domenica 20 agosto 2017

Survival Arena-F.A.Q. Domande e Risposte

General Tips & Tricks
Ah, want to see a bunch of unsorted but Captain Cloudbeard-approved Tips and Tricks? You’ve come to the right place! Here they are:

Basic Cannon tower can only get you so far - you’ll need some serious firepower at later stages, and a simple Cannon won’t cut it;

Timely use of Ammo can turn an “Oh no I’m about to lose!” situation into a “Phew, that was close but I survived!”;

Try to complete Tasks and get those Chests in queue for opening - it’s a good idea to open 4 hour chests during the day, and then opening an 8 hour chest when you’re napping - might as well put your downtime to use, right?

Once you’re in battle, upgrading a tower usually costs less and is more effective, than building another tower just the same - however, towers can be used for more than simply dealing damage…

Arenas with more than one Base will evenly share damage between them - meaning both of them will receive damage even if one of them is damaged;

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Shop Chests have a huge amount of loot that can give you a right-away boost to firepower!

What is Sudden Death?

It’s a place where there’s no room for error - and one that doesn’t require any Arena Tickets to play, meaning you can try all the combinations you can come up with. Just make sure you defend your Base at all costs! If even one enemy reaches it, that’s it!

How can I advance to another league?

Great question! To advance to the next league, you need to get Valor from winning Duels.

Once you get enough Valor, you will get promoted to the next league, unlocking a whole bunch of new Cards and making you stronger in general.

Current Valor requirements for Leagues are:
League 1: 0-249
League 2: 250-1199
League 3: 1200-1999
League 4: 2000-2799
League 5: 2800+
League 5 is obviously the best league there is - see you there!

What’s a Loadout?

It’s what you take into battle with you. Even if you have all the Cards collected, you will still be limited by the number of slots - making sure you won’t get a super unfair upper hand at using every Card at the same time!

What is an Arsenal?

Arsenal is a show of your power, and a place where you store and upgrade your Cards. 

Every card you find or claim ends up in here with the ultimate goal - to be used during level up! By the way, just in case you haven’t noticed - leveling up a card increases its power - this is especially apparent for Rare, Epic, and Legendary cards.

How many Card types are there?

So far, there are 6 types of cards:

Towers- your general defensive building. Requires Gearsto build, and will deal damage to enemies (but some towers will damage only Ground and Air units, so check out card info before battle!)
Troops- the soldiers you deploy in-battle. They have different stats and might require Gears to summon - and are used to reinforce a particular wave, if you like. Some troops are better suited for a particular task - testing out your strategies is the key!
Heroes- leader of your army. The embodiment of you as a player. Has massive power, and can help you survive for a bit longer, if used properly.
Ammo- fired from who-knows-where, it can turn the tide of battle by dealing massive damage, or freezing units in place, or everything else - come see for yourself!
Power-Up - unique item that can be used only once per battle (except for Adrenaline that speeds up your battle), they’re super useful for that one last extra push for top score!
Perks- passive cards that stay with you once unlocked - some give extra bit of damage, while others can even give an extra Tower or Ammo slot to use in battle!

How can I refill my Adrenaline?

If you ever run out of the good-ol’ Adrenaline (which speeds up your battle - super useful stuff!), open up your Arsenal and tap on the Adrenaline icon under the Power-Ups section, where you will find a button to refill your Adrenaline for a small amount of Skyshards.

Can you play versus other players?

Of course! Simply reach level 2 (by receiving experience from upgrading your cards), and once you do, you’ll be prompted to complete a Tutorial that will catch you up to speed how Duels (that’s how we call it!) work. After Captain Cloudbeard himself teaches you how to survive out there on the field, you’re good to go! Find that Duel card, and start searching for an opponent - and then brag when you win! It’s part of the fun, obviously.

Oh, and after that you can try out the 2×2 battles for even epic-er (is that a word?) action!

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