domenica 26 novembre 2017

High School Story-F.A.Q

How do I save my High School Story game online (Apple Devices)?

High School Story is saved through your Game Center account! To make sure you are logged in, go to your device's settings and find the Game Center tab. Your Game Center ID is usually your Apple ID. When you launch High School Story, you'll see a "Welcome Back" message on the top of the screen. The message indicates that you're playing a server game!

If you don't have a Game Center ID, we highly recommend you get one! If you uninstall the game for any reason, your local game could be potentially wiped and we don't have a way of recovering it!

How do I save my High School Story game online (Android)?

Your online High School Story game is saved through your Google+ account. To check you are logged in, go to High School Story, settings, settings tab, log into Google+. If you're already logged in, you're all set!

If you do not have a Google+ account, we highly recommend you get one! A Google+ account is the same as your Gmail account! If you uninstall High School Story or your app crashes for any reason, you could potentially lose all of your progress if it isn't saved online!

Why can't I play the game in other languages?

High School Story is only in English for now. We hope to add other languages in the future!

I sent you guys a message! How come you haven't answered yet?

We're sorry for the wait! We get tons of questions from our fans every day, and we answer as quickly as possible. Thanks for your patience! We’ll get back to you ASAP!

When does this game end?

The story has just begun! With your support, there won’t be an end anytime soon. Think of High School Story like your favorite TV show, with new adventures every week! Check back soon for more quests!

I don't see the answer to my question!

If we haven't answered your question, close the Help section and tap on the "Send Message" button. You can send a question directly to us. We try and respond to all questions within a few days!

Why isn't my XP bar moving?

Like all games, when you are higher level, it will take more time for you to get to the next level! Do not worry though, we are releasing 2-3 quests a week so leveling won't take long.
Just keep finishing the quests with XP and you will eventually level up!

Where do I sign up to be a Beta tester?

We appreciate your enthusiasm! Our list is currently full, but we will open enrollment again and make an announcement if other players drop out. Thank you!

How can I view my school better?

If you press the minus sign at the top right of your screen, this button will remove the overlay! You will be able to see your school without your level, rings or coins getting in the way. To bring the overlay back, simply press the button again! 

What fonts does High School Story use?

High School Story uses Freshman, Open Sans Condensed Bold, and Open Sans Extra Bold. 


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How do I get more coins?

Coins are the most useful currency in High School Story! You can spend them to buy Buildings, Books, Decorations, and Classmates for your school.

You earn Coins through your Classmates! Each Classmate you place in a Hangout will generate Coins for you. Higher level Classmates earn coins faster!

Having more Classmates and Hangouts will help you earn more Coins! When you see the Coin icon appear above a Hangout, tap on it to collect your Coins. Be sure to check your Hangouts frequently -- each one has a limit to how many Coins it can hold at once. Upgrade your Hangouts to store more Coins at a time!

Of course, if you need Coins even faster, you can always buy them in the Store! Try getting a Bundle with Books and Rings to get more bang for your buck!

How do I get more books?

Your Classmates need to study to level up! You can use Coins to buy Books from the Classrooms to level up your Classmates. Upgrade your Classrooms to buy more Books at a time (upgrading is unlocked during level 5)!

Of course, if your Classmates want to read faster, you can always buy more Books from the store!  Try getting a Bundle with Coins and Rings to get more bang for your buck!

How do I get more rings without paying?

Rings are the rarest and most valuable currency in High School Story! But don’t worry, there are lots of ways to get Rings! Here are a few:

1. You can earn Rings simply by playing quests! Higher-level quests are more likely to award you rings.

2. Answering Your Voice questions at The Dish (unlocked during Level 5) will earn you lots of prizes… including Rings! You could earn as many as 1000 Rings by answering just one question!

3. Are you linked to social media yet? The first 20 Facebook friends you link to your game will earn you Rings!

4. You can also earn Rings if your friends (linked through Facebook) send you on quests!

5. You can earn Rings by leveling couple to higher dating levels on the Isle of Love! Ooh la la!

6. Completing Weekly Goals for Tickets, which you can redeem for Rings and other fun prizes!

7. Go to the Library and playing some vocab minigames will award you with you extra credit in the form of valuable Rings!

8.     Check out the Fantasy Photo Booth and go on date quests. Some of them can also earn you Rings.

Of course, if you need even more Rings, you can always buy them in the Store!  Try getting a Bundle with Coins and Books to get more bang for your buck.

Help! I bought rings/coins/books with real money and they aren't appearing!

If your purchased Rings, Coins, or Books haven’t loaded yet, try exiting out of the High School Story app, restarting your device, and reloading HSS. This should prompt your app to start downloading your paid items.

If this doesn’t work, you might have trouble loading items because of cache issues. Follow these instructions to clear your cache before you make any additional purchase:

1. Open your device's main Settings menu.

2. Under Device, go to Apps or Application manager

3. Swipe to view All apps.

4. Select the High School Story app.

5. Under Cache, tap Clear cache. Make sure that you do NOT clear data.

These instructions may vary slightly between devices. If these steps do not work, send us a message, and we’ll see what we can do to help! 

Can I trade Coins for Rings?

At this time you can not trade or convert Coins into Rings. However we understand this is a highly requested feature and may look into it in the future!

Can I trade coins for books?

You can buy Books with Coins in the Classroom! Just click on the Classroom and choose one of the Book-buying options! The more Books you buy at a time, the better deal you get!

You can also purchase Books with real money in the Store. Try getting a Bundle with Coins and Rings to get more bang for your buck!

How many starter packs and bundles can I buy?

You can only buy one of each bundle! But don't worry, we hope to have more bundles in the future!

What is the Admissions Office?

The Admissions Office is a building that allows you to enroll new students in your school!    You purchase the Admissions Office from the Buildings section of the Store. It can only be upgraded with rings to allow more students to be admitted at a time.

 How do I get more Hangouts?

You can buy new hangouts from the Buildings section of the Store. If you can't tap on any of the hangouts in the Store, it means you've reached the maximum number of hangouts allowed for that level. 

