lunedì 27 novembre 2017

Kingdoms Of Camelot-F.A.Q. Domande Frequenti

Third Party Platform Support

Greetings Brave Warrior,

Due to some internal changes that are being made on how our games are presented to our valued players, we will no longer be supporting Third Party Game platforms as of June 1, 2016. These platforms will include, but are not limited to:

- Plinga
- Spil Games
- Kongregate

Please note that we will not be able to transfer accounts or otherwise swap games over to or Facebook platforms due to server incompatibility.

We would like to thank all players for their excellent loyalty and support of our games and look forward to many players who wish to start utilizing the other supported methods for our games. If you have any issues with your games, please do not hesitate to write in and let us know how we can assist you.

Alliance HQ - Closing The HQ

Greetings Warrior,

Only the Chancellor can close the Headquarters and can only do so when there are no other members of the Alliance.

Once the Chancellor closes and confirms this, the entire Alliance HQ will be deconstructed causing all buildings and items stored in it to be destroyed and cannot be recovered.

Alliance HQ - Chancellor’s Chambers Basics

Greetings Warrior,

Every Headquarters comes equipped with the Chancellor’s Chambers. This building is where the majority of the set-up and administrative tasks will be handled for the Alliance HQ. Only the Chancellor has full access to all of the HQ’s functionality, but all members can view the Chambers.

Your Alliance Headquarters level will be displayed here. Your level will increase each time you add or upgrade a building within the HQ.

Alliance HQ - Moving The HQ

Greetings Warrior,

The Chancellor can authorize porting the Alliance HQ. Doing so will consume Alliance Portals that are stored in the Vault and the farther the HQ is to be ported, the more Portals will be consumed.

A single Portal is capable of moving the Headquarters 100 Distance on the Map. Once the HQ has been moved, the Alliance will receive a Message with the new coordinates and members’ bookmarks will be updated.

Alliance HQ - Upgrading HQ Buildings

Greetings Warrior,

Only the Chancellor can commit to upgrading an Alliance building. Upgrading a building will unlock new abilities or functionality and consumes resources and items stored in the Alliance Vault.

Only one building can be upgraded at a time and will require the Chancellor to log-in and approve the final construction before it is available to all members. Construction can be sped up by using special Hourglasses stored within the Vault.

Alliance HQ - Basics

Greetings Warrior,

The Chancellor of an Alliance will be able to found a Headquarters for the Alliance, similar to founding a new City. Click on an empty Plain and you will be given the option to create your HQ. You will only be able to have 1 Headquarters active at a time and will be placed on a cooldown before you can create or close another HQ.

Alliance Headquarters are not always open to attack by enemy forces. If you find an enemy HQ on the map, you will be able to view the HQ’s information and send the Chancellor a message, but you will be unable to engage in combat outside of special combat events. Check the Caravans or forums for information on the current schedule or events.

You now have an HQ Messages tab for your in-game mail back in your personal Cities. Your Alliance will be notified when HQ buildings are upgraded, items are donated, the HQ is moved, and other similar actions. Check your messages regularly!

Kabam Rewards Announcement

To our valued Kabam Rewards members, We are sad to announce that the Kabam Rewards program in Kingdoms of Camelot will end on April 29, 2016. Until then, you can continue to earn and redeem rewards points for playing and buying Rubies in the game. Reward points will no longer be available at 10am PDT April 29, 2016. We’d like to thank you for your participation and please continue to enjoy the game!

Finding Crests And Seals

Where can I find the Crests and Seals that I need to build new Cities?

You can gain Crests by successfully attacking high level Wildernesses that are not owned by another player. You do not have to conquer the Wilderness, only be victorious in the battle.

Please note that these Crests will not always be awarded. When defeating a Wilderness there is only a percentage chance of a Crest drop.

