sabato 21 marzo 2020

Papaya Summer Farm-How To Add Friends

Click  My Friends to add more friends,  find new neighbors and edit your friend list. Please notice that you don’t have to be FB friends to add a player to your Papaya friends.

In ‘FRIENDS’ tab on the right you can see your requests.

You can add these players to your Papaya friends by pressing green button.

Decline the requests by pressing red X button.

Block a player by pressing yellow button ( in this case a player won’t be able to send you request any more).

The blocked players you can find in ‘BLOCKING’ tab. Click red X button to unblock.

In ‘ADD FRIENDS’ tab you can see suggested list of players who already play Papaya. You Facebook friends have ‘F’ icon on their pics.

You can find any person who already play Papaya by their game ID.

Just paste game ID of a person you’d like to add and click ‘search’ button.

It is also possible to invite your FB friends to the game.

Type a name of your FB friend and send an invitation.

To unfriend your Papaya friends you need to open ‘FRIEND’ button and press red X.

In ‘Friends’ tab you can see the requests you sent to the players. To cancel you request just press red X button.

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