To see how many hangouts you are allowed for the level you're on, look at the lower left-hand corner of any hangout in the Store. You will see a number that looks like this: 4/7. That means you currently have 4 hangouts in your school and you are allowed 7 total hangouts. Remember, that number 4 counts the total type of hangouts you have. So if you have 2 Prep and 2 Jock hangouts, this will equal 4.
Your hangout maximum will increase as you get to higher levels in the game, so be sure to level up by earning XP!

How do I move Hangouts?

All placeable objects from buildings to decor items can be moved wherever you like in your High School:
Select an item > tap on the "Move." icon. 

You may now drag the item to move it to where you want. If the highlight turns red, it means you can't put the building there - usually this is because the plot of land isn't active or you're overlapping with another item. 

When you have the building where you want, just tap the green check box. 

My Admissions Office and Hangouts are all full!

If you need to place a new classmate into a hangout, but all your hangouts are full, you will need to make room by selling an existing classmate. 

Be sure the classmate you sell is from the hangout you need to make room in. For example, sell a classmate from your Nerd Hangout if you need to make room for a new Nerd Classmate.

As you reach higher levels in the game, you will be allowed more hangouts and you will be allowed to upgrade certain hangouts. Having more hangouts and upgraded hangouts means you'll have more room for new classmates, so be sure to level up by gaining XP!

When can I upgrade my Classroom?

The Classroom building is available at the start of the game. Over time, you can increase the number you can have (at levels 3, 8, and 11). You can upgrade classrooms to provide more books. 

You can upgrade classrooms beginning at Level 5! Tap on the Classroom you want to upgrade, and then tap the "Upgrade" button at the bottom of the screen. 

What do I do if I have no more room in my school to put a building down on?

You can expand your school by buying more land! Look at the edge of your school, you will see For Sale signs on them. Tap the sign and buy the land with your coins. Now you have more land!

When can I upgrade my Hangouts?

Hangout upgrades get unlocked on certain level ups. The first Hangout you can upgrade is the Prep at the beginning of level 7! The next would be the Jock at level 8! Once you upgrade a Hangout, it can hold more students and money!

If you aren't sure if you can level a building up or not, tap on the building.  If you can upgrade the building, there will be an Upgrade button.  Tap on it to see what the next upgrade looks like.

Why didn't I get more hangouts when I leveled?

When you level, you will either get more hangouts or unlock an upgrade to a hangout! Upgrades will let you fit more students in the hangout. So if you run out of room, try upgrading your hangouts!

How do I upgrade a building?

To upgrade a building, tap on it, then tap the Upgrade button at the bottom of the screen.

Keep in mind that building upgrades are only available at certain levels.  The first building you can upgrade is the Admissions Office. 

If an Upgrade button doesn't appear at the bottom of the screen when you tap on a building, it means that the building isn't eligible for an upgrade just yet.

Help! I bought the Prom Throne but don’t have enough space to put it anywhere!

Don’t worry! If you don’t yet have space to add the Prom Throne, it’ll stay in the Building Store until you do!

What happens to the Prom Throne after 30 days?

After 30 days, the Prom Throne won’t produce any more Rings, but it will still stay in your school as a beautiful decoration! If you want it to start earning Rings again, just tap it and hit ‘Restock’ to purchase another 30 days of Rings to collect! 

What is the Prom Throne?

The Prom Throne is the best way to earn Rings! Once built, it generates 30 Rings a day for 30 days! The Prom Throne can only hold 30 Rings at a time, so don’t forget to check in every day to collect your royal bounty! Once your 30 days are over, you can renew your reign by selecting the Prom Throne and tapping 'Restock'!

What is the 'Fantasy Photo Booth'?

The Fantasy Photo Booth is a brand new dating building! You can see what it is like to date your favorite characters without affecting your current relationship status in the Isle of Love! Fantasy Photo Booth dates are just for fun, so be sure to check out every date quest!

What is partying and how does it work?

Once you unlock the 'Party Central' building during the level 3 quest "The First Party”, you can send two students to a party. Partying will attract new students to join your school!

The new Classmate will be a combo of the attributes of the two students you send to the party. For example, if you throw a party between a Jock and a Prep, you might get a Cheerleader -- part Jock, part Prep -- to join your school.

Throwing parties between Classmates with one attribute (like a Jock and Prep) will give you the highest chance of getting a combination of that Classmate. You never know whether you’ll get a guy or a girl Classmate, but some are more rare than others (for example, a Cheerleader guy is more rare than a Cheerleader girl). The more times you try the same combination, the higher your chances are of getting a rare Classmate!

So what are you waiting for? Get partying and meet someone new!

When do I get to throw parties and go on dates?

If you haven’t unlocked the Isle of Love or Party Central, don’t worry! It won’t take long to get them. Party Central is unlocked in the middle of level 3. The Isle of Love is unlocked in the middle of level 4. In order to get to these levels, complete the quests that have XP as rewards. You’ll be throwing parties and going on dates in no time!

How many parties do I have to throw to get a rare character?

Every character type has a different probability that you will get a rare gender, such as a Cheerleading Guy or a Gamer Girl. Every time you don’t get a rare character, your chance of getting a rare character increases… so don’t give up! Even if a rare Classmate is difficult to get, you’re guaranteed to get one as long as you keep trying. If at first you don’t succeed...

How do I throw a party with a Prep and a Jock?

To throw a party with a Jock and a Prep, you first have to buy Party Central. To do this, visit the Buildings section of the Store. Once you’ve built a Party Central at your school, tap on it, then tap the balloon at the bottom of the screen labeled Party. Select a Prep Classmate and a Jock Classmate from the menus, then hit “Start Party”... and that’s it! You’ve thrown a party!

My party won’t finish! How do I get my Classmates out of a party?

When your Classmates are done partying, they always invite a new friend to enroll in your school. To finish a party, tap on your Admissions Office. You can then sell the new student or place the new student in the hangout that’s right for them!

If your Admissions Office is full, your party won’t be able to finish... so be sure to clear all enrolling Classmates from your Admissions Office to make room for new ones. Once you do that, you can welcome your new Classmate to your school!

Who do I have to party to get a Punk Rock / Parkour / Filmmaker / Wallflower / etc.?

