giovedì 6 dicembre 2018

Food Street-Let’s Chill Food Club Event

Skate your way into winter, Chefs! A flurry of fun is headed to Food Street!
Let's Chill! Turn your restaurant into an Ice Hotel with Frozen Walls, Columns and Statues or create a fantasy Gingerbread palace with the timeless festive decor. Add finishing touches with a magnificent Holiday Tree and seasonal clothing for your staff.
Important dates
Nov 30th - Let’s Chill items in shops
Dec 1st - Free Gifts begin on the pier
Dec 3rd - Snow Much Fun Decorating Contest begins
Dec 7th - Let’s Chill Food Club Event starts
Dec 14th - Let’s Chill Food Club Event ends
Dec 17th - Some Let’s Chill items leave shops*
* Some Let's Chill items will remain in the shops for the whole of December!
* Please note all dates and times reflect GMT
Let's Chill - Nov 30th - Dec 17th
'Tis the season to turn your restaurant into a chilly wonderland complete with icy walls and furniture, snow covered trees and a frozen pond for your customers to skate on. Stay warm indoors with a cozy fireplace, gingerbread decor and a holiday tree complete with piles of gifts. Dress your staff in seasonal outfits and let the festivities begin!

Let's Chill Food Club Event - Dec 7th - Dec 14th
Cook hearty winter warmers with your food club friends and earn coins, gems, tokens and more in the Let's Chill Food Club event!

Stoves: Winter Oven, Winter Stove, Winter Merchant

Crops and Ingredients: Butternut Squash, Spices, Fairtrade Cacao, Vanilla, Marzipan, Double Cream, Marzipan Pigs

Dishes: Winter Bread Pudding, Yule Log, Butternut Squash Casserole, Marshmallow Hot Cocoa, Butternut Squash Soup, Stollen

Free gifts throughout December!

Ho! Ho! Ho! It's snowing free gifts in Food Street! 
Visit your restaurant and head to the pier on Dec 1, 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28 & 31st for special a free gift each day that you're guaranteed to love! 

Snow Much Fun Decorating Contest - December 3rd - December 27th

Spruce up your restaurant using decor from the Let's Chill and Hungry Holidays themes and enter the Snow Much Fun Decorating Contest for a chance to win the Nutcracker Mouse, Coins, Gems, Vouchers & more!
New Mystery Pet! Available in Store from December 17th. 

This cute pet gets it's rosy glow from the midnight sun!  Can you guess what it is?

Other Important Dates
Mid December - Hungry Holidays
Mid December - Hungry Holidays Food Club Event

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