martedì 18 febbraio 2020

Astro Garden-Chivaly Fair(Event Timed)

The first tournament
I. take from storage: tower with the princess 1x
    plant seeds: club-shaped cactus 10x
    plant seeds: gladioform pepper 10x
II. join the competition 1x
     send fruits to the competition 25x
III. harvest crops: helm-shapd pumpkin 20x
        invest golden helmet in the construction of the decoration: tower with princess 25x
IV.harvest crops: aegiform mushroom 30x
      collect items: knight’S collection 2x
V. feed the animal: cow 8x
     join the competition 2x
VI. plant seeds: aegiform mushroom 10x
       plant seeds: helm-shaped pomkin 10x
VII. send fruits in the competition 45x
        complete first stage of the construction of the decoration: tower with princess 1x
Vigorous victories
I. ??
II. start second stage of the contruction of the decoration: tower with princess 1x
      collect items: knight’s collection 3x
III. feed the animal: chicken 15x
       create: vigorous chopper 6x
       use fertilizer: vigorous chopper 3x
IV. harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: helm-shaped pumpkin 15x
       harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: aegiform pepper 10x
V. send fruit to the competition 90x
     receive the prize: knight’s collection 2x
VI. chop down trees 10x
       plant seeds: aegiform mushroom 30x
VII. join the competition 4x
        complete 2nd stge of the construction of the decoratio: tower with princess 1x
New blueprints
I. expel the monsters: wolf 7x
    harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: aegiform mushroom 20x
II. start 3rd stage of the contruction of the decoration: tower with princess 1x
     harvest crops: gladioform pepper 25x
III. collect items: knigth’s collection 5x
       craeate: front gate 1x
       take from storage: front gate 1x
IV. join the competiton 5x
      come first in the competition 1x
V. plant seeds: aegiform mushroom 25x
     plant seeds: helm-shaped pumpkni 25x
VI. send fruit to the competition 100x
       feed the animal: cow 12x
       feed the animal: turkey 15x
VII. invest gold helmet in the contruction of the decoration: tower with princess 150x
        receive the prize: knight’s collection 3x
Award ceremony
I. clear the rocks 12x
    harvest crops: club-shaped cactus 30x
II. join the competition 6x
     collect items: knight’s collection 8x
III. sell crops: gladioform pepper 30x
        sell rops: club-shaped cactus 25x
       sell rops: helm-shaped pumpkin 25x
IV. feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 30x
       receive the prize: knight’s collection 2x
V. send fruits to the competition 120x
     come first in the competition 2x
VI. join the competition 6x
       chop trees 70x
       feed the animal: chicken 20x
VII. complete the construction of the decoration: tower with princess 1x
        plant seeds: aegiform mushroom 30x
        plant seeds: helm-shaped pumpkin 40x

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