martedì 18 dicembre 2018

FarmVille 2-Forni Festivi:Guida Ufficiale

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Have you heard about our huge wheat surplus this year? This bit of news has got Cornelius thinking… Why store all that fresh wheat away in a granary when we can put it to good use right away? How, you ask? By baking delicious Festive Bread for the entire County! You can help him by setting up a Baking Cart on your farm, and in return, he’ll give you a baby Platinum Hedgehog!

If you are level 15 or higher, the “A Season Of Loaf!” popup will appear. Click on the “Build Baking Cart!” button to begin this feature.

You can start building the Cart by first collecting all the materials you need.

Next, ask your friends for help or hire builders.

The finished Baking Cart, which is automatically placed outside your farm, will look like this:

Start by clicking on the Cart. You will be collecting Bread Points in order to win rewards. Here are the ways in which you can collect them:

Craft Festive Bread: Choose from a variety of Bread in the Cart. Note that each recipe gives out a different number of Bread Points and has a different number of crafting hours.

Click on the Bread that you like and if you have the ingredients needed, you can begin crafting it.

If you do not have the ingredients, you can always find help by clicking on the Call My Co-op or Post buttons.

The Bread will be crafted using the 5 Bread Ovens in your cart. You will be given two Ovens to to start with. To unlock the other three Ovens, you’ll need to build them. 

The first Oven will need these materials:

 To get more Bread Points, unlock all the ovens.

2. Complete the Marie’s Mini-Break! line of quests.

Buy Bread Points using Farm Bucks.

Once the Bread is crafted, you can collect and share your reward

Keep track of the Bread Points you’ve collected by checking the counter at the lower left portion of the Cart.

The Points you have collected are counted towards milestones in the feature. When you reach specific milestones, you’ll earn Rewards. A yellow bar will mark your progress.

Collect all the Bread Points needed to get the baby Platinum Hedgehog and 10 Favors.

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