Curator Carla has arrived at the farm with unique exhibits that you can put together using Curios. But the ride to the farm got bumpy and few Curios fell on the way.
Luckily, Speedy Sadie can help in collecting the missing Curios fallen on the way. Help Speedy Sadie get past the obstacles and collect as many Curios as possible!
Speedy Sadie will need 5 treats each time to run and collect Curios on the path. You can collect one horse treat every five minutes, collect them before the bar gets completely filled up to make the most use of them to run the Collectathon.
How does getting Early Access benefit me?
If you are at Level 30 or higher, you will have the chance to purchase the early access to The Curios Collectathon on May 17.
Early Access gives an extra 6 days head start to complete the Phase 1 of The Curios Collectathon and unlock the Leaderboard! Hence you can get ahead of other farmer friends on the leaderboard and have a better chance to win rewards!
How do I get more Horse Treats?
You can get more horse treats by purchasing the temporary farmhands Curator Carla and Farrier Francis who can find them at Glade and Mine. Another way to get more horse treats is to purchase the horse treat packs by clicking on the ‘+’ icon near horse treats.
How do I guide Speedy Sadie?
The path will have obstacles. In order to avoid them, you can either change lanes by swiping up or swiping down or you can jump over them by tapping on the screen.
You can also collect power ups on the way and make your hunt for Curios better. There are two types of power ups: Shield and Magnet. Shield will let you pass through obstacles without receiving any damage and magnet will attract all the Curios around you, towards you.
How do I complete a phase in the event?
Each phase requires setting up an exhibit setpiece which consists of three parts. Fixing each part will require a certain number of Curios. Collect those curios with the help of Speedy Sadie and progress to the next phase.
To complete the event, you’ll have to complete all 5 structures.
Note: Reaching the end of the path successfully also grants you bonus curios for completion. Hence helps you in progressing faster!
How do I maintain or increase my score in Leaderboard?
While the event can be completed by just collecting the required Curios, leaderboard score only increases if the player reaches the finish line each time they run to collect Curios.
The score is calculated by adding the number of Curios collected in that run and the bonus Curios, this number is then multiplied with the current collection streak the player is on. If the boost is active, the score is multiplied by 2. This is the final leaderboard score that player earned by completing the current run. The score is added to the existing player score in the leaderboard and the position is updated accordingly.
Note: Your Collection Streak will reset to zero if you don’t reach the finish line or quit the run in between.
In case you hit an obstacle, you have an option to watch an ad for the first time or continue running by spending keys. Each time you spend keys to continue, you’ll receive a free shield boost when you start running on selecting continue.
What are the rewards?
On completing The Curios Collectathon, you receive 15 Treasured Trinkets to make deals with Trader Tyler which are doubled if The Curios Collectathon Pass is active. Trader Tyler will help you get any item for a Treasured Trinket each time.
Along with this you also receive leaderboard rewards based on your position:
Stage 1:
Gold Reward- Fancy Flora
She’ll stay for 30 days after the event, provides guaranteed 2 Minerals every time she visits the pond and 50% chance of finding 2 Tin at the Mine
Silver Reward- Merchant Certificates and Sand Dollars
Win 5 Sand Dollars, 1 Mariner's Certificate, 2 Marie's Certificate and 4 Eddie's Certificates
Bronze Reward- Golden Gloves, ReadyEddie Powerpin and Speed Seeds
Win 2 Golden Gloves, 8 Speed Seeds and 1 ReadyEddie Powerpin (Stays active for 3 days, Eagle Eye Eddie will come back with new orders without delay as soon as you finish or skip his orders!)
Stage 2:
Gold Reward – Fabulous Flora
Win Gold in both Stage to win the permanent farmhand: Fabulous Flora, provides guaranteed 2 Minerals every time she visits the pond and 50% chance of finding 2 Tin at the Mine
Silver Reward - Infinite Speed Seeds and Barn Power Pin
Win Infinite Speed Seeds for 8 hours and 1 Barn Power Pin (Give temporary 20 barn storage for 3 days)
Bronze Reward- Golden Gloves and Workshop Timer Reduction Power Pin
Win 2 Golden Gloves and 1 Workshop Timer Reduction Power Pin
Phase Rewards:
Phase 1 - 3 Golden Gloves, 6 Speed Seeds, 10 Curios and 2 Shovels
Phase 2 - 3 Golden Gloves, 6 Speed Seeds, 10 Curios and 3 Barn Nails
Phase 3 - 3 Golden Gloves, 6 Speed Seeds, 10 Curios and 3 Padlocks
Phase 4 - 6 Keys, 5 Golden Gloves, 15 Speed Seeds, 10 Curios and 2 Silver Stamps
Phase 5 - Trader Tyler (15 Treasured Trinkets)
You can get The Curios Collectathon Pass to get double the Phase Rewards.
Endless Mode
If you complete the event early, you can still continue to run in the Collectathon to maintain and increase your position in the leaderboard. You’ll receive more Treasure Trinkets each time you complete a phase in the endless mode.
Temporary Farmhands: Curator Carla and Farrier Francis
You can purchase Curator Carla and Farrier Francis to get more Horse Treats to get Speedy Sadie to collect more Curios for the event. You have a chance of finding 5 Horse Treats at the Glade and 15 horse treats at the Mine!
What’s more in “Store”?
You can now choose and purchase more options as your companion for The Curios Collectathon event. Take your pick and you can keep switching the companions anytime you want.
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