To get a specific Classmate, find the Classmate type you want in the Store. The colorful banners to the left of each character's shoulder tells you which party combo you need to get them. Sometimes, a Classmate you want will have more than two banners, so you’ll need to party two hybrid-type Classmates.

And don’t forget, Classmate genders are random… but the more times you get a Classmate type, the higher your chances of getting the rarer gender. Whatever you do, don’t give up!

How do I level a Classmate?

To level a Classmate, first you'll need a Classroom where you need to buy some books. Then tap on the Classmate, and keep tapping the Learn button to spend the books until the meter fills all the way up. Leveling a Classmate will make them eligible for harder Quests!

How do I get a Rare Classmate?

When you send classmates on parties, you'll often find a new Classmate to join your school. For every character type, like Nerd, Actor, or Homecoming there is a more common type and a rarer type.

If you're trying to get a rare type, keep on partying the same combination that gets you the common type. The game tracks every time you get a common type. Every "failed" attempt at a rare actually increases your chance at getting a rare the next time.

Note: Every Classmate type, including Actor Girls, Dancer Guys, and Homecoming Queen can be found through Partying. You never have to purchase them with rings. But if you really can't wait, rare Classmates can be found in the Store!

How can I change my character’s type?

Right now, you can't change your own character's type.  However, we are planning a "Type Makeover" feature that will allow you to do this in the future. This is not an easy feature to add, so it may take a few months before we get this into an update!

What is a Student Gov?

Student Gov is a type of classmate, just like Jock, Nerd, or Cheerleader. 
You can buy a Student Gov classmate in the store, or try to unlock one by throwing parties with the right combination of classmates! 

What is a Prep?

A Prep is a type of Classmate, much like a Nerd or Jock. You can buy Prep students in the Store or from the Admissions Office with coins. You will need a Prep hangout to place Prep students in.

How do I admit Nishan?

Nishan is unlocked at the end of level 6, "Mission: Nerdpossible". He is a nerd so you must have room in your Nerd Hangout. The Nerd Hangout is tricky because it only holds two Classmates. So if you currently have two Classmates in your Nerd Hangout, you will need to get another Nerd Hangout or sell a student to make room for Nishan.

Remember, you can always check to see how many Classmates your Hangouts hold by tapping each Hangout, then tapping the Info button at the bottom of the screen.

How do I unlock Wes?

Wes is a Slacker and he is unlocked at the end of Level 12, "The Final Challenge". He belongs in the  Slacker Hangout, which you can buy from the Store. 

Is @AskPayton really Payton?

Yes! @AskPayton is the real deal!! Only Payton has a Twitter account though! So if you see the rest of the High School Story kids on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, it probably isn't them! If you are ever curious, just tweet Payton a message!

When are the new Hacker and Rebel characters unlocked?

Rebels and Hackers unlock at Level 17. Keep playing story quests to gain XP!

Why can't I customize the main characters like Payton, Autumn, Julian?

You cannot personalize main characters because we want them to look the same for all of our players. This way, you will never confuse them with other classmates who look just like them. But you can always get another classmate of the same type and customize him or her however you want! 

My Mascot and Vampire have the same flags! Is this a mistake?

The Mascot and Vampire have the same classmate flags.  When you start the party in the day, you will get a Mascot. When you start the party at night, you will get a Vampire! Night time is in real-time! So try a party at 7pm for a Vampire.

Check out For more info. 

How do I unlock Ezra?

The first Musician you will meet in the game is Ezra!  You can unlock Ezra by completing the quest "Ready to Rock" somewhere along Level 9.  If you don't that quest yet, keep completing quests until you get it. 

Help! I can't seem to admit Kallie even though I unlocked her already!

To admit Kallie, you'll need to finish level 32 of Extra Credit! Then tap on the unlock sign to admit her. Make sure you have room in your Admissions Office though.

Is there a way for me to tell which types I already have?

Yes! When you go to the Classmate Store, there are green check marks next to each type you have enrolled in your school!

What are All-Stars?

All-Stars are exclusive characters that can only be recruited through the Store! Each All-Star unlocks special rewards, scenes and quests. They unlock at different levels, so make sure to check back at the All-Stars Store often!

I don't have the Monster High Hangout! Can the Monster High characters be placed in another Hangout?

YES! The Monster High characters are a part of every type!  They can be placed in ANY Hangout! 

Help! I need help on a quest!

If you need help on a quest, try to look at your quest log! To see your quest log, click on the quest icon to the left. You will see a list of things that you need to do to complete this quest. 

If you still need help after looking at your quest log, please send us a message :)!

How do I delete a quest?

You can not delete any quests in your quest log. You will have to let them expire or finish the entire quest chain. We are looking into giving you the option to delete timed quests though!

What does it mean when my Classmate is "Ineligible"?

When a student is greyed out and labeled as "Ineligible", this means they do not meet the requirements of the quest you are trying to place them on. This could be because they are not the right type of Classmate, not high enough level or because they are busy doing something else (like Dating or Partying). 

How do you play Truth or Dare?

Truth or Dare is a quest and is played at the end of level 14! So keep leveling up to get this quest!

When do you get 'The Yearbook' quest?

'The Yearbook' is unlocked in the middle of level 9!

Note:  ‘The Yearbook’ quest was written with the help of the Nation Eating Disorders Association and focuses on body image and eating disorders. Players sensitive to these topics may want to avoid this quest.

What is Extra Credit?

Extra Credit is a fun feature in High School Story. Learn vocabulary from the SAT and ACT in an all-new storyline starring your favorite characters! Earn Rings in exciting minigames! Beat the clock... and your friends' scores! You might even discover a new, exclusive Classmate type…

Tap the Library to start playing. Can’t get one yet? Keep playing the main story! The Library unlocks during the quest “Mission Nerdpossible.”

What is the Library?

The Library is a building you can add to your school! Tap it to play Extra Credit, where you’ll learn SAT and ACT vocabulary, earn Rings in challenges and minigames, and meet a special new Classmate! The Library also generates Pencils, which you can use to unlock new Extra Credit challenges.

You can purchase the Library from the Buildings section of the Store. Can’t find it? Keep playing the main story! It unlocks during the quest “Mission Nerdpossible.”

