerful buffs which you can use in battle. When you engage the enemy, drag a barrel from the attack bar and drop it next to your units. Barrel buffs don't deal direct damage to the enemy; instead, they greatly empower your troops. There's an arsenal of amazing barrels at your disposal and many more are coming up soon!
The Healing Barrel creates an aura that heals your units, keeping them alive longer. Upgraded Healing Barrels allow your units to hold position under enemy fire while taking minimal damage.
The Fog Barrel creates a dense fog screen that hides your units from enemy troops and defenses.
The Enrage Barrel greatly increases your troop's stamina and power making them extremely difficult to deal with for a few brief moments.
Traps? What are those for?
Traps are a sneaky little way to surprise anyone foolish enough to set foot on your island. Place some traps on the approaches to your base where you think the enemy will deploy. Once an enemy unit enters the trap's range, the trap is triggered, laying waste to the surrounding area. There are different kinds of traps you can use: some freeze your enemies, some are effective against flying units. There are even traps that will destroy enemies on the spot with a bolt of lightning!
How do I protect my base from other raiders?
The easiest way to do so is to purchase a special shield which surrounds your island with a thick cloud screen, hiding it from the prying eyes of enemy scouts. But we're not looking for an easy way here, are we?
The secret of a well-protected base is in its layout. Always keep important buildings like your stronghold and resource storages protected! Surround the base with an impregnable wall and place some towers behind it to destroy the enemy on approach. There's a virtually endless number of possible layouts. Some are better for generating resources, some are intended for defending them. Check out our community for useful tips and share your effective layouts with others!
What's an island shield, and why do I need one?
An island shield temporarily hides your island from other players, stopping them from raiding your base and buying you some time to reinforce your defenses and prepare for enemy attacks.
How can I speed up the construction of my defenses and buildings?
When you tap on a building which is under construction, a green button with a progress bar appears. Tap it to speed up the construction in exchange for a few diamonds.
Who are the Dragon Warriors and how do I hire them?
Dragon Warriors are powerful fighters and each has their own special abilities. To hire Dragon Warriors, you need to build a Dragon Academy, which becomes available once your Stronghold has reached level 6.

How does wall multi-selection work?
Tap or click on any wall twice to start multi-selection, then each wall section you tap will expand the selection. You can also press the “Select Row” button to select an entire row of wall sections. Upgrading multiple wall sections at a time is available once your Stronghold reaches level 4.
Can I change my name in the game?
Yes, each player can change their name 3 times. To change your name, go to your profile and press the “Change Name” button.
What are Island Skins and how do I change them?
With a new Island Skin, you can change the landscape of your flying island base. Island Skins are available in the exclusive item shop and are unlocked after you beat the pirate or goblin challenges by earning all ribbons and medals. To change to a different skin, go to the inventory or challenge menu to see all your skins. Then simply tap on the apply skin button and voila: your base will now look super cool and special. You can always change the island skin back by going to the inventory and applying the Greenlands skin.
What are the Dragon Cannon and Mirror Shield?
This is powerful boost that will help you in battle against pirates and goblins. It only works in Campaign mode!
What is the Treasure Island Conquest?
Every week, there is a chance that a Rogue Treasure Island will appear near your base. When you see it, prepare for a contest of skill and reflexes! Amazing rewards await those who beat the treasure guardians in record time!Check out winner's replays for a sneak into winning strategies and improve on them with your own twist. Treasure Island Conquest lasts for around 5 days, with a new conquest map each week!
What are these new Treasure Island tiers about?
We have divided Treasure Island into tiers, distributing players according to their strength. The top 50 players of each tier will be receiving prizes, and the higher the tier, the bigger the rewards!
What is Campaign Conquest?
Once you beat a campaign on normal difficulty, you will get the chance to truly test your mettle. Complete the Pirate and Goblin conquest modes to receive rewards by facing off against tougher opponents! Oh, and if you complete all the conquests in a campaign, you will unlock an exclusive island skin to move your base to a new landscape!
What is Architect Mode?
To access Architect mode, click the icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen. There, you can completely reset your base's layout and build a new one from the scratch! Once you are satisfied with the result, click "Save Layout" and enjoy your new base!
What is Global Chat and how to use it?
Global chat is a simple and easy way to share information in the game. Get new people to join your clan, visit other peoples' bases and more. Click the word bubble tab on the right part of the screen to open the chat window. Tapping on a message field will open the menu with all sorts of messages to choose from.
What is Ignore List and how to manage it?
Any clan player can be added to your ignore list and you won't ever see their messages again. Just click or tap one of their messages and select "Ignore". Voila! No more of their messages in your clan chat!
If you ever change your mind, adding them back is just as simple: In clan chat settings, select the "Ignore List" tab and clear the mark next to your fellow player's nickname. Their messages will show up in chat once again.