If a Wilderness does not have all of its Troops (meaning it has been attacked in the last hour), you will have a lesser chance of winning a Crest
The chance of a Crest drop increases with the level of the Wilderness
Some Crests are harder to find than others 
 Where to find specific Crests

Sir Bor's, Sir Ector's and Sir Kay's crests can be found in wildernesses level 5 - 10
Sir Bedivere's and Sir Gawain's crests can be found in wildernesses 6 - 10
Sir Percival's, Sir Galahad's and Sir Lancelot's crests can be found in Wildernesses level 8 - 10
You can also gain Crests by buying certain Chests in the shop:

The Squire’s Chest will award you at least 1 and up to 3 of each of the following Crests:
Sir Bors' Crest
Sir Ector's Crest
Sir Kay's Crest
The Knight’s Chest will award you at least 1 and up to 3 of each of the following Crests:
Sir Bedivere's Crest
Sir Gawain's Crest
Sir Percival's Crest
The Lord’s Chest will award you at least 1 and up to 3 of each of thefollowing Crests:
Sir Galahad's Crest
Sir Lancelot's Crest
King Arthur's Crest
 Tips for increasing the chance of a wilderness dropping Crests

Do not attack the same wilderness over and over again. Only attack each individual wilderness about once an hour
Attack with 1 wave of troops at a time
Don't get discouraged if you do not find the crests immediately.  
Keep attacking a variety of wildernesses.

How do I start using Barbarian Raids?

The Barbarian Raid feature is a great way to quickly and efficiently gather resources in Kingdoms of Camelot. This guide will teach you how to set up your Barbarian Raids so that you can continue to build and maintain your Kingdom.

In order to use this feature, you must first meet the following conditions:

You must have a player level of at least 20 on the Domain where you will set up your Barbarian Raids
You must have a Rally Point in the City that you plan to use for your Raids
If you already have the above requirements, you're ready to get started! You can set up your Barbarian Raids by following these steps:

Access your Map View (you can find the view icons on the top left corner of your gamescreen).
Identify a nearby Barbarian Camp of your desired level, then select this Camp.
At this point, you will see the following window:

Select the button that says "Raid."
Once you click the "Raid" button, the window below will appear on your screen. Please follow the directions to assign Troops to your Raid:

Assign an appropriate amount of Troops to this March for the level of Barbarian Camp that you are raiding.
Click on the drop down box to select a Knight to lead this March.
Review your Troops! Be sure that you are sending out only the Troops that you want to commit to this Raid. If all of the information is correct, click on the "Raid and Save" button.
Your Barbarian Raid should now be marching! To view the status of this Raid, open your Rally Point and select the "Barbarian Raids" Tab. The information in this window should look like the picture below:
You're all set to Raid now! If you do not suffer Troop losses with your Raid, your Troops will continue to attack the Barbarian Camp that you selected until the Raid Timer runs out. The Raid Timer runs for twenty-four hours, and will need to be reset manually each day. If you do not reset your Raid Timer, your Troops will not attack and you will stop gathering Resources. Be sure to check back on your Raids each day to get the most out of this feature!

Leading An Attack

How do I lead an Attack?

In order to launch an attack, you will need an Unassigned Knight and some Troops. If all of your Knights are Assigned as Officers in your Cities you will need to Upgrade your Knight's Hall to Appoint more Knights or Unassign a Knight from its Role in your City. 

To launch the Attack, tap on the Map View tile you wish to assault and select Attack. Alternatively you can tap on your Rally Point and then tap the 'March Troops' tab. From here, manually enter the coordinates of the tile you wish to Attack.
Within the March Troops screen, select the Knight you wish to lead your Army and then the number of Troops you wish to send on the Attack. Tap 'Next' and choose an Attack bonus. When ready, tap the 'Attack' button. The March will begin and a timer will display showing the time remaining before the Troops reach their destination.
Once the Troops have completed their Attack, a Battle Report will be generated that details the outcome of the Battle and lists any Troops that were lost in combat.

The New Barbarian Raid Report

Why does my Barbarian Raid Report look different?

The Barbarian Raid feature is essential to gathering the necessary Resources to expand your Kingdom. As an effective leader, it is important to know how much of each Resource your army is bringing into your city.

