sabato 8 dicembre 2018

SuperCity Mobile-Bonus Quest: Excursion Beneath The Clouds

🎁 Gives (every 10 hours):
5000 💰 
5-6 ⚡
10 Memory Drinks, 15 Books, 35 Helmets, 45 Tool Kits for the Excursion beneath the clouds Quest
⚠ Note: You can get these items not only from the Chrysler Building but also from some businesses. You can also try your luck spinning the Wheel of Fortune or collecting some city sights (Neuesschweinstein Castle, Dracula's Castle, Indian Palace, London Clocks and Bumper Cars) 🙊 

5 Fortune Tickets (at the second step)
1 Superhero Statue
1 Red Motorbike
1 Blue Motorbike
1 Rodeo show
1 High Striker
20 Woven Fences

📌 Required level: 
Chrysler Building Special Offer: level 5.
Excursion beneath the clouds Quest: level 10.

⏳ Both events will stop for everyone on December 11th, 09:00 UTC 💒

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