Robotics 1
Deliver from warehouse: T1000 gardening robot
Plant seeds: carrot seed - 10
Plant seeds: lampovik - 10
Robotics 2
Join the competition - 1
Send the harvest to the competition - 25
Robotics 3
Harvest: Garden Plug - 20
Invest the "robotics reward" in the construction of the scenery: robot gardener T1000 - 25
Robotics 4
Harvest: Gearflower - 30
Collect Items: Robotics Collection - 2
Robotics 5
Feed the animal: cow - 8
Join the competition - 2
Robotics 6
Plant Seeds: Gear Blossom - 10
Plant Seeds: Garden Plug - 10
Robotics 7
Send the harvest to the competition - 45
Complete Stage 1 Scenery Construction: T1000 Garden Robot
Microscopic robots 1
Harvest: Carrot Guide - 25
Join competition - 3
Microscopic robots 2
Start a new stage of building the scenery: robot gardener T1000 - 1
Collect Items: Robotics Collection - 3
Microscopic robots 3
Create: Microscopic Bark Beetle Robots - 6
Use fertilizer: microscopic bark beetle robots - 3
Microscopic robots 4
Harvest on Neighbor's Farm: Garden Plug - 15
Feed the animal: chicken - 15
Gather crops on your neighbor's farm: lampovik - 10
Microscopic robots 5
Send the harvest to the competition - 90
Get a prize: Robotics Collection - 2
Microscopic robots 6
Cut down trees in your area - 10
Plant Seeds: Gearflower - 30
Microscopic robots 7
Join the competition - 4
Complete Stage 2 Scenery Construction: T1000 Garden Robot
Useful robots 1
Drive away monsters: yeti - 7
Harvest on Neighbor's Farm: Gear Blossom - 20
Useful robots 2
Start a new stage in the construction of the scenery: T1000 garden robot
Harvest: Lampovik - 25
Useful robots 3
Collect Items: Robotics Collection - 5
Create: Robot Cleaner - 1
Deliver from warehouse: robot cleaner - 1
Useful robots 4
Join competition - 5
Take first place in the competition - 1
(candy-15, experience-230)
Useful robots 5
Plant Seeds: Gearflower - 25
Plant Seeds: Garden Plug - 25
Useful robots 6
Send the harvest to the competition - 100
Feed the animal: cow - 12
Feed the animal: turkey - 15
Useful robots 7
Invest the "Robotics Award" in the construction of the scenery: Robot Gardener T1000 - 150
Get a Prize: Robotics Collection - 3
T1000 1
Remove stones in your area - 12
Harvest: Carrot Guide - 30
T1000 2
Join competition - 6
Collect Items: Robotics Collection - 8
T1000 3
Sell harvest from warehouse: Lampovik - 30
Sell harvest from warehouse: Carrot Conduit - 25
Sell Harvest From Warehouse: Garden Plug - 25
T1000 4
Feed an animal on your neighbor's farm - 30
Get a prize: Robotics Collection - 2
T1000 5
Send the harvest to the competition - 120
Take first place in the competition - 2
T1000 6
Join competition - 6
Chop trees in your area - 70
Feed the animal: chicken - 20
T1000 7
Complete the 3rd stage of the construction of the decoration "robot gardener T1000 - 1
Plant Seeds: Gearflower - 30
Plant Seeds: Garden Plug - 40
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