Johnny has invited Carl’s Creepy Carnival to host their legendary scary scavenger hunt on the farm. The Clowns have placed mysterious clown treasures around the carnival.
It’s our job to find the pieces, but it isn’t going to be easy. If Creepy Carl’s clowns can scare the farmhands out of finding the hidden treasures, the clowns win the game!
If you’re at least Level 12, you will receive a pop-up invitation to the Creepy Carnival Event. You will need to force-close your game or reboot your device to see the update
Start the treasure hunt by tapping the Scary Clown House.
The Creepy Carnival Event is made up of 6 Phases and will run for 19 days. Complete all phases of the event and win a 30-day visit from farmhand Daredevil Dave!
To finish the phases, you need to collect Creepy Carnival items. Complete each phase to unlock rewards on your farm.
Boost: You will also have the chance to get the new Spider Boosts with which your farmhands will find double the rare event items!
Spider Boost, when active, can give you twice the amount of rare event items. It may sometimes appear for free! Just turn your push notifications on to receive alerts when the boost is free. It can also drop from the Mystery Boxes on occasion.
Note: This does not guarantee that you will find rare items. It only doubles the rare event items you’ve found from foraging.
Temporary Place of Interest: Creepy Carnival
The Creepy Carnival is a temporary area where you can find the Rare and Uncommon ingredients needed to craft the event recipes.
Temporary Farm Hands: Fire Queen Fiona and Creepy Carl
Get a higher chance of finding rare event items and more by purchasing Fire Queen Fiona and Creepy Carl as Premium Farm Hands to help you out during the event.
Note: Fire Queen Fiona and Creepy Carl are temporary farmhands and will leave your farm when the event ends.
New Items and where to get them:
Phase 1
Turnip - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, and Prized Animals
Carved Pumpkin - Creepy Carnival
Phase 2
Olives - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, and Prized Animals
Pickles - Creepy Carnival
Phase 3
White Chocolate - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, and Prized Animals
Wafer Cone - Creepy Carnival
Phase 4
Lettuce - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, and Prized Animals
Cherry - Creepy Carnival
Phase 5
Activated Charcoal - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, and Prized Animals
Arrowroot Powder - Creepy Carnival
Phase 6
Glycerine - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mallard Mill, and Prized Animals
Ebony - Creepy Carnival
Event Rewards
Phase 1 - 8 Speed Seed and 5 Golden Gloves
Phase 2 - 3 Barn Nail and 8 Speed Seed
Phase 3 - 2 Padlock and 5 Golden Gloves
Phase 4 - 2 Barn Nail, 2 Barn Padlock and 5 Golden Gloves
Phase 5 - 10 Key, 2 Silver Stamp, 3 Bronze Stamp and 1 Gold Stamp
Phase 6 - Daredevil Dave (Temporary Farm Hand can be used for 30 days)
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