martedì 12 febbraio 2019

FarmVille 2-Tavolo Delle Tradizioni:Guida Ufficiale

The Season of Love is here! Unsurprisingly, the men of the County have been lining up to buy flowers and chocolates. While it may sound romantic to some, Barbara finds such expressions of love absolutely lazy and unimaginative! She yearns for the lovely traditions we had back in the old days and needs your help reviving them. Lend her a hand by building a Traditions Table on your farm and craft Traditional Gifts. For your efforts, you’ll be rewarded with a baby Najdi Ram!

If you are level 15 or higher, the “Love Traditionally!” popup will appear. Click on the “Build Traditions Table!” button to begin this feature.

Start building your table by collecting all the materials you need.

Then, ask your friends for help or hire builders.

Once you’ve finished building the table, it will look like this:

Click on the building to start making gifts. There are three Traditional Gifts that you can craft: Marzipan Figurine, Wooden Lovespoon, and Message in a Bottle. Each of these gifts will give out a different number of Felt Hearts.

Select a gift that you would like to craft by clicking on the Make button. If you are in need of ingredients, simply call your Co-op or click on the “Post” button for help. Once you have the complete ingredients, click on the “Make 1” button.

After crafting, you can collect the Felt Heart you’ve earned from crafting the gift.

Get more Felt Hearts by inviting your friends to get Traditional Gifts.

Keep track of the Felt Hearts you’ve collected by checking the counter at the lower left of the menu.

You’ll start getting rewards when you’ve reached specific milestones. The yellow bar will mark your progress.

10 Felt Hearts = Teal Love Planter

30 Felt Hearts = Teal Love Shed

50 Felt Hearts = Burma Teak Tree

75 Felt Hearts = Teal Love Fence

110 Felt Hearts = Baby Najdi Ram and 10 Favors.

Once you’ve reached a milestone, you can claim and share your reward!

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