giovedì 25 aprile 2019

Astro Garden-History Of Science All Quests

Perfect combination (show up with Vintage together)
I. Plant seeds: onion x 40 
Plant seeds: raspberry x 55
II. Harvest crops: blooming onions x 10 
Study the recipe: blooming onions (level 4) x 1
III. Feed the animal: turkey x 25 
Feed the animal: sugar sheep x 15
IV. Study the recipe: sugar currant (level 4) x 1 
Collect extra: ash x 6
V. Harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: x 30 
Chop trees at your neighbor's farm: x 50
VI. Study the recipe: fertile pumpkin (level 2) x 1 
Clear rocks x 15
VII. Harvest crops: broccoli x 30 
Feed the animal: rabbit x 25 
Feed the animal: tiger cow x 15
VIII. Study the recipe: revitalizing onion (level 1) x 1 
Harvest crops: strawberry volcano x 25
IX. Create: revitalizing onion x 10 
Plant seeds: revitalizing onion x 10
X. Feed the animal: donkey x 25 
Feed the animal: cave goat x 15
Perfect harvest
I. Sell crops in storage: kale-turnip x 50 
Sell crops in storage: cream tomato x 20 
II. Study the recipe: mustard of abundance (level 3) x 1 
Feed an animal at your neighbor's farm: x 60 
III. Harvest crops: strawberry x 80 
Harvest crops: pepper x 50 
IV. Study the recipe: fluorescent squash (level 2) x 1 
Collect extra: phosphorus x 6 
V. Collect items: herbarium x 5 
Collect extra: honeycomb x 3 
Feed the animal: spectral ostrich x 12 
VI. Study the recipe: gravigarlic (level 4) x 1 
Collect items: unusual animal collection x 3 
VII. Harvest crops: garlic x 30 
Collect items: butterfly collection x 2 
VIII. Study the recipe: lotus garlic (level 1) x 1 
Smash rocks x 80 
IX. Create: lotus garlic x 10 
Plant seeds: lotus garlic x 10
X. Chop trees at your neighbor's farm: x 70 
Sell crops in storage: lotus garlic x 10 
On wings of science
I. Collect extra: electrodes x 6 
Harvest crops: cucumber x 40
II. Feed the animal: leopard chicken x 15 
Feed the animal: duck x 25
III. Study the recipe: spectral ostrich (level 3) x 1 
Collect extra: feather x 6 
Collect items: unusual animal collection x 4
IV. Smash rocks x 70 
Collect items: monster teeth collection x 6
V. Study the recipe: lotus garlic (level 2) x 1 
Feed the animal: schopenhauer goose x 12
VI. Chop trees at your neighbor's farm: x 50 
Feed an animal at your neighbor's farm: x 50
VII. Study the recipe: energy dove (level 1) x 1 
Plant seeds: wheat x 30 Plant seeds: rice x 40
VIII. Create: energy dove x 6 
Take from storage: energy dove x 6
IX. Feed the animal: ocean duck x 12 
Feed the animal: energy dove x 10 
Feed the animal: turtle turkey x 15
X. Collect items: beetle collection x 4 
Feed the animal: energy dove x 12 
Rear the animal: energy dove x 6
Vintage  (show up with Perfect combination together)
I. Smash rocks x 80 
Plant seeds: grape x 40
II. Create: love grape x 12 
Plant seeds: love grape x 12
III. Break stones at your neighbor's farm: x 60 
Sell crops in storage: love grape x 12
IV. Feed the animal: striped donkey x 16 
Feed the animal: brontosaurus x 12
V. Feed the animal: triceratops x 16 
Feed the animal: stegosaurus x 12
VI .Harvest crops: love grape x 15
Dell crops from warehouse: love grape x 15
Collect extra: root x 3 
VII. Chop trees: x 12 
Harvest crops: grape x 50
Energy of joy
I. Buy the animal: horse x 8 
Feed the animal: horse x 25
II. Harvest crops: brussels cabbage x 50 
Clear rocks x 15
III. Feed the animal: sheep x 20 
Feed the animal: goat x 25
IV. Create: baby seahorse x 8 
Take from storage: baby seahorse x 8
V. Harvest crops: cabbage x 50 
Feed the animal: horse x 20 
Feed the animal: seahorse x 20
VI. Rear the animal: horse x 8 
Rear the animal: seahorse x 8
VII. Harvest crops: beetroot x 30 
Harvest crops: pea x 50
Magic of science 
I. Harvest crops: banana x 50 
Sell crops in storage: banana x 50
II. Harvest crops: gooseberry x 45 
Harvest crops: red currant x 45
III. Feed the animal: zebra pig x 15 
Sell crops in storage: red currant x 45 
Sell crops in storage: gooseberry x 45
IV. Create: palm carrot x 20 
Harvest crops: palm carrot x 20
V. Sell crops in storage: palm carrot x 20 
Create: leopard chicken x 12 
Take from storage: leopard chicken x 12
VI. Expel monsters: wolf x 12 
Rear the animal: leopard chicken x 12 
Sell the animal: leopard chicken x 12
VII. Harvest crops: melon x 30 
Feed the animal: saber-tooth rabbit x 15
Unsheltered geese
I. Feed an animal at your neighbor's farm: x 60 
Chop trees at your neighbor's farm: x 40
II. Clear rocks x 12 
Feed the animal: goose x 20
III. Collect items: herbarium x 4 
Harvest crops: dill x 50 
Harvest crops: giant wheat x 15
IV. Chop trees: x 70 
Collect extra: feather x 6
V. Create: cubed strawberry x 15 
Harvest crops: cubed strawberry x 15
VI. Harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: x 45 
Smash rocks x 60
VII. Harvest crops: tomatoes x 30 
Feed the animal: goose x 25
Jam lover club
I. Harvest crops: raspberry x 50 
Sell crops in storage: raspberry x 50
II. Harvest fruit tree: super-juicy apple tree x 12 
Sell crops in storage: super-juicy apple x 12
III. Harvest crops: mustard x 30 
Collect items: herbarium x 4
IV. Sell crops in storage: mustard x 30 
Receive the prize: herbarium x 3 
Feed the animal: sugar sheep x 20
V. Harvest fruit tree: refreshing pear x 10 
Create: mossy pumpkin x 20 
Plant seeds: mossy pumpkin x 20
VI. Sell crops in storage: mossy pumpkin x 20 
Sell crops in storage: refreshing pear x 10 
Feed an animal at your neighbor's farm: x 45
VII. Plant sprout of fruit tree: super-juicy apple x 8 
Plant sprout of fruit tree: refreshing pear x 6
Unexpected hypnosis
I. Feed the animal: archeohorse x 15 
Feed the animal: star goat x 15
II. Feed the animal: hadrosaurus x 10 
Feed the animal: sheep x 25 
Feed the animal: rabbit x 20
III. Harvest crops: squash x 30 
Chop trees: x 80 
Expel monsters: alien x 6
IV. Create: raspberry photon x 12 
Plant seeds: raspberry photon x 12
V. Feed the animal: cow x 25 
Feed the animal: spectral ostrich x 15
VI. Harvest crops: pepper x 50 
Harvest crops: blackberry x 50
VII. Feed the animal: disco-turkey x 20 
Feed the animal: turtle turkey x 20 
Feed the animal: turkey x 25

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