lunedì 11 maggio 2020

Hero Wars-Adventures: Basics

Adventures is a multiplayer game mode in which you can participate only with your guildmates. You can get there at team level 40 through the Sanctuary, which is located in the Celestial City (where Titans live 😉).

Each adventure is a map filled with enemy teams corrupted by the Army of Chaos. The main goal is to defeat a Boss, protected by the corrupted teams. Right now there are 13 Adventures in the game.
Adventures can be completed by a group of up to 3 players. A group is supposed to communicate with each other and decide which pass each player takes. Easier maps can be completed solo or by a group of two, but one player can never get all the possible rewards.
To start an adventure, you’ll need 1 Portal Charge. They refill automatically every day, up to 3 max.

Once you start an Adventure, you get a limited amount of Action Points. Their number depends on the size of the map, and you spend them by moving or attacking. There’s no option to buy more Action Points, so play wisely!
Be careful with the Eyes of the Herald Units: they focus their beams on Squads or on a Boss, providing your enemies a powerful buff. In order to remove the buff, you must defeat an enemy team of the Eye.
Note that Altars of Power allow you to choose one out of three buffs for your team. One player can choose only one buff!
Each adventure has Buffs of the Day, which change daily and affect all teams, including enemies. These Buffs enhance heroes with specific roles and can grant you bonuses like energy gain, increased stats, reduced skill cooldown, etc. You can see Buffs of the Day before you enter an adventure.

Completing adventures grants you various resources to summon and upgrade Pets. Each adventure has three regular chests and one Boss chest to open. To unlock these chests, you need to defeat enemies and earn Team Points. Each victory grants 20 Team Points to your group. Earn more Team Points to open more chests! To open a Boss chest, all you need to do is defeat a Boss.

Chests contain the following resources:
Pet Potions. Needed for leveling up your Pets.
Chaos Particles. Needed for purchasing and leveling up Pets’ Stones.
Stones. Serve as Pets’ gear.
Pet Summoning Eggs. Needed for gaining Pets’ Soul Stones.

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