In an effort to minimize the amount of clutter in the Reports section of your in-game message box, we have consolidated this information for you into one easy-to-read Report. For each hour that your Troops are Raiding without any losses, you will receive this Report. Should you sustain any losses, you will receive the necessary notification immediately so that you can adjust your Raid details.

The new Report will show the usual information: the number of Troops involved, the number of Troops that you fought, and the amount of Resources gained. The Report that you will receive will look like the one below:

Once again, please note that the above Report shows the overall statistics for your Barbarian Raids during the previous hour. We hope that the newest change to the Report feature will make managing your Kingdom significantly easier!


What does each Wilderness do?

Wildernesses are regions on the Map that can be conquered and produce a variety of Resource production boosts or other benefits. The different kinds of Wildernesses are Hills, Lakes, Mountains, Woods, Grasslands, Plains and Bogs.

When Hills are conquered your City will receive an increase to your Stone production.
Conquered Grasslands and Lakes lead to increases in Food production in your City.
When Woods are conquered, you will receive an increase to Wood production in your City.
Conquered Mountains provide you with an increase in Ore production.
Plains allow you to build new cities or Portal one of your existing cities to this location.
Bogs are impenetrable and cannot be attacked.
Please note higher level Wildernesses yield a higher percentage of production boosts for the respective Resource, but they also have a larger amount of troops defending them. Additionally, attacking Wildernesses can reward you with Crests and Seals that help to win new City Deeds.

All conquered Wildernesses will be listed in the Castle under the Wilderness tab. Wildernesses that have been conquered can be defended with reinforced troops from your City or by building Traps and hiring Mercenaries to help protect them. Protect your Wildernesses to receive the maximum benefits in your City!

Tournaments Of Might

What is a Tournament of Might?

A Tournament of Might is a special contest in Kingdoms of Camelot that encourages you to quickly build as much Might as possible. In a Tournament of Might, individual players compete to have the greatest increase in Might on their domain.

Increases in  are only calculated for a set time frame. The amount of time you are given to increase your Might will always be announced before each tournament. Players with the highest increase in Might are rewarded valuable in-game prizes such as Gems or rare Items!

To enter a Tournament of Might you must complete any of the following tasks:

Construct and upgrade buildings
Train troops
Build defensive units on your Wall
Winners will be determined based on the difference between their Might at the start of the Tournament and at the end of the Tournament.

Announcements regarding upcoming Tournaments of Might can be found in your in-game messages or the Announcement Caravan, so be sure to keep an eye out for the next tournament on your domain!

Transporting Resources

How do I transport Resources?

Possessing a large amount of resources is an important part of acquiring more  in Kingdoms of Camelot.

Transporting resources between your Cities and your alliance members is a convenient way to assist in constructing buildings and training troops, so keep this in mind when helping alliance members.

To transport resources from your City, first select the Rally Point you wish to send resources from. In the window that appears click on the "March Troops" button. Next, click on the "Transport" tab.

In this menu you will be able to select:

The troops you want to use to carry your resources
The Knight you wish to lead these troops
The City or location to which you are transporting your resources
You can choose a location to send your resources by clicking on a specific Bookmark, or typing the coordinates in manually.

Finally, you must also choose the amount of resources that you wish to transport. In this screen it is also possible to add any boosts that you wish to apply to the march. This can be very helpful in transferring resources quickly, so please keep it in mind. Once you are ready to send your resources click "March" at the bottom of the screen and you are done!

You can only transport resources to your other Cities and to alliance members. If your friend is not an alliance member, you will not be able transport resources to that player.


What are Aetherstones and how do I get them?

Aetherstones are a new Resource type that are created in Dark Forests.  There are a few ways to acquire Aetherstones:

Killing Monsters in Dark Forests. Killing more powerful Monsters will provide more Aetherstones
NOTE: You will also receive Aetherstones for killing Monsters even if you are defeated when attacking a Dark Forest. In this case the Aetherstones will be added to your Resource count when your Knights return to your Cities

You can steal Aetherstones from other players!  When you breach the Walls of an enemy City that contains Aetherstones, your Troops will steal the Aetherstones and bring them back to the City these Troops were sent from

Here are a few more facts:

Scouts are unable to locate Aetherstones so you will not see a City's Aetherstone count in Scouting Reports
These Stones are far more cumbersome than normal Resources so each Aetherstone will require a Load of five compared to normal Resources which require a Load of one
Aetherstones can be Transported between Cities, which will be necessary since each City can only hold a maximum of 1,000,000 Aetherstones
Aetherstones will be needed to Craft Items using the Fey Spire and may be used for other purposes in the future

Appointing Knights

How do I appoint a Knight?

