Best-regards message from Peru
I. clear the rocks 5x plant seeds: puy 10x plant seeds: peru cactus 10x
II. fulfill the contract 1x
III. chop down trees 40x collect extra: egg 3x harvest crops: cucumber 30x
IV. harvest crops: peru orchid 15x harvest crops: peru cactus 15x
V. fullfil the contract 4x collect extra: lama figurine 75x
VI. create: natural stone 8x take from storage: natural stone 8x harvest crops: puya 20x
Commonwealth of farmers
I. harvest crops at your neighbor's farm : peru cactus 10x harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: peru orchid 10x
II. collect extra: wood shavings 3x collect extra: milk 3x fulfill the contract 5x
III. collect extra: metal 5x plant seeds: heliotrope 25x
IV. harvest crops: strawberry volcano 20x collect extra: aluminum 2x
V. collect extra: lama figurine 130x collect combo lvl 7 2x
VI. harvest crops: peru cactus 20x harvest crops: puya 25x
Caring for the house
I. fulfill the contract 5x collect extra: mushroom 3x
II. harvest crops: heliotrope 25x harvest crops: peru cactus 25x feed an animal at your neighbor's farm 30x
III. expel the monsters: wolf 7x feed the animal: turkey 20x
IV. harvest crops: carrot 30x collect extra: egg 5x
V. plant seeds: peru orchid 20x harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: puya 15x smash rocks at your neighbor's farm 25x
VI. fulfill the contract 10x
Nice cooperation
I. collect extra: phosphorus 4x create: peru fertilizer 20x
II. harvest crops: heliotrope 30x harvest crops: puya 20x sell crops: puya 20x
III. collect extra: lama figurine 190x collect items: collection of precious stones 4x
IV. feed the animal: cow 15x feed the anmal: chicken 20x
V. harvest crops: peru orchid 25x harvest crops: peru cactus 30x
VI. plant seeds: heliotrope 30x fulfill the contact 15x
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