giovedì 19 marzo 2020

Astro Garden-The Ornithologist's Day Update

Welcome to the world
I. Plant seeds: juicy peach 10x
plant seeds: nutritious rowan 10x
plant seeds: solar flower 10x
II. collect items: ornithologist's collection 2x
chop down trees 40x
III. harvest crops: nutritious peach 20x
collect extra: bird's vitamins 10x
IV. create: good bait 6x
V. harvest crops: solar flower 25x
plant seeds: cucumber 30x
VI. create: enhanced bait 9x
feed the animal: chicken 15x
VII. complete the RC: observing the sparrows 1x
 (total 3000: 36 x enhanced bait+353 energy)
Secrets of poultry
I. chop trees 8x
take from storage: bird tree 1x
II. harvest crops: juicy peach 25x
harvest crops: nutritious rowan 25x
III. create: enhanced bait 6x
create: special bait 6x
IV. feed the animal: cow 15x
collect items: ornithologist collection 3x
V. plant seeds: solar flower 30x
feed the animal: chicken 20x
VI. receive the prize: ornithologist collection 1x
create: special bait 12x
VII. plant seeds: juicy peach 30x
complete the RC: observing the heavenly birds 1x
 (total 15000: 100 x special bait + 1000 energy)
Amazing ornithology
I. build stage 2 of the decoration: nird tree 1x
feed the animal: turkey 15x
II. collect extra: mushroom 3x
harvest crops: nutritious rowan 30x
III. collect items: ornithologist collection 5x
feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 30x
IV. create: enhanced bait 6x
harvest crops: sunny flower 30x
V. feed the animal: cow 15x
clear the rocks 10x
VI. help a friend in RC 1x
harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: juicy peach 15x
harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: nutritious rowan 10x
Song of bid farewell
I. expel the monster: yeti 8x
feed the animal: chicken 20x
II. sell crops: juicy peach 25x
sell crops: nutritious rowan 25x
sell crops: sunny flower 25x
III. create: special bait 20x
break stone at your neighbor's farm 30x
IV. collect items: ornithologist collection 8x
collect items: butterfly 2x
V. chop trees 12x
plant seeds: nutritious rowan 25x
VI. create: special bait 25x
feed the animal: turkey 20x
VII. complete RC: observing the toucans 1x
 (total 60000: 400 x special bait + 4000 energy)
 finish the construction: bird tree 1x
plant seeds: sunny flower 40x

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