mercoledì 1 aprile 2020

The Household-Young Magician Standoff(Quest Timed)

 Whose magic is stronger and cooler? Apprentice Wizzo's or Little Hexie's? Find it out in the new quest! 

To start the quest find a sad Apprentice Wizzo on your site.

- Earlier created magic dahlias won't be counted. 
- Earlier lured animals won't be counted.

- To get a new animals craft you need to cheer up (upgrade) kids. You need to upgrade ONLY ONE magician to complete the quest. It's not necessary to upgrade the second kid for the whole quest. 
- Earlier obtained animals won't be counted.

- Pay attention that you can hand in attributes to a kid only after you've cheered him/her up. If you've cheered up both of them then handing in attributes to any of them will be counted. You need to hand in attributes to ONLY ONE kid to complete the quest. 
- Earlier exchanged collections will be counted. 
- The rarer the animal, the more often it brings elements of collection.

- Bear Leon or Avid foodie craft is available only at kid, who was handed in attributes to (that, who was upgraded twice). Earlier obtained animals are counted. 
- Earlier obtained totems are counted.

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