Who is Kallie?

Kallie is a Classmate who first visits your school when you play Extra Credit! You need a Library to unlock the Extra Credit map and meet Kallie. The Library unlocks in the Buildings Store during the quest “Mission Nerdpossible!”

What are Pencils, and how do I get more?

You can use Pencils to unlock more challenges and minigames on the Extra Credit map.

The Library earns Pencils. Tap it to collect! Your Library generates 1 Pencil every 8 hours, up to a max of 3 Pencils at a time… so make sure check back every day! 

Gotta have more? You can always buy Pencils in the Store!

Can I replay Extra Credit minigames?

Not satisfied with your Extra Credit minigame score? Just click on the banner again and try to beat your score! It’s free to replay as much as you want!

I accidentally clicked the wrong answer during Extra Credit! Can I change it?

Unfortunately, you can’t change your answer in the middle of an Extra Credit challenge, but you can always replay challenges to try to beat your friends’ high scores!

How many stars do I need to continue?

You only need one star to move to the next challenge or minigame! But you can always replay challenges for free to go for the high score!

What is dating?

Want to play Cupid? Send your Classmates on dates at the Isle of Love!

The Isle of Love is unlocked during the level 4 quest ‘The Party Girl’. Once you’ve unlocked it, you can purchase it from the store and place it on your campus.

Now that you have the Isle of Love, tap on it to start your matchmaking career! The ‘Singles’ button will show you all the single Classmates at your school - choose two of these lonely hearts to set them up on a date together!

Once you have your first couple, you’ll see a new ‘Couples’ button at the Isle of Love. Tapping on this will show you the couples at your school - send the same couple on dates to level up their relationship and get better rewards!

How can I cancel a date?

Once you start a date, it’s too late! You can’t cancel a date that’s in progress, but you can use rings to rush the timer on it! 

What are the stages / levels of dating?

Ready to take things up a notch with your significant other? There are 7 dating levels at the Isle of Love:

1. Flirting

2. Crushing

3. Online Official

4. Sweethearts

5. In Love

6. Head Over Heels

7. Over the Moon

To reach new dating levels, go on 5 successful dates at your couple’s current relationship level!

Can I have more than one 'Isle of Love'?

You can only have one Isle of Love. Otherwise it wouldn’t be so special!

Help! My date failed!/Why do I need to 'salvage' my date?

Just like in real life, dates don’t always go as planned! If your date fails, you won’t receive any rewards - unless you salvage the date by spending rings! If you’d prefer to save your rings, you can always send your couple on another date - maybe the next one will go better!

How do I break a couple up?

If you think a couple’s not meant to be, you can break them up. Tap on the ‘Couples’ button at the Isle of Love and select a couple, then tap on the broken heart icon to break them up.

How do I play 'matchmaker'?

Playing matchmaker is a term we like to use for sending your Classmates on dates! You can do this at the Isle of Love. Remember, the Isle of Love is unlocked near the end of level 4!

What is the 'Fantasy Photo Booth'?

The Fantasy Photo Booth is a brand new dating building! You can see what it is like to date your favorite characters without affecting your current relationship status in the Isle of Love! Fantasy Photo Booth dates are just for fun, so definitely check out every date quest!

Can Classmates do more than dating? Like getting married?

Your High School Story classmates can't get married or start families of their own, but they can develop their relationships at the Isle of Love! 

How do I get two balloons?

You can buy the balloons in the store under the Decorations button. To get to it, tap on the 'Store' icon (the cash register) at the bottom right. On the left-hand side, swipe down to see the 'Decor' button (the tree) and click on that.

The balloons are near the end of that section, so swipe left until you see them. They are right after the park bench. It's a big bundle of gold and silver balloons. You'll have to buy two bunches of balloons in order to complete the quest.

You do have to complete the quest More Decor Part 1 to unlock the Decorations section before you can use that part of the store!

Why can't I put objects on top of tiles/bricks?

You cannot put objects on tiles because we didn't design the decor to be able to do that. This is a very popular suggestion so our developers know about this request already! Maybe in a future update they can have this feature along with other fun features!

Help! I can't find the decor the quest is asking for!

If you need a decor that isn't showing up, try to buy more land! Having more land unlocks more decor in the store.

Why is there a maximum for decor like tiles/hedges/trees/etc?

There is a maximum for the decor because we want to make sure our players have enough room for the other decors! In the future, we may increase the limit so you can fit even more items in your school. 

What is a hedge?

A hedge is a plant decoration in the game. To get it, tap on the 'Store' icon (the cash register) at the bottom right of the screen. On the left-hand side of the window, you will see a tree button labeled 'Decor'. Once you click on it, you should see the decorations. Swipe to your left to find the hedge. The hedge should be located after the balloons.

Where is the Fire pit?

The Fire pit is unlocked when you have 13 plots of land. You'll need to purchase the Fire pit from the decor section for 5000 coins. 

Where do I get the Fountain?

The Fountain is needed to complete the quest  'The Final Showdown' during level 15.  You'll need to have expanded your school to 21 plots in order to unlock the Fountain.  Once you've unlocked the Fountain, you will find it in the Decor section of the Store.

When can I buy the lion statue?

The lion statue is unlocked when you have 29 plots of land!

Decor Storage

The Storage feature is for Decor items only, and here is how you use it: 

1. Tap on the decor item in the game that you wish to store. 
2. You should see a new option in the menu for "Storage" (next to "Move" on far right) 
3. Tap on Storage 
4. It's stored! 

When you place an item in storage, it is put back in the store where you buy decor. Go to Store, then Decor and scroll to the item you placed in storage. At the bottom left corner you should see "Stored" with a number. It should look something like this, "Stored 1/150".

To get the item out of storage, just tap on the item in the Decor Store, and you will be given the option to place it back in the game!

How do I delete items I got from the bundle (Christmas tree, Gingerbread house)?

We're sorry! You cannot delete any of the items you got from the bundle yet. However, you can store the items in the storage!

How do I use the Closet?

