giovedì 3 ottobre 2019

My Farm-The Harvest Contest

 What is the Harvest Contest?
The Harvest Contest is limited event that occurs in co-ops from experience level 24 onwards.
Every week, the Contest starts between co-ops and give them the opportunity to win prizes. The Winners’ podium unlocks as the player repairs the Co-op stand.

How often are Contests?
Once a week. Contests start at 9:00 a.m. UTC on Wednesdays and ends at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesdays.
A 24-hour cool down period occurs between Contests to let members view results, collect rewards, opt out, opt back in or participate in the next Contest with a different co-op.
How can I participate in a Contest?
Join any co-op with 2 or more members before Contest starts.
If a Contest has started you will not be able to participate, and have to wait up to a week.
Note: Join a co-op around your level because tasks available will be based on the average co-op level.
2. Participating in Contest is checked by default.
To opt out of Contest you must uncheck the "Participate in the next Contest" box at the Co-op stand. (Recheck the box if you want to participate in next Contest.) 
Participating statuses update instantly, so you know in advance which members are participate next Contest.
What else do I need to know?
A maximum of 9 random co-ops compete against each other. To take part in a Contest, the co-op must contain 3 or more members who have confirmed their participation. 
Competing groups of co-ops are formed depending on the number of participants, as well as on the number of previous received awards. There are certain criteria by which the co-ops are divided into groups: 3-4 participants, 5-6 participants, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15 etc.
Note: when groups are sorting, there may be a situation with very few co-ops with a certain number of participants, then teams will be staffed from neighboring groups.
Therefore, in rare cases groups may arise with a difference in the number of participants. To avoid this, you can gain more members in the co-ops, then the sorting will be more even.
What if I don’t want to participate in the Harvest Contest?
Players can opt out of the Contest, or opt back in, during the 24-hour break by (un)checking the appropriate box at the Co-op stand.
However, if the player(s) left before finishing all tasks it will put your co-op at a disadvantage. All of the points for tasks they weren't able to start or finish are impossible to recover.
Points from players who are kicked will remain, but all their rewards will be forfeit.
Why am I not able to participate in the Contest?
Most likely you are not able to participate because you missed the Contest start. In other words, you either entered a co-op or checked your Participating status after the Contest had begun. In this case you can follow your co-op progress in the Contest, but you can't pick a task to contribute to it. 
Why does it work this way?
In the Contest, opponents are selected randomly, so long as they have the same amount of members as you. So if you join a Contest in the middle of it, your co-op will gain an advantage over the others by having an extra participant.
Your best option in this case is to switch co-ops during the “pause day”. This way, you won’t lose your prizes and will be able to participate in the next Contest.  
Keep in mind: if you leave your co-op before the end of the Contest, you won't be able to claim rewards. Even if you join it back or join a new one, you will not be a participant of the current Contest anymore.📷
Your co-op must also contain 3 or more members who have confirmed their participation before the start of the Сontest!

What do I do during the Harvest Contest?
There are tasks which can be achieved in Contests. Completing a task let players win Contest points. Depending on the time they might take and their difficulty they can award from 100 to 500 points. Each participant can perform any 5 tasks. The co-op has the common goal and the participants see the same tasks. 
Unsuitable tasks (for example, the tasks with a small reward) can be deleted by the leader or co-leader. If you've already picked a task, you can remove it too. Remember that if you remove a task that you've already taken, it will be counted in the task limit and after that it cannot be completed any more. You can find the list of completed and removed tasks in the Task Log.
There are 12 different types of tasks.
Five are time-limited:
Feeding animals
Planting and harvesting fields
Collecting one type of animal goods
Making and collecting a specific product
Delivering truck orders
The other ones are not:
Extracting ore from the mine
Filling train orders
Fishing with lures
Fully serving resort visitors
Each player can only choose one task at a time. Failing to complete a chosen task does not result in a penalty but still counts toward the player's task quota.
Co-op leaders and co-leaders can discard any non-selected task; a new task then replaces the discarded one 30 minutes later.
A player's list of completed or failed tasks is shown below the task board.
You have to complete most of the tasks by yourself, but for some of them, you can ask for help from your friends or fellow co-op members. 
Produced goods or harvested crop are counted immediately, the counter is not reset after the sale, you need only to produce and collect. The more rating will be scored by the co-op, the more rewards the participants will receive.

Tell me more about the tasks types!
Truck orders
Complete truck deliveries. The task is counted once the truck is on its way. Players can either produce and collect themselves or buy products through Dan or Farmstand to fill the orders.
Animal goods
Collect animal goods. Players cannot buy the goods through Dan or Farmstand and need to produce and collect themselves.
Train orders
Complete and send off trains. The task is counted once all containers have been filled and the train is on its way. Players can either produce and collect themselves or buy products through Dan or Farmstand to fill the orders. Other players can help fill some of the containers.
Catch several kgs of fish with lures. Fishing with nets does not count. Players cannot buy the fish through Dan or Farmstand and need to fish themselves.
Harvest fields. It is the harvesting of the field that counts, not how many crops are collected. Players cannot buy the crops and need to produce and collect themselves.
Excavate ores from the mine using mining tools. Players cannot buy the ore and need to produce and collect themselves.
Produce and collect products. Players cannot buy the products through Dan or Farmstand  and need to produce and collect themselves.
Resort visitors orders
Fully serve any visitors in your town. Town visitors need to be served in all the buildings they request. When the visitor presents a gift, it means he/she has been fully served. Players can either produce and collect themselves or buy products through Dan or Farmstand to fill the orders. The visitor can be served ahead of time but be released from the last requested building only after the derby task has been selected. 
Where can I see the progress and results of the Contest?
The “Сurrent Contest” tab shows how the current competition is progressing. There, you can find the list of all participating co-ops ranked by their current score. Just look for your co-op's emblem to find it. You can see how many points your co-op has earned in the current Contest.
There are 5 checkpoints along the way, and you reach them when you earn a certain number of points. You can check your personal progress in the current Contest by clicking “Rewards for participation” tab.
What is the purpose of the Harvest Contest?
The aim of the Contest is to get the highest rating score in order to get the maximum number of bonuses and take the prize place in the competition. To do this, you need to select tasks with a higher rating. You get extra reward if your co-op makes it into the top three! Reaching the prize-winning place also gives a gold, silver or bronze trophy to the co-op.
Notice: reaching all the 5 reward points is not a necessary condition in obtaining a prize-winning place. The co-op will win if it earns the highest rating.
How can I collect the reward?
At the end of the Contest, you will be able to receive a reward. 
Rewards can be one or more supplies, products, tools, expansion materials, gems or exclusive decorations. 
For each reached point you open a column with rewards and select one award from each bar. You can also use the reshuffle button to change the unselected rewards by spending 5 Farm Cash, and then select others. It may be better!

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