venerdì 31 agosto 2018

FarmVille 2-How to Install FarmVille2 X-press

We know you’ve had trouble farming due to all the issues and permissions required to use Flash. Our team has been working hard to make sure that you have the least trouble farming and hence, we have come up with FarmVille2 X-Press to fix all flash related issues that hinder your farming experience.

The FarmVille2 X-Press will give you:

A super seamless entry to the game.
Easy access to helps from friends.
Never miss a notification from FarmVille 2.
Here are the steps to install the FarmVille 2 X-Press on your Chrome Browser!

Step 1:

Click here to add FarmVille 2 X-Press extension in chrome.   

Step 2:

Click on the “ADD TO CHROME”  

Step 2:

A pop- up “Add FarmVille2 X-Press” will appear. Click on “Add Extension” button.

Step 4:

On your right hand top corner you will observe a pop-up “FarmVille2 X-Press has been added to Chrome”. You can then close the pop-up.

And click on the FarmVille2 X-Press extension icon.

Congratulations, you have added FarmVille2 Extension successfully! 

Here is a video guide to help you add the extension 

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