mercoledì 15 aprile 2020

Seaport-Coastwatch Event, Week 4

Ahoy, captains!
We hope you enjoyed Easter, but now it’s time to get back on board! What have we prepared for you for the 4th week of the Coastwatch event? Let’s not hesitate and take a look!

Global Quest
Sinking Ship needs your help! Visit this destination and assist with the rescue operation together. Each contract you complete on this Global Quest will add one more gem to your final reward. 
No further hesitance, Sinking ship needs you! 

New Ships
Two new vessels have arrived to your permanent Shop offer - Monterey and Arcadia. Check them out!

Ship Merchant
Captains of levels 480+, this one’s for you! Ship Merchant is bringing you the one and only Wayway. 

Coastwatch Cargo
Stay tuned for Thursday, and try your luck with the Coastwatch Cargo! Ships, captains, materials, XP, and maybe even gems - three of these items can be yours in each one. 

That’s it for this week, captains! How did you spend your Easter? What’s your favorite Coastwatch quest? Let us know in comments!

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