venerdì 6 luglio 2018

My Café: Recipes & Stories-Festival Update F.A.Q.

Only town owners and residents (who were accepted to the Township before the beginning of the festival)  can take part in the festival! Doesn't apply to new players and players who never participated in the festival before.

A festival is a list of tasks for all residents.   
To get information about a festival, enter your town.  
When a festival has begun, a tent icon appears above the main building (town hall). 
The most likely time for a festival is the weekend.

During a festival, every town resident can select any task and start fulfilling it. 

You can check the progress on the selected task in your café

You cannot select or assist with a task that is already assigned to another resident.     
Each resident has an opportunity to complete:   
5 free tasks
paid tasks

The first paid task costs 10 gems, the second—20 gems, etc. Paid tasks are limited only by their price. 

 For completing tasks, participants get:   
cups that are assigned to your town
gems which are assigned to the task assignee

Each festival towns are distributed into special groups of 6 townships max.
You can see your town score and its position among towns-groupmates at the current festival by entering the special menu. 

A special reward is given to the town which takes the prize place. The reward will be sent to the “treasure trove” and you will be able to see it after tapping the “treasure trove” button.

If one of the residents leaves a town, trophies earned by them stay in their town and are not moved to the town they decided to settle in.

 The number of town tasks is limited! The list of tasks is updated after fulfilling one of them.

Important! When you accept an order, you cannot decline them. Select orders carefully! 

 Current results. 
 In the following table can be seen: 
the town residents; 
the number of tasks which each of them has completed; 
the number of cups earned for the town.  

Total results.   
To look at the total results of all the festivals you have to enter the town and choose the Cup icon in the right. 
In this table the sum of all the earned cups is indicated.     

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