Earn Honor, win rewards
Send a personalized message to a friend to earn Honor!
For a limited time, open Honor Chests at the bottom of the home screen for a chance to win Max and one of the four members of his noble Honor Guard! Each event cycle features one Legendary event Sidekick. A new Honor Guard member comes forth every 2 weeks.
Event Skill
All event Sidekicks share the Champion skill. When you collect Trophies from Bosses and Loot Goblins, you receive +3 Trophies
Event Sidekicks
Max Maxus Maximilian
Element: Light
Rarity: Mythic
Power: Champion, +20% item chance, +20% Clovers
Meri Merci Mercuria
Element: Water
Rarity: Legendary
Power: Champion, +40% item duration, +40% Magnets
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