mercoledì 12 agosto 2020

Charm Farm-Anticipazione Mushroom Dungeon Event

The long-awaited adventure in new lands will begin on August 13 in the afternoon! We have prepared small tips for you to help you better navigate the terrain.

1) Adventure "Mushroom Dungeon" will begin on August 13 in the afternoon and will last until 12.00 (Moscow time) on August 27. All players from level 25+ will be able to take part in this exciting event.

2) Shmu will need an unusual plant "Flup", which can be found by collecting income from Huts and Huts.

3) "Mushroom Balsam" - the harvest of "Flup". Use this resource to open a passage to new worlds and to perform various actions there. To start the Portal, you need to own at least 20 "Mushroom Balms".

4) "Portal" - the key building of the new adventure. With its help, you can travel to other worlds and return from there back to the Magic Forest. Sorcerers from level 25+ will be able to use the portal, who will have at least 20 “Mushroom Balms” and 3 free shmu.

5) "Bonfire" - a source of heat and light. At the “Campfire” you will be able to collect 3 brave shmu who went on a journey with you after you crossed the “Portal” together. "Bonfire" is activated exclusively in the Mushroom Dungeon.

6) After a long journey, Shmu will be able to rest at the “Quiet Pond”. From this building you will be able to collect "Pure Water" every 2 minutes.

7) "Pure Water" - located in the "Quiet Pond". Use this “Water” to water the “Pink Flowers”, “Purple Flowers” ​​and “Glowing Tree”.

8) While exploring new lands, Shmu will have to wade through the "Thorny Bushes". You will be able to remove this obstacle and receive “Sharp Thorns” as a reward. (We remove for Mushroom Balm)

9) "Sharp Thorns" - the resource that you will need to improve the "Stalagmite of Concentration".

10) "Underground Boulder" - a mysterious building in the Mushroom Dungeon. You will need to clear the boulder from the thorns to collect the income of the Sparkling Tulips. (Cleanse with Mushroom Balm and Dawn Dew)

11) An incredibly beautiful plant - "Sparkling Tulip" - awaits you when collecting income from the "Underground Boulder". Plant the Sparkling Tulip in your meadows and harvest the Sparkling Petals that you will need to collect income from the Fox's Den and the Apple Tree.

12) On the way to the “Guardian of the Dungeon” you will have “Thorny Bushes”, which you can remove with the help of “Mushroom Balsam”. Clearing the Overgrowth will reward you with Sharp Thorns.

13) "Guardian of the Dungeon" - the building of the same name, with the help of which you can summon the Guardian. You have to light a circle (for Mushroom Balm + Dawn Dew + Amanita), call the Guardian (for this you need to complete the "Magic Light" quests). When collecting income from a building, you will receive the "Magic Lotus".

14) You will need “Apples with Caramel” in order to collect income from the “Guardian of the Dungeon”. This resource can be obtained from Mana Sources (with a chance). Further, from the quest “Stalagmite. Start 5/10 ”,“ Apples ”will fall from the shops.

15) "Magic Lotus" - a magic flower, gift of the Guardian. You can use it in your Dragon Fruit recipe.

16) "Small Prickly Berry" will prevent you from going to the "Lilac Mushrooms", but with "Mushroom Balm" you can remove both stages. As a reward, you will receive “Sharp Thorns”. Yagoda will have 2 levels.

17) "Lilac Mushrooms" - a bright building that will bring you the income of "Mushroom Hats". The construction can be started with "Mushroom Pollen".

18) "Mushroom Pollen" is a useful resource that you can get with a chance by removing any garbage object. Starting with the task “Stalagmite. Start 3/10 ”, you can also get“ Pollen ”from No Man's Forge and Forge with a 100% chance.

19) After you have obtained the selected "Mushroom Hats" by collecting income from "Lilac Mushrooms", you can use them to create the delicious "Dragon Fruit" that "Fox" likes so much.

20) Before you meet the new inhabitant of the Mushroom Dungeon, make sure you have the Dragon Fruit. It can be made in the Wonderful Workshop 5 at a time (Magic Lotus, Mushroom Hats and Vines). It will be needed to collect income from the "Fox Lair", as well as in order to drive the Bats from the "Apple Tree".

21) The “Medium Prickly Berry” separates you from the “Fox's Den”. Remove the obstacle with Mushroom Balsam and you will receive Sharp Thorns as a reward. Berries will have 3 levels. If you do not remove all stages of "Medium Prickly Berry" at once, then it will return to the previous stage after 1 hour.

22) "Fox's Lair" - a building in which another mysterious inhabitant of the Underground lives. With Dragon Fruit and Sparkling Petals, you can collect income and earn a graceful Gray Fox. (cleared with Mushroom Balm and Saw)

23) "Gray Fox" - a new animal that is ready to settle in the Magic Forest. The Fox will have 8 levels. There he will be "Dragon Fruit" and "Manu", and for the sale of "Fox" will give "Herb Extract".

24) In order to create a powerful "Protective Charm", you need "Herb Extract". Sell ​​"Gray Fox" to get this resource.

25) On the way to the "Apple Tree" you will have a "Big Prickly Berry". It will be possible to remove it with the help of "Mushroom Balm", and as a reward you can get "Sharp Thorns". Berries will have 4 levels. If you do not remove all stages of the “Big Barbed Berry” at once, then it will return to the previous stage after 1 hour.

26) "Apple Tree" - an amazing tree-building that will give the "Golden Apple". To begin with, you will need to drive out the insidious Bats (mini-ruler "Insidious Wounds") with the "Dragon Fruit" once. To start production, you need the Sparkling Petals.

27) "Golden Apple" - the fruits of the "Apple Tree", which will be useful to create the "Protective Amulet".

28) You will need the "Protective Charm" in order to collect income from the ephemeral "Enchanting Essence". It will be possible to make the "Amulet" in the Wonderful Workshop (Herbs Extracts, Golden Apples, Frogs).

29) “Enchanting Essence” is a magical building, the income of which will give you “Night Moths”, which are necessary to improve “Stalagmite of Concentration”.

30) “Huge Thorn Berry” will become the final obstacle on the way to the cherished “Stalagmite of Concentration”. Remove the Berry with the Mushroom Balm and receive the Sharp Thorns as a reward. Berry will have 5 levels. If you do not remove all stages of the "Huge Prickly Berry" at once, then it will return to the previous stage after 1 hour.

31) “Concentration Stalagmite” is a wonderful building that will protect the Magic Forest from invaders, as well as increase mana reserves. In total, 2 "Stalagmite" can be found in the Mushroom Dungeon. You can pick them up for “Strange Blend” and “Mushroom Balms”.

All resources that are mined in the adventure will be automatically deleted after the adventure ends.

+ Additional tasks

By completing adventure quests and exploring new lands, you can unlock one of several side quests, for which you can get unique decor.

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