lunedì 19 marzo 2018

Astro Garden-Timed Event Quest:Ecology Festival

Removing garbage
I. Plant seeds: eccological cabbage x 15 
Chop trees: x 10
II. Plant seeds: solar lemon x 12 
Plant seeds: wind onions x 12
III. Expel All monsters x 3 
Collect extra: nature's energy x 3
IV. Send a gift to your friend: x 5 
Feed the animal: chicken x 5
V. Create: small garbage bag x 6 
Clear rocks x 5

VI. Complete the RC's assignment:  cleaning of the woods  x 1 (28 medium garbage bag, 230 energy)

Earth's day

VI. Complete the RC's assignment:  cleaning the meadow  x 1 (84 big garbage bag, 790 energy)
Ecological event

Tidy holiday

VI. Complete the RC's assignment:  cleaning of the river x 1 (334 big garbage bag, 3290 energy)

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