What is Valor? How do I earn it and what's in it for me?
Valor is an important stat that shows how good you are in PvP battles. After a successful raid, you bring home gold, resources and a certain amount of Valor. Valor earns you renown as a great warrior and the chance to receive some valuable rewards.
What is Revenge? Is it like real-life revenge?
Launching a crushing successful raid against a player who has just raided your base is what we call Revenge. Try to keep it respectful, though. Remember, we're all raiders here.
I've heard there are Raid Replays? Where can I watch them?
Check out the activity log on the left side of the screen for a list of recent PvP raids. In the top-left corner of each entry there's a 'Replay' button which you can tap to watch how the raid played out. Learn from others' mistakes and add winning strategies to your arsenal!
What is the Command Flag and how do i use it?
With the Command Flag, you can direct your troops on the battlefield. All your troops will move toward the flag wherever it is dropped and attack whatever is near it. If you drop the flag onto a building, your troops will move to destroy it. It’s allowed to use up to two Command Flags per battle. You can earn command flags by completing the single-player campaign or purchasing them in the shop.
What is the Valor Challenge? How do I sign up?
Valor Challenge is a weekly event for those who enjoy a good PvP fight. Its goal is to earn as much Valor as possible. All you have to do is raid and pillage for 7 days and get into the Top 50 of the player rating for an amazing prize! If you win, rewards will be automatically transferred to you as soon as you log into the game. More information can be found in the player leaderboard. Open it to learn about the active Valor Challenge, its rules, rewards, current leaders and past winners.
What are the different tier levels in Valor Challenge? Wasp, Bear, Dragon?
To give every raider in Cloud Raiders a fair chance to compete with players of equal skill, we have separated the Valor Challenge into tiers based on Defence and Attack power potential. So, for example a level 4 Stronghold player will not be competing against a level 7 Stronghold. Higher tiers yield bigger rewards, so you should always aim to get higher in the leaderboards.
What are clans and what are they for?
Clans are groups of people who band together to challenge the clan leaderboards and have a good time. You can exchange troops via the Clan Docks which gives you extra units during your raids.
How do I join a clan?
In order to join a clan, you must restore your Clan Dock, which is located in the top-left part of your island. Once restored, you can choose to join one of the recommended clans or search for existing ones with your friends.
How do I create a clan?
To create a clan of your own, you must first restore the Clan Dock located in the top-left part of your island. Then, tap on the clan dock and choose the option to create a clan. You can pick a cool name, create a unique emblem and set various settings like, the minimum amount of valor your potential clanmates must have to join. You can also change the type of your clan from Open (where anyone can join it), to Closed (where the clan leader and clan officers will have to approve other player applications first), or Private, where you must invite players on your own.
How can I leave a clan?
You need to go to Clan Information and click on the "Leave Clan" button in the upper-right corner.
How do I donate and receive clan troops?
To ask your clan members to send you troops, tap on the chat button to the right of your screen and tap the "Request Troops" button. This will send a message to all your clan members asking them to supply you with reinforcements. To donate troops, open the clan chat window and look for chat messages from your clan members, asking for troops. Simply tap on the button with the request and select which troops you want to donate. Simple!
How can I get more clan troops in my clan dock?
To increase your Clan Troops housing capacity, simply upgrade your clan dock.
What's a Clan Tournament?
Just what it says, its a weekly gathering of clans, fighting for dominance in the leaderboards. Top clans get great rewards, special clan trophies for all to see and a permanent place in the history of the tournament.
How do I join a Clan Tournament?
Simple! Every week when the tournament starts, this marks the start for your to begin raiding other players and earn valor. Visit the leaderboards to see the tourney rankings in the Top Clans tab. Every clan starts out with 0 valor points each week (this does not affect your global clan's standing in leaderboards), every successful victory that brings valor to you, will also bring valor towards the tournament standing of your clan. Work together with your clan to coordinate raids and work together to reach the goal.
When do I get my prize?
Prizes are awarded the next day after the tournament has ended and all valor points have been accounted for. You will get an ingame notification if you won anything.
How do I complete Clan Tasks and earn exclusive Clan Items?
Completing a Clan Task requires teamwork. Open your Clan profile and select the Clan Tasks tab to view the tasks you have available. Complete them to unlock additional Walls, Traps and powerful Boosts. How does a permanent bonus to the training speed of your troops sound? Or faster resource production rate? Clans that want to show others who's boss may even acquire Artifacts that serve both as tokens of your power and buffs!
What are Clan Levels and how to earn them?
Clan levels is an easy way to see how powerful a clan is. You can increase your clan level by gaining clan experience, from completing Clan Tasks, or having your clan members win various events such as Valor Challenge or Treasure Island!
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