giovedì 3 ottobre 2019

My Farm-Resort

And due to this we decided to make you a guide about the Resort and Tourists.
First of all, when you reach level 30 you gain access to Travel Agency (you can find it near the river, behind the train). It takes 2000 coins and 24 hours to rebuild it.  After you click on the Travel Agency you will be moved to a brand new location – the Resort. It is an island at the sea that attracts tourists. These tourists have different request and you need to serve them with goods. For that you will gain coins, experience and reputation, that will improve your resort level. When a tourist is fully served he will give you an additional gift and then he will go to the port.

But how do tourists get to my resort?
Seaport station
You can find a Seaport Station at the top of your resort. Click on it to get information about the nest Ferry and its capacity. The Ferry gets larger with every Seaport Station upgrade. You will need Bricks, Steel rods and Roof tiles. Each upgrade adds another seat for a tourist at your Ferry. At Seaport station level 1 only 3 tourists will arrive and at Seaport level 12 The Ferry will bring 14 tourists. The Ferry arrives every 6 hours.
Yacht club
When you resort reaches level 4 the Yacht Club will become available. It takes 2000 coins and 24 hours to rebuild it. After that you can click on the Yacht Club and visit your friend resorts to pick up their tourists, that are already at the port. Your Yacht gets better with every Yacht Club upgrade. For this you will need platinum, gold and silver bars. You can either increase the capacity to improve the number of tourists that you can pick up or reduce waiting time between trips. Level 1 Yacht can pick up only 1 tourist and requires 6 hours between trips.

Town Hall
At the Town Hall you can find information about your tourists and the buildings they want to visit. It is the easiest way to manage your resort and serve tourists. Also you can see your resort’s capacity here. At Town Hall level 1 you can receive up to 9 tourists at once and every upgrade will add you 3 more tourists.  The Ferry won’t be able to bring tourists (or it will bring less tourists than usual) if you already reached the limit. You will need Stone blocks, Steel rods and Resin to upgrade your Town Hall.
Tourists will arrive at the resort by Ferry or by Yacht. Each tourist wants to visit from 1 to 3 buildings. Click on the tourist (or use Town Hall) to see where he wants to go and then chose a required building. There this tourist will be waiting for you to serve him his order. He will ask for different things that can be produced at your farm: fruits, vegetables, milk. Cakes, cloth and etc. Click on the “Serve” button if you have enough of the requested goods. After a while (serving time depends on the building) this tourist will be ready to pay for the service. Click on him to receive coins, experience and reputation. You can see the reward before or during the service. If this was the last building that this tourist wanted to visit he will give you an additional present (some useful material that will help you upgrade your resort, silo and warehouse or build an enclosure for your zoo; or an item for farm and resort expansion). After that this tourist will head to the port.
Any tourist can be send back home. For example, you have to many tourists that want to visit a certain building or this tourist is asking for something, that you are not planning to make. Just chose this tourist and click “Send home” button. You won’t receive a reward but your friend can pick up this tourist with his yacht (like any other tourist at the port). It is easier to manage your tourists at the Town Hall (especially when you upgrade your Ferry and the amount of visitors will increase). The better your resort becomes the more buildings your tourist want to visit (but no more than 3 buildings). Fully served tourist is the tourist that visited all buildings he wanted.
All tourists want to visit up to 3 building at your resort. There are 8 buildings in total: Grocery, Cinema, Restaurant, Hotel, Gift Shop, Spa, Fast Food Cart and Shopping Mall. You get a new building with every level of your resort. All buildings can be found at the Shop. Just buy them, place on your map and wait until construction is finished.  At first every building can serve only 1 tourist. But you can upgrade them and increase the amount of tourists that can visit this building. All tourists can be served at the same time. Time of serving can vary from 1 to 6 hours. Every building can be upgraded many time with the use of different materials. There are 4 types of upgrades for each building: More tourists, More coins, More experience and reputation and Fast service. The more free spaces you have the more tourists you can serve at this building at the same time. More coins upgrade increases the amount of coins you receive from a tourist. More experience and reputation upgrade increases the amount of reputation and experience you receive from tourists at this building. Fast service reduces the time required for service. Construct new buildings and upgrade them to make your resort even better.
Territory expansion
You can expand your resort territory by claiming new lands and clearing the area from palm trees and other obstacles. This works the same way as at your farm – you need saws, axes, shovels, dynamite and bundles of dynamite. To claim lands you will need map pieces, tape measures, ropes and stakes. You can also claim sea lands where you can put water decorations and some enclosures. All your farm decorations are available for the resort too. You will also gain new decorations with every resort level. Town Hall and all other buildings can be moved so you can make a beautifully designed resort.
Tourist’s order
You can see tourists’ orders without leaving your farm. Just click on the stand near the Travel Agency or on the button near the Shop (at the right bottom corner). There you can see how many tourists are waiting to be served and what exactly they want.

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