You will need at least one Knight inorder for send your Troops on an attack. In order to appoint a Knight you need two things:

Facebook friends
A Knight’s Hall
In order to build a Knight’s Hall, you must go to your city view and pick a plot of land and then select "Knight's Hall." You only need to build one in each City.

After building a Knight’s Hall, select "Appoint Knights" and you will see a list of your Facebook friends. They do not have to play Kingdoms of Camelot in order to be appointed. Select one of your friends and then click the "Appoint" button

Fountain Of Youth

How do I use a Fountain of Youth?

The Fountain of Youth allows you to redistribute all of a single Knight's Skill Points that have been assigned since Level 1.

One Fountain of Youth is needed for every 10 Levels that the Knight has gained. For example, if you have a Level 50 Knight, you will need 5 Fountains of Youth to reallocate the Knight's Skill Points.

Please note that you will only redistribute the assigned Skill Points, and you must first possess enough Fountains of Youth, based on the Knight's Level, to do so.

To use a Fountain of Youth, please follow the steps below:

Click on the Knight's Hall icon in the City view and then click on the "My Knights" tab
Find a Knight to whom you've assigned Skill Points
Click on the "Assign Skill" button to view the levels of the Skills that the Knight possesses

Click on the "Re-distribute Skills" button

In the window that appears, you can see how many Fountains of Youth you own and how many you will need to redistribute the Knight's Skill Points

Click "Apply" to use the appropriate number of Fountains of Youth and you're done!

Knight Skills

How do Knight Skills work?

Your Knights accumulate Skill Points as they level up by gaining experience.  In your Knights' Hall you can assign Skill Points to your Knights' four skills: Politics, Combat, Intelligence and Resourcefulness. 

In each of your Cities, there are four Roles that can be assigned to any of your available appointed Knights which will provide boosts in that city.

Foreman:  Increase your Foreman's Politics skill to reduce build times
Marshal: Increase your Marshal's Combat skill to reduce training times.
Alchemystic: Increase your Alchemystic's Intelligence skill to reduce research time.
Steward: Increase your Steward's Resourcefulness skill to boost resource production.

When your Knight's engage in battle their Combat skill will boost the effectiveness of the units they are leading.  Knight's with high Combat skill can change the tide of a battle.

Unlocking Knights

How do I Unlock a Knight?

Knights in KoC: Battle for the North are Unlocked, not Appointed. To Unlock a Knight you must first build a Knight's Hall. Upgrade this building to Unlock more Knights!

NOTE: The higher the level of the Knight's Hall the more Knights you will be able to Unlock per Upgrade.

Applying Tutelages

How do I apply Tutelage items to reduce troop training time?

Tutelage items can now be applied like Hourglasses. 

After you have started training a set of troops, simply click on the red "Speed Up" button under the "In Training" tab in your Barracks or click on the red "Speed Up" button on the right side of your training progress bar in the bottom right corner of your screen. This will pull up the speedup window and will allow you to select the Tutelage that you wish to apply to the training.

The time reduction granted by the Tutelage item will be applied to the remaining training time. This means that if you spend more resources to train troops faster, the time reduction from, for example, a Lancelot's Tutelage, will be 30% of the remaining training time. The sooner you apply the Tutelage, the more effective it will be.

Beginner’s Protection

How does Beginner’s Protection work?

When you create a new player account on a certain World, your account will be placed in a “Beginner’s Protection” state. Beginner’s Protection, which lasts for 7 days or until you upgrade your Castle to Level 5, gives new players time to build up their city in order to properly defend it once it is over!