First, you have to unlock the closet by finishing "The Closet" quest that appears near the end of level 4. Any outfit you buy will be forever yours! To buy clothes, you have to click on the character you want to change. Click on "Clothing" and you will see a pop-up window with three tabs. Any clothes you buy will be sent to the "Closet" tab. You can also take off your outfit and store it in a closet where other classmates can wear it! 

To change your clothing: 
Visit the Closet > Select 'Bought' > Choose an available outfit > Select "Looks Good" 

When do I unlock the Closet?

The Closet is unlocked near the end of level 4 when you finish the quest "The Closet"! 

I bought an outfit and I don't have it!

If you bought an outfit, the outfit you bought is actually sent to the closet tab! So go to "Clothing" and "Closet" to see the items you bought! There should be a number under the hanger, that tells you how many outfits you own! 

How do I sell my clothes?

You cannot sell or delete your outfits. However, any clothes you buy will be sent to the "Closet" tab where other classmates can wear it!  

Where is the 'Intern Chic' outfit?

The 'Intern Chic' outfit is in the girl's closet under the 'Casual' tab!

Where are the Country Smile and Southern Girl outfits?

The "Country Smile" outfit can be found under "Distinctive" in the male clothing shop. T he "Southern Girl" outfit can be found under "Distinctive" in the female clothing shop.

Where is the 'Casually Classic' outfit?

The 'Casually Classic' outfit can be found in the male clothing shop under 'Casual'!

Where is the 'Ruby Sparkle' dress?

The 'Ruby Sparkle' dress should be in the girl's clothing store under 'Party'! 

Where do I buy 'The JT' outfit?

You can buy 'The JT' outfit in the boy's clothing store under 'Distinctive'! 

Where is the 'City Sophisticate' outfit?

The ' City Sophisticate' outfit is in the male clothing store under the 'Casual' tab!

Help! I bought an outfit that is 50% off and was charged full price, please reimburse me!

The final price of the outfit already reflects the 50% off discount! We are sorry about the miscommunication! Example: If your dress is 50% off and costs 100 rings, it originally costs 200 rings.

What is Detention?

Your Classmates get Detention when you change the time on your device. In Detention, you can't party, quest, or date, so make sure you don't change your time! You'll have to wait out your Detention time in-game - if you turn off the screen or exit the game, the timer will pause.
You can avoid Detention by making sure your device's time is set automatically instead of manually!

How long will Detention last?

The length of your Detention time changes based on how many times you have tried to cheat. You should have received a message telling you how long your Detention time is. It can last between 1 minute to 5 hours. Detention time is in-game time so if you close your game, the timer will pause. Please keep your app open for Detention to pass (don't minimize, let it go black, or close it). 

How do I get Detention?

You receive detention when you do something that is considered cheating in the game. One common way of receiving detention is changing the clock on your device more than once, as it changes the duration of quests. It is not recommended to cheat, as detention will disable the ability to go on quests, party, and date for a certain amount of time.

I changed my timezone because I was traveling and it gave me detention!

When you travel, please keep your clock automatically synced. If you change timezones, your clock should automatically adjust your time for you. If you manually change it, our game detects this action as cheating. Unfortunately, we cannot rush your Detention time. You will have to wait through Detention. 
Remember, Detention time is in-game time so if you close your game, the time will stop running (don't minimize, let it go black or close it).

If I exit out of the app, will I have to server Detention all over again?

The Detention timer will pause if you exit out of the app and it will not restart all over again. So if you want, you can serve Detention in small amounts of time!

How do I buy more plots of land?

You can expand your school by buying more land! Look at the edge of your school, and you will see For Sale signs on them. Tap the sign and buy the land with your coins. When the timer has finished, your new land plot will have a red bow tie on it. Tap the red bow tie to finish acquiring your new land plot.

Can I sell land?

Sorry, but it's not possible to sell land right now. However, your land should be very useful in the future as your school gets bigger! 

Help! I accidentally bought land! How do I sell or cancel this?!

We're sorry you accidentally bought land! You cannot cancel or sell land that you already bought. But don't worry, land is always important in the game! You can keep the land wrapped until a quest asks for it. Also, the more land you have, the more decor you unlock! So buying land is never a waste of coins!

How do I add a football field?

There is no decor that is a football field yet. So when your quest asks for a football field, check back at the quest requirements! It is probably asking you to buy a plot of land instead!

It takes more than 2+ days to buy land, is this right?

When you buy plots of land you'll notice the time to build and price gets increasingly more expensive and longer when you buy more plots. 
After awhile the build times can potentially be as high as 10 days or more. 
We originally did this to prevent users from unlocking the entire school too soon.
We may change this in the future as we release more content. 

Where can I see the number of plots of land I own?

For now, there isn't a window that shows you how many plots of land you have! You have to count it yourself. We're sorry about this! 

What is “Your Voice” polling, and when do I get it?

 Taking polls is a fun, way to express your opinions by answering a huge variety of questions, from hilarious to thought-provoking.

Also, each time you answer a poll, you will get a reward, such as much needed coins, rings, and books!

To unlock Polling:
1. Download the latest version of High School Story 
2. Play the new quest, “Your Voice,” available in the middle of Level 5. 
3. During the "Your Voice" quest, you’ll unlock the new Building, "The Dish", located in the Store. 

The Dish is your school’s hub for all things polling. Once you’ve built it, just tap on it to start taking polls! 

I love the new poll questions! How do I get more?

You get one new question per hour, up to three at a time, so check back often for new fun choices! Remember, your responses don’t get shared to Facebook or other social media, unless you tap ‘Share’.

Whoops! I picked the wrong answer for a poll! How do I change it?

Right now, there’s no way to change your poll answers, but don’t worry. Your Voice is just a fun way to share your views with friends. There are no wrong answers! 

How do I get rid of the speech bubbles?

To remove the speech bubbles, just tap the ‘Settings’ gear icon on your main screen, then tap ‘Alerts’. Under the ‘Social’ category, tap the ‘Speech Bubbles’ button until it turns red and reads "OFF". 
Hope that helps!

Whoa! What are these speech bubbles over my Classmates’ heads?

They mean that your Facebook-linked Classmates are answering questions in our new polling feature, Your Voice! Unlocked during Level 5, Your Voice lets you answer fun and interesting questions and see what your friends think! And if your friends have you linked in their HSS game, your answers will appear over your head too!

