Fingers strum the strings. A chord, then another! The sounds knock you down like a young beauty’s gaze or an enemy’s pickaxe. The rhythm is the resonant clicking of heels or stray buckshot. The melody is more intoxicating than royal wines, than blood lost by a soldier for the world’s fate. Sebastian is well aware of the great power of art. Music is his weapon!
Hello everyone! Winterfest will begin on December 25th, and at the same time a new Support Hero Sebastian will join Dominion Guardians! Today we’ll tell you about his skills, so that you can already begin to come up with a team for him :)
First Skill:

Negative effects are any effects apllied by an enemy to your hero. Those effects would be: Stun, Silence, Control, Armor Reduction, Damage over Time, Marks (Mark of Water, Fox Fire Mark, Tracker’s Mark), etc.
Ode of Serenity won’t cancel affects applied to the battlefield. Those effects would be: Celeste’s Cursed Flame, Krista’s Frozen Needles and Lars’ Lord of the Storm.
Also, this skill can’t dispell air throw abilities like Faceless’ Power Throw, K’arkh’s Nexus of Horror and Kai’s Fetters of the Wind. Cleaver’s Rusty Hook pull can’t be dispelled either.
Second Skill:

Third Skill:
Fourth Skill:

We hope Sebastian will fit perfectly into your teams! What heroes do you think Sebastian will be especially good with? Or against? Share in the comments!
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