lunedì 17 febbraio 2020

Food Street-Party Hearty Food Club Event

Surprise your Valentine with a box of chocolates for Party Hearty!  Dress up for your dinner date and head on over to the event area to play the Food Club Event & Delivery Event! 

For even more info on Party Hearty, keep on reading!

Important Dates
Feb 11th - Party Hearty items in shops
Feb 13th - Party Hearty Food Club Event begins 
Feb 19th -Party Hearty Food Club Event ends
Feb 20th - Party Hearty Token Delivery Event starts
Feb 24th - Party Hearty Token Delivery Event ends
Feb 25th - Party Hearty items leave shops
* Please note all dates and times reflect GMT
Party Hearty - Feb 11th - Feb 25th
Let your guests pick your restaurant over others for their dinner date for Valentine's day! Decorate from the heart with romantic Venetian decor, with rose vine Venetian column, Venetian divider, Gondola Table, Cupid Statue, Neon Heart Sign and more!

*Party Hearty items will be available for a limited time.
Party Hearty Functional Items & Pets -  Feb 11th - Feb 25th
Spend a romantic day out with your Valentine! Go of a picnic, spend alone time by the Cupid fountain or check out the Cupid Vendor's wares together during Party Hearty! All functional items will be available in the shops from Feb 11th

*Party Hearty Functional Items and pets are available for a limited time. 

Party Hearty Food Club Event - Feb 13th - Feb 19th
Woo your Valentine by cooking their favorite meal in the Party Hearty Food Club Event. Serve up delicious dishes such as Champagne Truffles, Valentine Cake, and Hot Cocoa!

Stoves: Romeo’s Trades, Dessert Stall, Bar Counter

Crops/Ingredients: Rose, Passionfruit, Grapes, Chocolate Heaters, Champagne, Oysters

Event Dishes: Bellini, Hot Cocoa, Champagne Truffles, Valentine Cake, Tasting Board, Valentine Cocktail

Token Delivery Event -  Feb 20th
Help Marby with her deliveries and she will reward you with Tokens in the Token Delivery Event starting Feb 20th!

R3dKnight's Weekly Livestream 
Come hang out with FanVIP Ricky every week for a fun filled Food Street Livestream!

Tune in every Saturday from Midnight - 3am GMT (Friday 4pm-7pm PST) and get the latest Food Street news plus sneak peeks, restaurant reviews and the chance to win some awesome prizes! Subscribe to Ricky's YouTube channel here. Click to go!

Don't forget to tap the bell icon next to "subscribe" to be notified about every new video!
Other Important Dates
Early March - Incredible India
Early March - Incredible India Food Club Event

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