Can I pick which poll response pops up over my character’s head?

The speech bubbles cycle through your poll responses randomly. Check back often to see them all!

What is linking? Why should I link?

Linking allows you to link a classmate to one of your friends! This is a fun way of having your friends involved in the game. They can see what quests or dates you sent them on if they also play the game, or if you post on Facebook! Make sure you are "Social" under Settings and Alerts to activate this! If your friends are playing High School Story, you can also share link feed to compare progress and also visit their school! 

If your friend sends the classmate linked to your profile on a quest (not date or party!), then you will be able to receive rings! Just make sure to check their feed by tapping the SOCIAL button on the left side of the screen.

How can I see what my friends are doing in their game?

To see what your friends are doing with your character in their game, you and they have to be logged into Facebook and Game Center. When they send a character linked to you on a quest, on a party, or on a date, you'll see what they did with you! There is also a visiting feature where you can see what their school looks like! Have fun putting each other on fun adventures!

Why doesn't my Facebook connect to my device?

Make sure you are logged into Facebook through the app and/or web browser. Then restart your device and try linking your Facebook! If this doesn't work, please update your Facebook app to the latest version. 

If you restarted your game and connected to your Facebook previously, you cannot link your Facebook again. We hope this helps!

Why doesn't my Facebook connect on my iOS device?

Make sure you are logged into Facebook through the app, web browser and under Settings. If you restarted your game and connected to your Facebook previously, you cannot connect to your Facebook again. 

If all of this doesn't apply to you, there is one more fix! Go into your device's settings, Facebook then click on your name. Delete the account from your device then log back in. Restart your device and hopefully this will solve your problem! If it doesn't, please let us know!

Can I send messages to other players?

You cannot talk or send messages to other players. However, if you are friends with them through Facebook, you can link your friends to a classmate. Once they are linked, you can put them on dates, quests and parties!

How do I visit schools with my device?

To visit a friend's school, you will have to be signed onto Facebook. You and your friend must be officially friends on Facebook. You can find the "Visit" button under the "Social" button to the left side of your screen. Make sure you and your friends are also "Social: On" under the privacy settings to share your school too. To do this, go to your game Settings (button is on right side of the screen and looks like a gear), tap on "Alerts," and Tap "Social: On" button. There are presents hidden in their school every day (maximum 5 presents a day) so visit often to get them!

How do I visit a friend's school with my iOS device?

To visit a friend's school, you will have to be signed onto Facebook or Game Center. You and your friend must be officially friends in Facebook or Game Center. You can find the "Visit" button under the "Social" button to the left side of your screen. Make sure you and your friends are also "Social" under the privacy settings to share your school too. There are presents hidden in their school every day (maximum 5 presents a day) so visit often to get them!

Why doesn't High School Story work on my device?

If your app doesn't open, try to update your app store or your device's operating system! If this doesn't work, please report it and we'll figure it out!

My game crashes when I personalize my characters on my device!

If you're getting regular crashes, try closing any other apps you might have running and restarting your device. 

You may want to delete some apps to free up your device's memory. If none of this works, please let us know, and we'll look into it!

My school looks weird after I minimized my game! The glitches won't go away on my device!

If your school looks like it is glitching, force quit High School Story and come back! The glitches should be gone. 

Help! My game reloaded and I lost some progress!

Your progress is saved  to the account that you have used to play HSS. When you have an inconsistent internet connection, your game may not save correctly. Please make sure you have a consistent internet connection before you exit the game to ensure that your latest progress gets saved properly.

How can I restart the game on iOS?

If you want to start a new game, you don’t have to give up your current school! Your school is linked to your Game Center ID and Game Center account. Make a new Game Center ID and you can play a new game!

Note: You can be using a different Game Center ID than your Apple ID!

In iOS: Go to Settings -> Game Center -> Select your ID -> Logout. Once you logout, you will have the option of creating a new Game Center ID.

We know that a reset button in the app is a popular request, so we are looking into adding it in a future update!

Help! My game reloaded and I lost some progress on my iOS game!

Your progress is saved through your Game Center account if you are logged in or saved locally on your device if you are not logged into Game Center. Your game progress will be saved automatically. 

When you have an inconsistent Internet connection, your game may not save correctly. If you want to play this game through Game Center, make sure you have a consistent Internet connection before you exit the game. 

If you are having problems with missing progress, try to remove your Game Center account from your device, restart, then log back in see!

You can also try switching off your device and then turning it back on.

If none of this helps, please let us know!

No Sound

To check the sound settings in the game:

Tap the gear icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen to open the game's settings. Tap the SETTINGS button on the left. You should see the sound settings. Make sure that the MUSIC button and the EFFECTS button are both on.

You should also make sure that your device is not muted by checking the sound toggle on the left side of your device. Also make sure that the volume on your device is turned up.

I reinstalled High School Story and I have lost some of my game data!

When you reinstall High School Story, your game will load to the last time it was saved online. Your data may have been lost because your game did not save online before you uninstalled. 

Why do I get "Whoops - Version Conflict!" messages?

We know that some players have sometimes lost recent progress in their games.  This is usually due to the game not always saving to the server.  To help solve this, when the save on your game does not match the save on the server, we have started popping up a message giving you a choice.  We do this in case, you're playing the game on two different devices.

If you're only playing High School Story on one device, please choose "2. Keep Local Game".  

If you're playing High School Story on multiple devices, if you were last playing on the device with the message, also choose "2. Keep Local Game", otherwise you may want to choose "1) Download from Server."

If you keep getting the message, play the game for 5 minutes with WiFi connectivity on and it will help synch your save file to the server.

Sorry this has been so confusing.  We're always trying to improve the game and we're working to try to pop this message up fewer times in the next update.

My game crashes when I personalize my characters! (iOS)

Try closing any other apps you’ve got running in the background. To do that, press your Home button twice, and swipe up on the apps you want to turn off.

Another thing to try is restarting your device. Just hold down the Lock button for a few seconds until “Slide to Power Off” shows up.

