giovedì 26 marzo 2020

Food Street-Golden Food Truck Event

The Golden Food Truck Event is a new type of event in Food Street. Reach level 17 to be able to participate in Golden Food Truck Events.
This is a limited-time event during which, Kale, the Food Truck guy drives up in a Golden Food Truck and parks it by the Billboard near your restaurant. Complete cooking and filling out all the orders and send away the Golden Truck to earn vouchers, XP, and coins plus an extra voucher prize.

Golden Food Truck Event

Watch out for the Golden Board announcing the start and duration of a Golden Food Truck Event. This appears 48 hours before the event starts and can be found alongside the Blue Food Truck/ board on the curbside of your restaurant. Once the event starts, the Golden Food Truck will arrive at your restaurant and stop near the billboard on the dock.

Golden Food Truck Orders

Tapping on the truck will display the orders you need to fill to complete the truck and earn the completion reward. During this event any Food Trucks you complete will give you a random extra voucher - This extra Voucher can be Blue, Bronze, or a rare Silver or Gold one.

Asking friends for help

You can ask for help with two of the orders, just the same as the regular food trucks.  Tap on the order you need help with and select the helping hand option. The order will then display a red hand, alerting your friends that you need help with that particular order. A red hand will also appear above your golden truck.
Helping friends with Truck Orders

Friends who complete an order for you will receive the coins and XP reward for that order. When a friend has completed an order for you, their profile image will display above the truck and also on the order they have filled.
Food Truck Timer and Completion Rewards

Above the “Select an Order” panel is a timer displaying how long you have left to fill the truck orders before the truck leaves your restaurant. If your truck leaves before you have completed all the orders you will not receive your completion bonus. The completion bonus is displayed below the orders on the left bottom
Dismissing a Golden Food Truck

If you think the orders on your truck are too hard, you have the option to dismiss the truck by tapping the button on the bottom right. You will get a pop-up asking you to confirm that you want to dismiss your food truck.

If you choose to dismiss a Food Truck, a new Food Truck will arrive Golden if it’s within the time-frame of the Golden Food Truck Event. If the event is over, then the new Food Truck that arrives will be a regular one.
Claiming the Golden Food Truck Completion Reward

Once all the orders on the truck are filled, the Dismiss Truck button will be replaced with a Complete Now button - you MUST click this button in order to send away your truck and claim your rewards.
Golden Food Trucks remain at your restaurant for 16 hours. Once they leave, a golden notice board is displayed in the Truck’s parking spot. Clicking on this notice board will tell you how long to go before the next truck arrives and will also give you a hint to one of the required items.
The time that your food truck arrives depends on when you send it away. It arrives again 6 hours after it has been sent away.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Golden Food Truck Event is about to start but I’m half-way through my current Food Truck. Will I lose my progress?
No, If you have a half-completed Food Truck and there’s still time before your Food Truck goes away, your half-done Food Truck will turn golden and you will receive not only the prizes for that Food Truck but also a Bonus voucher reward. This bonus voucher could be Blue, Bronze, Gold or Silver.
I just sent away a Golden Food Truck! How long do I have to wait for the next one?
You will need to wait 6 hours until the next Golden Food Truck arrives. Alternatively, you could use gems to skip the wait time and have one arrive immediately.
I got my last Golden Food Truck and it’s not been 16 hours since it arrived. But the Golden Food Truck Event is about to end - will I lose my prize?
If you haven't finished your Golden Food Truck and the event ends, your Food Truck will become a regular Food Truck and you will still receive the Food Truck completion prize. The only difference is that you will not be eligible for the extra Bonus Voucher reward anymore.
Where can I find in the game, how long I have before the Golden Food Truck Event is over?
The timer on the Golden Food Truck icon on the bottom right of the screen indicates how long the Golden Food Truck Event will run.

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