domenica 19 gennaio 2020

FarmVille Tropic Escape-Cruises Are Here Official Guide

A big Cruise ship recently made its maiden voyage and is looking for an island destination. Take pride of your island paradise and become a Cruise ship destination by joining a Beach Club today!

If you are at least Level 18, and a part of Beach Club, you will receive an invitation to let visitors in to your island.

Welcome visitors from the Visitor Center located just behind the Arboreal Wildlife Habitat.

The Visitor Center allows you to invite visitors by tapping on the "+ Invite Visitor" button.
You can invite up to 3 visitors for FREE, and purchase 2 more "slots" for a total of 5 visitors. Reach your daily visitor goals to get additional Happiness points!

Choose among the available visitors by tapping on their image and hitting the "Invite" button.

Tip: Each visitor will stay for a whole day, and will want specific souvenirs from your island. Give them what they want before the time ends to earn their Happiness!

To give a visitor their desired souvenir, simply tap on your visitors and drag the souvenir towards them.

Each souvenir has its own rewards, including happiness, which you will need to fill your Beach Club's Happiness meter!

Fill the Happiness meter with members of your Beach Club within the Cruise ship's stay for more exciting prizes, including a limited-time Prize Grabber!

Note: Different cruises have different themes! Be on the lookout for the kind of visitors you'll get and the souvenirs that they would want!

What are Milestones?

Milestones are additional goals for members of the Beach Club to complete in order to get bonus rewards.

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