Still not working? You can “soft reset” your device by holding down the Home button and the Lock button until the Apple logo appears. Or you can delete some older apps to free up space on your device.
If you’re still having trouble, shoot us a message, and we’ll give you a hand! 

What are Notifications?

Notifications are the messages that pop up on your device when a wait time is over in High School Story. They mean it’s time to check up on your school! You might have a new Classmate to admit, a Date to finish, or a new Quest to begin!
Want to turn them off? Just go to the Alerts tab under Settings!

The game is asking which version of the game I want to play. Should I choose the server or local game?

We have a new feature where you can choose your game if there is a server conflict.  You should always choose the game that has the most recent data.  If they are the same, choose the "local game". 

If you play across devices, keep restarting the app until the server game has the same stats as your local game! This will ensure your game is transferred across devices!

How can I restart my game on Android device?

HSS can be saved through a Google (Gmail) account or in your Android device's memory. Since each Google account can only have one game saved to it, you can restart the game by creating a new account.

Here's how:

First, close the App by going to Settings -> Manage Apps -> High School Story -> Force Close. Then, clear the data by pressing "Clear Data." Next, create a new Google account by going to Settings -> Add Account (under Accounts) -> Google -> New.

Once the new account is created, open High School Story. The game will prompt you to select which account you'd like to use. Select the newly created Google account and you'll have a new game!

If you are playing a local game (without Gmail), you can restart your game on your device by going to Settings > Manage Apps > High School Story > Clear Data.

Help! My game reloaded and I lost some progress on my Android game!

Your progress is saved locally to your device or to your Google+ account automatically while you play. When you have an inconsistent internet connection, your game may not save correctly. If you want to play with your Google account, make sure you have a consistent internet connection before you exit the game.  

If you are having problems with missing progress, try to remove your Google+  account from your device, restart, then log back in see!

You can also try switching off your device and then turning it back on.

If none of this helps, please let us know!

Help! I cannot play HSS when I'm logged into Google+!

Oh no! We're sorry to hear you're having problems. Deleting and re-adding your G+ account should fix this. Just follow these instructions: 
Remove account from device: Go to Settings -> Google (under Accounts) -> Click on your email -> Remove account (top right corner) 
Add account back to device: Go to Settings -> Add account (under Accounts) -> Choose Google -> Add your account  
Restart your device
Open HSS and let us know if this solved your problem!

Can you help me install High School Story From the Google Play Store?

When you have trouble downloading High School Story from the Google Play Store, try to clear your cache! Here are the instructions: 

Open your device's main Settings menu.
Under "Device", touch Apps or Application manager (depending on your device, this may be different).
Swipe to view "All" apps.
Select the Google Play Store Google Play Store app.
Under "Cache", touch Clear cache.
Under "Storage", touch Clear data.

How can I restart my game on Kindle?

HSS can be saved through an  Amazon account or in your Kindle device's memory. Since each Amazon account can only have one game saved to it, you can restart the game by creating a new account.

Here's how to create a new account:

First, close the App by going to Apps -> Settings -> Applications -> Manage All Applications -> High School Story -> Force Stop. Then, clear the data by pressing "Clear Data." Next, create a new Amazon account by going to Settings -> My Account -> Deregister -> Then create a new account.

Once the new account is created, open High School Story and you'll have a new game!  If you are playing a local game (without   network connectivity ), you can restart your game on your device by going to   Apps ->   Settings ->   Applications -> Manage All Applications   -> High School Story  -> Clear Data.

Help! My game reloaded and I lost some progress on my Kindle game!

Your progress is saved through your Amazon account automatically while you play. When you have an inconsistent internet connection, your game may not save correctly. If you want to play with your Amazon account, make sure you have a consistent internet connection before you exit the game. If you are having problems with missing progress, try to log out of your Amazon  account from your device, restart, then log back in see! 

You can also try switching off your device and then turning it back on.

If none of this helps, please let us know!

I'm being cyberbullied. What do I do?

STOP - Immediately stop replying or fighting back online and do not share any personal / private info. Replying may make things worse and you could be labeled as a Cyberbully
BLOCK - Block and report the cyberbully to the site administrator
TELL - Tell and adult such as a teacher or parent and keep telling someone until something is done about it
SCHOOL - Find out what your school can do about cyberbullying
PROOF - Do not delete any of the messages that have been sent to you. Show them to everyone you inform about the cyberbully as proof
PROTECTION - Protect yourself by not agreeing to meet anyone you speak to online, especially if you don’t know them
POLICE -  Inform the police ONLY if your safety and security is at risk

How can I prevent myself from ever becoming a victim of cyberbullying?


Avoid sending / typing anything that others may find offensive


Never give out any personal / private information such as passwords to anyone. Including your friends!


Avoid passing on messages you are being asked to send around, especially if they contain abusive / cruel content


Never agree to meet anyone you do not know! Report them or tell an adult if they are persistent to meet you.


Be aware of what your school’s policies are against bullying

Cyberbullying hasn't happened to me, but I know that it’s happening to someone else. Should I do something about it?


Tell an adult and report the cyberbully to the site administrator


Helping the victim will show they are not alone. So show them your support! ANY FORM OF BULLYING SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED AT ALL

Am I being cyberbullied?

The answer is likely to be YES if any of the following (or similar) have happened to you: 

Being sent mean emails or texts 
Having embarrassing pictures / videos of you posted on blogs / websites 
Having rumours spread about you online

What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is repeated intentional mean/malicious threats, taunts, abuse and harassment, using phones, the internet, or any form of technology

What is Proud2BMe? Why does my quest mention them?

Proud2BMe is an online community created by and for teens. They cover everything from fashion  and beauty to news, culture, and entertainment—all with the goal of promoting positive body  image and encouraging healthy attitudes about food and weight. Proud2BMe is run by the  National Eating Disorders Association, a leading non-profit organization in the United States  advocating on behalf of and supporting individuals and families affected by eating disorders.

Pixelberry Studios and Proud2BMe have teamed up to create a special series of quests focusing  on eating disorders and body image issues. We hope these quests will help players affected by  body image issues better understand how to get help. 

Can you tell me more about who made High School Story?

