mercoledì 21 agosto 2019

FarmVille 2 Country Escape-Moovin’ Season Official Guide

It’s the end of summer and the rainy season is about to start. Time for the herd to come in from grazing in the fields. Goatherd Gabby and Chuck-Wagon Chucky will be in hand to help round the cattle up as dark clouds loom in the horizon. 

If you are at least Level 12, you will be invited to know more about the Moovin’ Season. You will need to force-close the game or even need to reboot your device to see the update.

The Moovin’ Season will start on August 21 and ends on September 8, 2019. You will have ample time to complete the 6 phases of the event and win an Expert Stock Dog farmhand that will last for 30 days after the end of the event!

Start the event by visiting the Trail where the herd has been grazing.

For each phase you will be needing Rare and Uncommon items that will be required to craft the event items and win great rewards!

Temporary Place of Interest: Cowboy Camp

The Cowboy Camp is a temporary area is where you can find the Rare and Uncommon ingredients needed to craft the event recipes

Stampede Boost

The Stampede Boost can give you twice the amount of rare Event items! 

Temporary Farm Hands: Goatherd Gabby and Chuck-Wagon Chucky

Get help by purchasing Goatherd Gabby and Chuck-Wagon Chucky, as farmhands. They will give you a higher chance of finding rare event items and more!

New Items and where to get them:

Phase 1
Golden Apple - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mill and Prized Animals
Trail Mix  – Cowboy Camp

Phase 2
Violet Potatoes – Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mill and Prized Animals
Coriander– Cowboy Camp

Phase 3
Coffee Beans - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mill and Prized Animals
Camping Kettle – Cowboy Camp

Phase 4
Canned Beans - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, or Mill
Oat Flour – Cowboy Camp

Phase 5
Biscuit Mix - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, or MillLollipop
Cheddar – Cowboy Camp

Phase 6
Studs - Grandma's Glade, Pappy's Pond, Merryweather Mine, Pier, Mill and Prized Animals
Cork Leather – Cowboy Camp


Phase 1: 10 Speed Seed and 5 Golden Gloves
Phase 2: 4 Nails and 10 Speed Seed
Phase 3: 2 Padlocks and 5 Golden Gloves
Phase 4: 2 Nails, 2 Padlock and 5 Golden Gloves
Phase 5: 10 Keys and a box of Stamps (3 Bronze, 2 Silver, 1 Gold)
Phase 6: Expert Stock Dog

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