While under the Beginner’s Protection state, the following rules will apply:

Your new account cannot Attack other players' Cities or player-owned Wilds.
Your new account and owned Wilds cannot be attacked by enemy players.

Building Your First City

What is the best way to build a new City?

This article was written by one of our players, Lord Xenom. This one part of several in the series, Tips for New Players.

How do I train troops/train defenses/research technology/build buildings?

At any one time, you can be constructing a building, researching something (once you have an Alchemy Lab), building defenses (click on your wall) and training a troop (once you have a barracks). Click on an empty plot in the City or Field (see tabs at top left) to select what you want to build. Click on Wall in your city to build defenses (or upgrade your wall). Click on your Alchemy Lab to research. Click on your barracks to train troops. You can queue up as many troops as your number of barracks.

Where do I build an X?
Check your options when you click a blank spot in the city or field. If that doesn’t work, check your research queue in your Alchemy Lab. Some of the research items sound a lot like buildings…

Why won’t it let me construct X?
Most options have prerequisites. If you aren’t allowed to build/research/train something listed, click on the item anyways. Then, look for the place that lists requirements for the item: those listed in red are ones you don’t currently have. It could be that you need to build something, research something, or build up a resource or your population.

How do I destroy a building?
Click on the building. You can either select “Deconstruct” or use a Dragon Stomp item (if you have one).

WHY can’t I build more than one thing at a time??
This is a game that rewards constant attention. On the plus side, build and research times keep increasing at higher levels, so you WILL eventually be able to start an upgrade and walk away for a while. Also, when you build a second city, it will have its own research, build, and training queues (see BUILDING SECOND CITIES).

How do I speed up build & research times?
Everything in Kingdoms of Camelot takes real time. Time is the biggest limiting factor in the game. Eventually, things will take many hours (or even several days) to complete. You can shave off up to 10 minutes if you are willing to pester your friends (select “Upgrade With Help” when building). Knights are a BIG help when assigned to appropriate roles (see “How do I use Knights?”). Also, you can research Giant’s Strength to speed up construction of buildings in the city and fields.

What is the highest level upgrade for a building?
Level 10 if have a Divine Inspiration item (you can buy it with gems, win it in a tourney, or win it in Merlin’s game). Level 9 if you do not.

What are Resources?
They include food, wood, stone, and ore (gold is not counted as a “resource”). All four are produced in your fields. You can find your current totals listed near the top of your screen. Holding your mouse over its picture, shows you more information about it. When the capacity limit is reached, your fields don’t produce any more. The hourly production is the amount you produce per hour. With food, the troop’s upkeep shows how much food your troops are eating each hour. You can see hourly production more easily on the Supply tab at the bottom right corner of your screen.

How do I get more Resources?
Resources replenish based on their hourly production (minus troop upkeep for food). You can increase your long term production of resources by developing (and/or upgrading) your fields, conquering appropriate wilderness spots (they DO stack), assigning a knight to be your steward (after building a Knight’s Hall) and completing appropriate research (after building an Alchemy Lab). In the short term, you can increase production using items from you’re My Items tab (gained by completing quests or spending gems).

Changing Your Tax Rate

How do I change the tax rate for my city?

To change the tax rate of your city, click on your Castle. This will bring up the City overview screen. On this screen, click on the 'Change Tax Rate' button. You will then be prompted to enter the desired tax rate for your city. Click Submit and your city will now have the entered tax rate.

Higher tax rates will decrease city morale, lowering your cities population and reducing the number of idle population. If you set the tax rate too high, enough people will leave your city that there are more jobs than there are people. When this occurs your city will suffer reduced resource generation as there are not enough people to gather them.

Lowering your tax rate or building more residences will encourage people to return to your city and will help reverse the issue. A little tinkering is required to find the right balance between your cities tax rate and idle population.

Defending Your City

How do I defend my City?

There are multiple steps that can be taken to defend your city.

Wall Defenses:
Wall defenses will defend your city even if your troops are set to hide. They also have the advantage of not requiring any upkeep. Caltrops, Spiked Barriers and Traps will defend against ground units while Defensive Trebuchets and Wall-Mounted Crossbows will defend against ranged units. Combined with troops, wall defenses can easily turn the tide of the battle and allow a smaller force to defend against a larger attacking force.

