lunedì 27 novembre 2017

City Girl Life-Timed Quest:Scavenger Hunt

Step 8: The Girl With The Pearl
Have 5 City Guide by crafting with your Crafting Box or by Checking a Pearl Earring Painting at a friend's apartment.
Use a computer to look up How to Make a Pearl Necklace.
Collect 3 Clues by asking friends if they've Got a Clue.
Total Crafting Time: 2 hrs 5 mins

Step 9: Grand Finale
Have 2 Fleet Foot (2014: x1) by crafting with your Crafting Box, or by using a Grand Piano to Compose one.
Collect 6 final Clues by Analyzing friends' Antique Books, and by asking friends.
Use your front door Go to Final Destination with all your scavenged items before another team wins.
Total Crafting Time: 1 day 4 hrs 50 mins

Step 10: Victory Lap
Go on Shopping Spree using your front door
Total Mission Crafting Time: 4 days 1 hr 35 mins (2015: 5 days 23 hrs)

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