It is finally here the long-awaited UNIONS. Many have already been able to deal with all the «Whys?» and, «Hows?» and some are completely confused. J
But now help is here this article should help you find answers to all questions! So, where do we start? From the simplest — what are UNIONS and what are they for?
An UNIONS is a group of players United by a common goal. Any player who has reached level 100 can join any open UNIONS as long as they meet the UNION level requirements.
Some information on UNIONS:
1.The maximum number of players in one Union is 50 people.
2.The Union cannot be closed, but you can put a limit on the game level for players to join.
3.A player who does not meet the requirements of the Union level, can join it, but only at the invitation of the Union.
Why Should I Join a UNIONS?
After joining a UNION, the player gets access to awesome gifts and to the Union chat. Also, the player is able to request resources from allies. You have communication as well as access to viewing the beautiful glades of the allies — a nice bonus for all players!
How to create a UNION or join an existing one?
1. First you need to figure out where to find Unions. The Unions button is located to the left of the friends bar.
IMPORTANT! I was already in the Union in the "Christmas Mystery-2018”, so at the same time the Union was moved to "Christmas Mystery 2019". So I have a standard button unions, and with the emblem of the Union. Players outside the Union button will be blue. The transfer of the Union of “Christmas Mystery-2018” in the “Christmas Mystery -2019”:
1. All existing unions are automatically transferred from the “Christmas Mystery-2018” in the “Christmas Mystery-2019”. Unions created in " Christmas Mystery-2018” after the update in “Christmas Mystery-2019” will not be transferred. At least one player from the Union in “Christmas Mystery-2018” should play "Christmas Mystery”.
2. The name and description of the Union is retained during the transfer. The emblem of the Union is set randomly.
3.All players who were in the same Union in the “Christmas Mystery-2018” and who play in the “Christmas Mystery-2019”are recorded in the transferred Union.
4. As the lead of the Union is appointed a player who went to the “Christmas Mystery-2019” no more than 10 days ago. The choice of the head of the Union takes place among all members of the Union in descending order of priority:
1. The player is the head of the Union in Christmas Mystery-2018.
2. The player was a moderator in the Union in " Christmas Mystery-2018” and he has the highest level in “Christmas Mystery-2019”.
3. The player was a moderator in the Union in “Christmas Mystery-2018” and he has the lowest level in “Christmas Mystery-2019”.
4. All members of the Union in descending order of the level in the "Christmas Mystery-2019”. Important! If all members of the Union came more than 10 days ago in the “Christmas Mystery-2019”, the head will be assigned to the player in the same priority as in paragraphs 1-4.
5.As moderators are appointed players who were moderators in the "Christmas Mystery-2018” and whose entrance to the “Christmas Mystery-2019” was no later than 10 days ago. If there is no player, the moderators are not appointed.
6.All other members of the Union from “Christmas Mystery-2018” become ordinary members of the Union in “Christmas Mystery-2019”.
So, imagine that you are out of the Union and you have a level above 100, then by clicking on the unions button, you will see this window:
In this window, you can choose from three options:
1.By clicking “Join”, you enter into a random Union in which there is a place (and you meet the requirements of the Union).
2.By clicking “Find”, you will see the Union search box, which shows all empty unions.
3.By clicking “Create”, you will see the Union creation window.
If the first point is clear, the remaining two we will consider in more detail.
Suppose you select the second item, then you will see this window:
It's simple: you will see unions with their name, number of players and place in the ranking. The green "Join" button indicates that you meet the requirements of the Union and can join there.
If you decide to create your own Union, then you will see this window:
When creating a Union, you can choose a coat of Arms. You can also name your Union and a small description so that other players in the search can get acquainted with the Union and its goals. In the column “Keywords” you can specify the words by which you will be easy to find in the “Search Union”. In the column “Required Union level” you specify the minimum Union level of the player in the game “ 2019” for the possibility of joining the Union.
IMPORTANT! Creating a Union is cost 1,000 rubies, so the name of the Union should be chosen consciously, rechecking for errors. If the name is already established Union you do not like or there is any errors, you will be able to fix this in the settings.
The change of the coat of arms cost 100 rubies.
Changing the name of the Union costs as much AS 1000 rubies.
It is worth noting that the head of the Union can expel any player without explanation. We advise you to join the unions of your friends to avoid such situations.
Now we have created or entered into a UNION, what's next?
Let's visit our UNION! To do this, simply click on the new Union icon we talked about earlier After clicking on the icon you will see the beautiful Union glade!
What we see here:
1. Top left is your level and experience, the level of beauty of the Unions glade and friendship wands, through which players can improve Union objects.
2. Bottom left button to go between your glades.
3. Most interesting! On the right is a chat, through which players will be able to communicate with each other in real time. You can also see all members of the Union and who how many wands of friendship each member has spent for a common cause!
4. In the center we have four objects: a lighthouse (10 stages), a flower bed (2 stages), a pier (2 stages) and a ship (10 stages). The ship gives fairy wands and the lighthouse gives rubies.
More detail about everything below! Stay tuned! J
1. Union Beauty How do we get it?
You obtain it by upgrading the objects on the Union glade, the beauty points of the Union are also added to the beauty of your other glades!
2. How do we get Friendship wands?
That can be obtained for each new level of the player, for using magic wands to upgrade objects on your other glades and from the wheel of Fortune!
If a player leaves the Union or is expelled the unused wands are saved and you will see them as soon as you enter another union!
IMPORTANT: Friendship wands accumulate even if a player is not in a Union!
3. What is My Union button for?
Here you can see all the members of your Union, find another Union, see the ratings of all Unions, read game news if there is any, and invite friends to join if your Union has an open space!
IMPORTANT! If you want to leave the UNION, you can do it only in this menu by clicking on the red button "Exit the Union". But remember, "your place will be free for someone else" and you may not be able to go back.
4. An allied gift.
When you use friendship wands it increases your Unions level. As a reward for a new level, the player receives a gift. Also Union gift is given to all members of the Union for the new stages of objects and beauty of the Union.
The more Union gifts the player opens, the higher the level of his Union gift, which means that more rewards will be inside!
IMPORTANT! If a player has left the Union and then returned back or joined another, then he retains his Union level and the level of the Union gift, as well as the gifts themselves.
5. Union chat.

IMPORTANT! A player who bought a promotion in the game, has a small chance to get an offer to make a gift to all of its members. If the player does so, all members of the Union will see a message with a gift from an ally.
How does a player receive prizes for improved objects in an union glade:
1.If a player has spent at least one wand on one object and is allied to the glade, and the other player will improve the entire object, a window will appear with the award.
2.If a player has spent at least one wand on an allied object and is in THEIR glade or out of the game, the next time they visit an allied clearing, a reward window will appear.
3.If a player spends at least one wand on an allied object and leaves the Union or is expelled he will not receive a reward.
4.The reward for beauty is given only once. If the player received the award for level 1 in one Union then left the Union to join another, there is a reward for a level 1 beauty he did not receive. Worth remembering! As a player receives prizes for improved objects in the Union clearing:
Thanks to everyone who read to the end, we hope that this article has help you!
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