martedì 3 marzo 2020

Seaport-Gold Rush Event, Week 3

How’s the golden event going at your port so far? How many tasks have you already finished? We’ve got some new cool ships and offers for you and moreover, we’ve reworked the Shipwrecks, so we hope you’ll enjoy them even more. 
Let’s check it out! 

A new couple has just arrived - SS King Orry and Tuxpan. Which one will you go for? (little hint: two is more than one

Ship Merchant

Ship Merchant is coming! If you’re level 460 and above, get prepared to welcome the RMS Olympic at your port.

Gold Rush Cargo
Thursday will be full of surprises! The second edition of the Gold Rush Cargo will arrive and you’ll be able to try your luck again: ships, captains, materials, XP, and maybe even gems - which three items will you get? 
Shipwreck rework
Standard Shipwrecks have been reworked, and will now generate once every 8 Hours. Before, these standard ones generated only once per 24 Hours. 
The rewards from each individual wreck have also been adjusted, and although a single wreck will now generate lower rewards, you can now collect them more often.
That’s all for today, captains! Let us know what you think about the new Shipwrecks and the event overall. 

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