Sure.  Our studio is called Pixelberry Studios. We're a small team with just 18 people.  Of those 18, 7 of them are Writers & Designers.  We're pretty sure that we have more writers on our team than any other mobile games studio.  Hopefully, it's obvious to you why we have so many writers!

Most of us worked together in the Centerscore studio at EA that made Surviving High School.  After leaving EA, we formed Pixelberry Studios so that we could create High School Story.

Who's Oliver?

I'm a Level 10 Nerd.  I'm also the CEO of Pixelberry.  But more importantly to me, I'm one of the designers of the game.  Every once in awhile, I'll take a break from designing the game or helping to run the studio to answer some questions here.

What was Oliver like in high school?

I was a total nerd - most people at Pixelberry would probably say that I still am!

When I was in seventh grade, I had Spanish class right after lunch.  I hated waiting for the classroom door to open because there was a bully who would pick me up and dangle me over a big trash can.  It sucked.  But now I realize that his life was actually tougher than mine and he was likely acting out because of that.  One of my favorite parts about High School Story is that it's a school where the misunderstood or leftover students can come together.  There are even past bullies, like Julian, that grow from their experience.  I love the writers for including those scenes in the game! 

And if like me, you were bullied in school, know that life will get much better.  In high school, I never thought that I'd be able to make games with a studio full of really cool people.

Also, I studied really hard in school.  Luckily I went to a public high school where people respected nerds or at least respected us enough to leave us alone.  Doing well in school paved the way for me to eventually make games.  

Who's Keyan?

I'm a Level 8 Rebel and one of the writers here at Pixelberry. You might have seen my name attached to some of the update descriptions, or even right here on Helpshift! 

I started working for Pixelberry Studios as an intern in the summer of 2013 (right around when High School Story first launched!) and spent most of the first month or two answering questions from our players. I'm writing this 'About Me' as the summer of 2014 comes to a close, and I'm happy to say that in the past year I've gone from interning to writing full-time for Pixelberry. If you've played some of the later quests, like Ghost Train or the Flutterkiss Manor story lines, then you're familiar with my work!

If you're curious about what I was like in high school, I was really involved with my school's art, film, and theater clubs and extracurriculars. I know it seems crazy to take extra classes (especially if you're a Level 8 Rebel like me), but I'd definitely recommend finding something you're interested in at school and getting involved! Okay, I'll stop lecturing you. Thanks for playing High School Story!

Where can I leave my story so High School Story can share it with my fellow fans?

You can send us your inspirational story by filling out this  survey ! There is a section in the survey where you can enter your story! We read every one of them!

I love the game. What features are coming next?

We work hard to add new features and quests to the game as fast as possible. Right now, we release at least one new quest every week. Some of these quests are only available if you are far in the game, so be sure to advance through the levels by gaining XP!

We also try to add new classmate types, outfits, hairstyles, dates, books, or other features in updates that we release every 3-4 weeks. We're hard at work making bug fixes too.   Please report any problems directly to us via the 'Send Message' feature. That way we get the chance to ask more questions about your problem, if needed.

If you want to help us add features quicker, please give us a 5-star rating. App ratings really do make a difference in how many people find our game. In fact, you can rate our game again, every time there is a new update. Telling your friends about the game also helps us!

Does High School Story post to Facebook without my permission?

No, High School Story will never post to Facebook without your permission. Even if you link your friends to the game, High School Story still won't post to Facebook without you specifically deciding to post a message.

However, any friends you link will be able to see what quests, dates, and parties you send them on.  We think that's part of the fun of High School Story -- the chance to put your friends in the game!

I don't want my friends to see what I'm doing. How can I prevent sharing?

If you haven't linked friends to your classmates, your friends won't be able to see what you're doing.  When you do link your friends to classmates, they will only be able to see when you send them on quests, parties, or dates.  They won't be able to see what other things you are doing in the game.  So if you decide to send your character on a date with Julian, no one would know about it, except for you and Julian!

Also, the game never posts to Facebook without first asking you if you want to send a particular message, like a Quest Complete message.

If you want to completely turn off Sharing to all linked friends, tap the Settings button (the small gear on the right hand side of the screen), select Alerts, then tap 'Social: On' button.

To turn sharing back on, tap the 'Social: Off' button.

How do I turn off sharing?

To disable sharing, tap on the gear-like button (Settings). Select Alerts and tap on the 'Social: On' button.

To re-enable sharing, tap on 'Social: Off' button.

How do I link my friends?

You can link your friend through the Customization menu! Tap on the character you'd like to link your friend to. On the character menu that pops up, there is a hand mirror icon in the left hand side above the character's head. Tap on that to enter the Customization menu. If you press the 'Link' button next to the character's name, a menu will pop up allowing you to link friends on Facebook, Google, or Game Center

What are Weekly Goals?

Weekly Goals are fun new challenges that you can complete to earn Tickets! You can redeem your Tickets for awesome rewards like Classmates, decorations, even exclusive outfits! You will even get a chance to win super-rare prizes like a Homecoming Girl, Prom Girl, or 250,000 Rings! Weekly Goals refresh every Monday, so make sure you check back often! 

Note: Weekly Goals unlocks at level 7!

What are Tickets?

Tickets are the new currency in High School Story. You can only earn them through completing Weekly Goals. Your Tickets do not disappear so you can save up to redeem them for prizes at any time! 

What type of prizes can you get from Weekly Goals?

There are three level of rewards:

A Regular Gift contains Coin and Ring items and costs 10 Tickets.

A Premium Gift guarantees you a premium Ring item and costs 50 Tickets.

The Exclusive Outfit is an outfit that cannot be bought from the Closet! You can only get the item through the Reward Center! Each one is only available for a month before it's gone for good, so save up your Tickets!

All rewards from Regular and Premium Gifts are random! Just like life and chocolates, you'll never know what you'll get! 

How do I complete Weekly Goals?

Note: Weekly Goals unlocks at level 7!

These Weekly Goals are too hard to complete! Can you make it easier?

Some Goals are designed to be harder than others to give you a challenge, so don't worry if you can't complete all of the Weekly Goals! The Goals are always changing so, if you can't complete all of them this week, you always have another chance next week! 

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