Ladies and gentlemen! This triumphant, exciting, delightful moment that we have been waiting for so long has finally come. Meet the unmatched Farming hall of fame for our trophy cups and statues! Purchase head of jury, 3 golden Annies and the academy building and get Farming hall of fame as a gift.
To save place on site purchase of the label will be available for the hall's owner. Thus the building can be placed in inventory or moved to any other lands.
You can not only create golden Annies in the academy building but also conduct award ceremonies. As a result we can get 3 types of boosters: animals will become hungry at once and fruit and crops will mature at once thanks to them.
Farming hall of fame can be expanded from 60 to 240 slots.
What showpieces can be exhibited in the Farming hall of fame:
The offer will be available on 13th and 14th of August.
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