martedì 29 settembre 2020

FarmVille 2-Teatro Dell'Opera Di FarmVille:Guida Ufficiale

Can you guess who’s staying at Barbara’s B&B for a vacation? None other than Clementine Barreau, one of the greatest opera singers! She is not one to sit around idly so she wants to train us to put on our very own Opera Show. Barbara is very nervous because there is a lot to do to organize the training and she will need your help. Build an Opera Farm House to lend her a hand and you will get a baby Beige Striped Mini Pig!

If you’re level 15 or higher, The Opera Farm House! pop-up will appear. Click on the Start Building button to start the feature.

To make the Opera Farm House, collect all the materials that you need to complete the building.

After collecting all the materials needed, ask for help or hire Builders using your Farm Bucks to complete the construction.

The finished Opera Farm House, which is automatically placed outside your farm, will look like this:

The opera training will start by clicking on the Opera Farm House. There are 4 training sessions that must be completed each week

Click on a training session to view the quests that you must complete.

Accomplish the quests to finish the training session.

You will receive rewards when you complete the quests.

A green checkmark will appear on each training session that you have completed. Once the training sessions for the week is complete, click on the Redeem button to get your reward!

You also get extra Rewards by playing the Bonus Quest!

Complete all the training sessions within the time allotted to get the baby Beige Striped Mini Pig and 10 Favors!

How lucky we are to train under the great opera singer Clementine Barreau! Build your Opera Farm House now and win awesome rewards!


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