mercoledì 4 luglio 2018

FarmVille 2-Monolito Mosaico:Guida Ufficiale

Did you know that the county museum has long preserved a wooden case believed to store a gorgeous mosaic monolith? This monolith was made in honor of two of the original Keepers of the Harvest - Marshall Merriweather and Theodosia Thorncroft! It was fortunate that the box holding it was recovered from the Appaloosa where it fell while being transported to an exhibition, many years ago.

Nobody has ever seen this marvelous monolith as the keys to open it are buried deep in the depths of the river. Wouldn’t it be great to open the wooden box and unveil the gorgeous monolith? Dive into the Appaloosa, find the keys and unveil the Mosaic Monolith to win awesome rewards!

If you are level 25 or higher, the “Reveal the Mosaic Monolith!” popup will appear. Click on the “Let’s go!” button to learn more about this feature.

The wooden box holding the mosaic pillar is automatically placed outside you farm.

Click on the wooden box to begin the feature. To unveil the Mosaic Monolith, you will need to collect four keys. To find the keys, you will need to collect Seaweed Rakes by completing tasks in the Task Card. You will get 1 Seaweed Rake for every 12 tasks that you complete.

Each Task Card has a bonus timer. If you finish the 12 tasks within the time, you will earn a Granite Pick!

You can use the Granite Pick to find boosts when you excavate for keys in the river. These boosts are a great help in finishing the tasks.

Once you have a Seaweed Rake, you can dig a part of the river to find keys that unveil the Mosaic Monolith. You must start by clearing the top part of the digging area and continue to dig to the bottom to be able to find a key.

After clearing a part of the digging area using a Seaweed Rake, you can use the Granite Pick to find boosts in the side area.

The boost you’ve uncovered will be displayed in the menu and it must be used for the next Task Card. If you complete the next Task Card without using it, the boost expires!

This time, there‘s also a new use for the Granite Picks! They can unlock bonus rewards!

This time, there‘s also a new use for the Granite Picks! They can unlock bonus rewards!

Complete Task Cards in bonus time to collect more Granite Picks! Every few Granite Picks you collect will unlock some amazing rewards for you!

You may keep a check on the task counter to know how many tasks you’ve completed.

You can also receive special prizes when you’ve reached specific milestones. The yellow bar will mark your progress.

Keep completing tasks to get rakes and uncover all the keys!

When you find a key your avatar will use it to open a wooden box to unveil a part of the Mosaic Monolith.

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