lunedì 2 marzo 2020

Astro Garden- International Womans Day 2020

Spring's greeting
I. clear the rocks 12x
    feed the animal: chicken 30x
II. create seeds: snowdrop 10x
     plant seeds: snowdrop 10x
III. collect items: woman's day collection 2x
       chop down trees 70x
IV. harvest crops: snowdrop 10x
      feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 60x
V. create seeds: snowdrop 10x
     sell crops: snowdrop 20x
Spring gifts
I. collect extra: amber 7x
   collect items: woman's day collection 5x
    receive the prize: woman's day collection 1x
II. harvest crops: strawberry 100x
      sell crops: strawberry 100x
III. create seeds: tulip 10x
       plant seeds: tulip 10x
IV. collect items: precious stone collection 5x
       receive the prize: precious stone collection 2x
V. create seeds: primrose 10x
     plant seeds: primrose 10x
VI. sell crops: tulip 10x
       sell crops: primrose 10x
In search of perfection
I. harvest crops at professors farm: snowdrop 3x
    harvest crops at professors farm: tulip 3x
    harvest crops at professors farm: primrose 3x
II. collect extra: wood shaving 4x
     create: spring fertilizer 10x
III. collect items: womans day collection ??
       receive the prize: womans day collection 2x
IV. create seeds: tulip 10x
       plant seeds: tulip 10x
       use: spring fertilizer 10x
V. harvest crops: tulip 10x
     collect extra: mirror 10x
VI. create: spring eilxir of knowledge 1x
       use: spring elixir of knowledge 1x
VII. clear the rocks 15x
        harvest crops: cucumber 60x
Spring businesses
I. create seeds: primrose 20x
    harvest crops: primrose 20x
II. feed the animal: goat 25x
     feed the animal: cow 25x
III. create: spring appetite 10x
       use: spring appetite 10x
IV. feed an animal at your neighbor's farm: pig 30x
      feed an animal at your neighbor's farm: cow 30x
V. create seeds: tulip 30x
     harvest crops: tulip 30x
VI. chop trees at your neighbor's farm 70x
      sell crops: tulip 30x
VII. plant seeds: pineapple 50x
        collect items: beetle collection 4x
Flower party
I. clear the rocks 15x
    collect extra: root 3x
II. create seeds: snowdrops 20x
      plant seeds: snowdrop 20x
III. create: seasonal fertilizer 10x
      feed the animal: sheep 20x
      feed the animal: rabbit 20x
IV. chop down trees 70x
       expel the monsters: wolf 12x
V. create seeds: primrose 10x
     plant seeds: primrose 10x
     use: seasonal fertilizer 10x
VI. collect items: womans day collection ??
      collect extra: mirror 15x
VII. create seeds: tulip 20x
        plant seeds: tulip 20x
        harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: snowdrop 25x
Spring science
I. feed an animal at professors farm 12x
    feed the animal: cow 25x
     feed the animal: pig 25x
II. plant seeds: pepper 40x
     create: seasonal fertilizer 10x
      use: seasonal fertilizer 10x
III. clear the rocks 12x
       feed the animal: turkey 25x
IV. create seeds: tulip 20x
       harvest crops: tulip 20x
       collect items: herbarium 3x
V. plant seeds: strawberry volcano 30x
     harvest crops: strawberry volcano 30x
VI. create seeds: snowdrops 30x
       harvest crops: snowdrop 30x
VII. create: spring elixir of knowledge 1x
        use: spring elixir of knowledge 1x

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