martedì 22 ottobre 2019

FarmVille 2-La Locanda Stregata:Guida Ufficiale e Missioni

A few days ago, a pregnant mare from the Equestrian Show gave birth to twins! The whole County was worried for her & the babies, but all went well. However, we’re having a hard time caring for the foals ever since they got spooked by a couple of jack o’lanterns that were placed nearby! They’re now so skittish that pretty much anything scares them. Cornelius knows that you’re the only one who can provide them with the needed training and care. Build a Boo Barn on your farm, and you can adopt the cute baby Chinese Guoxia Pony and baby Buckskin Lundy Pony! 

If you are level 15 or higher, the “Spooken Like A Foal!” popup will appear. Click on the “Place Boo Barn” button to begin this feature

Start building the Barn by first collecting all the materials you need.

Then, ask your friends for help or hire builders.

The finished Boo Barn will look like this:

Start the care and training of the baby mini horses by clicking on the Barn. The tasks that you need to complete for each baby animal can be found on the right side of the menu.

For the baby  Chinese Guoxia Pony, you only need to complete two more tasks: Collect 8 Horse Balloons and Make 4 Pony Saddles.

Collect Horse Balloons by completing “The Haunted Inn!” line of quests. You can access these quests by clicking on the “Go To Quest!” button.

Craft the Pony Saddles by clicking on the “Make It!” Button.

If you have enough materials, start crafting by clicking on the Make button. If you are in need of ingredients, you can always ask for help by clicking on the “Call My Co-op” or “Post” buttons.

After completing all the tasks, the baby Chinese Guoxia Pony is ready to make his home on your farm!

You can adopt the baby Buckskin Lundy Pony by crafting Equines Calmers, Plain Horse Blankets and Pumpkin Treats. Click on the “Make It!” buttons to craft them.

Once these items are crafted, you can adopt the baby Buckskin Lundy Pony!

Finish all the tasks to unlock the Bonus Quest.

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