mercoledì 7 agosto 2019

RedSpell-Html5 Information

Some information about HTML5.
Hello, friends! As you already know, browsers will cancel support of Adobe flash player in December 2020. Many of you ask us about our games and what will happen to them. We want to assure you that we are ready to fight and everything is under control :) You can continue to visit your friends in Hedgies, conquer the Good and create new evil and crazy plans in Forbidden Garden, raise incredible animals and explore the galaxy of Nano Farm and so on and so on. Our team has been preparing for this change for a long time and we want to share the good news with you: the work is almost complete. We promise you that our games will continue to exist on Facebook and that your progress will not be lost. As soon as our work on the trial HTML5 version is completed, we will inform you of how everything works for your convenience.
Thank you for your support!

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