sabato 27 luglio 2019

Knights & Brides-Geology FAQ

Royals, did you manage to find all the Cat Statues in The Great Meow Temple? Here are some tips to find them quickly with the help of GEOLOGY tools:

➡ COMPASSES. Use as many as you can - craft them in the FACTORY (or at the Craftsman's), load them as well as all the resources needed for their launch and place in the location you’re exploring right now. The more you place and launch, the more precisely you will be able to locate the deposit.

⚠ NOTE: It might occur that placing several geo-compasses and launching them for finding the same deposit can mislead you.

If two compasses launched for the search of the same material point in COMPLETELY DIFFERENT directions, this certainly means that these compasses point at DIFFERENT deposits of the same material. Keep that in mind!

➡ GEO-SEARCH. A secret technology, introduced by the best minds of our Kingdom! All you have to do is click the button on the menu below, choose a deposit you want to locate and it will pinpoint the exact position of the deposit. Easy as a pie!

➡ After you are done with locating a deposit, you need to place a GEOLOGIST. There are two types: a SUPER geologist covers a wider spot of the land than a normal geologist.

We hope that this quick reminder will help you get the most of your travels!

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