giovedì 23 maggio 2019

The Household-Jazz Collection F.A.Q.

Guys! Let's look closely at the details of gathering Jazz collection and getting "From Croak To Jazz" totem.

🎷 Jazz collection
You can obtain elements from this collection while the gig is on at the "Sunken Barrel" jazz bar! Remove thicket during splendid improvs, feed animals during sturdy jazz rock sessions and harvest plants while garden blues is playing to find elements from this collection.

🎼 Can I get elements from this collection in storages?
Before strating jazz rock sessions visit those storages where you're planning to feed animals during the concert. Then you'll be able to get elements of the collection from these storages.

🎼 How can I get elements of this collection from plants faster?
During the garden blues it's the most effective to gather cucumbers in hothouses because you'll be able to gather more elements in less time.

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