Hello guys, it's Dmitriy! I'm sure you are all looking forward to Christmas holidays and the Winterfest in Hero Wars! I'll try to explain what awaits you next week!
Dec 25 you'll find your Guild's Winterfest Tree at the main square of Strongford. At the same time there will be new holiday Quests in the Special Events tab. Complete them to get Winterfest Baubles.
Use these Baubles to decorate the Tree and level it up. Every time the Tree levels up, you and your Guildmates get presents!
Moreover, every time that you decorate it with Baubles, you get Winterfest Coins. You can also get the Coins by launching the Holiday Fireworks with Emeralds. Everyone at the server will see it!
The Holiday Event wouldn't be complete without Gifts! That's why you need Winterfest Coins — to send Gifts! The more Coins you've got, the more valuable Gifts you can send to your friends (from any server), Guildmates or even to yourself. There are 4 different types of presents: Rune, Hero Artifact, Titan Artifact and Skin Gifts.
Winterfest Gifts
The coolest one is of course the Skin Gift. Open it and you'll get a random Winter Skins which you don't have yet. These are the rarest Skins in the game, as you can only get them during the Winterfest. So try to get them all! By the way, we’ve prepared 4 new Winter Skins for you!
You may wonder where the new hero is. The mysterious lad with a fox tail will appear in the game at the start of the Winterfest. You’ll get his Soul Stones for sending Gifts. Besides, sending Gifts will also grant you Souls Stones of Hero of the Day. They will change daily until the end of the event.
That’s not all! This time there will be three Winterfest Rankings:
Presents sent. The more Gifts you send, the higher you are in the Ranking.
Presents received. The more Gifts you get, the higher you are in the Ranking.
Decorating the Tree. The more Baubles on your Guild’s Tree, the higher your Guild is in the Ranking.
High Rankings will grant you huge and unusual prizes together with unique Avatars.
Oof, I guess that’s it. Notice! Not all the Special Events will launch at the start of Winterfest. One Event will end at Dec 31, and it’ll be replaced by another one on Jan 1. So visit the game more often to level up the new hero, unlock rare Winter Skins, send and receive Gifts!
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