giovedì 13 febbraio 2020

Paradise Island 2-Valentine's Day 2020 Tournament

What is the Tournament?
Participate in our one-of-a-kind Tournament! Complete the special event quests with other players and gain rewards. Follow your common goal, earn Tournament points, and win the main prize!

How do I get Tournament points?
Complete the tasks you see below to earn Tournament points. The points you get will be reordered both in your Individual and Common Goals.
Talk to the Cupid - 1 point
Trade with Sam Watchyerhead - 5 points
Trade with the Leprechaun King - 5 points
Trade with Princess Amour - 10 points
Collect profits from the Blissful Corner - 30 points
Hold the Rose Exhibition event - 15 points
Hold the Rainbow Show event - 20 points
Hold the Walk with a Unicorn event - 70 points
Place a holiday gift decoration on your Island - 100 points
Collect profits from the Unicorn Palace - 150 points
What is an Individual Goal?
An Individual Goal is a goal assigned to every player personally. Earn the required number of points, complete the Tournament tasks, and earn special rewards! You can always consult the Tournament tab to see how many points you have already earned and the time left until the end of the Tournament.

What is a Common Goal?
A Common Goal is assigned to all the Island owners to reach collectively. You can reach it collectively by earning the required number of points. Ask your friends, allies and other players for help, complete the common task together, and the main Tournament prize will be yours!

What are the Tournament rankings?
The most active participants in the Tournament, Island owners who earned more Tournament points than anyone else, will gain a position in a special ranking.

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