There will be times when a much higher power player will attack your city. The best way to limit the impact of such an attack is to level your Storehouse. This will defend a portion of your resources and reduce the amount of resources the attacking player would have received. The less resources an attacker receives the lower the chance they will attack you again. This also allows you to retain some resources so that you can continue to grow and expand your cities.

Hiding your Troops / Setting Troops to Defend:
You can choose whether your troops will defend against an incoming attack by selecting the Defend option in your Castle. If you believe you can defeat the incoming attack, you can set your troops to defend in an attempt to kill off the incoming attack. The troops you have stationed in the city will then defend against the incoming attack and engage the attacking troops. Defending troops receive a defensive bonus based on the level of Perimeter of the city. Wall defenses will also assist your troops in defending the city. If you believe your troops will be overwhelmed by the attacking force, it is better to set them to hide. This will prevent the attacking force from killing off your army. However, any resources that are not protected by your Supply Bunker can be looted by the attacking troops. Often it is better to lose some resources than to lose your entire army.

Your alliance members can help defend your city by sending reinforcements to the city that is being attacked. For this to work properly, you must communicate your need for reinforcements to your alliance members and the reinforcements must arrive before the incoming attack. The Relief Center will allow a players troops to move to allied cities much faster and can help reinforcements arrive before an attacking army. Reinforcements are a key ability to defend against higher Power players and can allow alliances to defend against must larger players.


What is Glory and how do I gain it?

What is Glory?

Glory is a new score that allows you to show off your skill in battle and see how you stack up against other players. It is determined by your success in PvP encounters.

How do I gain Glory?

Glory is gained by fighting other players. The total amount of Glory gained per battle is determined by a few different factors.

First, offensive actions are weighted more heavily than defensive actions. This means that you will receive more Glory from attacking another player than by successfully repelling an attack.

Next, the amount of Glory gained is relative to the amount of Might that you remove from your opponent. In other words, the more Might that your opponent loses in a battle, the more Glory you will gain. Finally, players who attack opponents with higher Might will gain more Glory than those who attack players with equal or lesser Might. There is no reward for picking on the little guy; Attacking or defending against players with significantly lower Might than you will provide no Glory.

How do I know how much Glory I have gained from a battle?

The amount of Glory gained from a battle can be seen on the resulting Battle Report. See the below screenshot for an example.

Can I gain Glory from reinforcing an ally?

Yes, a portion of Glory can be awarded to the reinforcer. The amount of Glory gained is relative to their contribution. For example, if the reinforcer provides all the troops that defend, then that player is entitled to all the Glory.


What are Guardians and what are the benefits of having one in my City?

Guardians are sacred beasts in Kingdoms of Camelot that strengthen your troops and improve your resources. You can summon a Wood Guardian in each of your Cities.

Benefits of the Wood Guardian

Bonus to total Wood Production within your city
Bonus to maximum Wood Production Cap
Bonus to maximum health of all troops (excluding defensive units)

These benefits will increase as your Guardian is upgraded!  Every city can summon a separate Guardian. All the troops within each city receive benefits based on the level of that city's Guardian.  

Guardian Requirements

There are no initial requirements for building your level 1 Guardian, but as you upgrade various restrictions will be in place. Your upgrades are bound to the level of Wilds you possess, so if you wish to upgrade to a level 2 Guardian, that city must possess at least a level 2 Wild and so on. You can view all of the requirements by clicking out your Guardian in game.  

Additional Information

Each city contains a stone summoning platform. This new tile is the home of your Guardian.


What is the importance of Happiness in Kingdoms of Camelot?

Happiness is a reflection of how your population reacts to the Tax Rate in each of your Cities. The higher the Tax Rate on your City's population, the lower its respective Happiness will be. A higher Happiness level leads to a higher Current Population in your City. If taxes are raised in your City, you will receive a higher Gold production, but your population level will decrease.

To raise your Happiness level, you can try the following:

Have a friend send you a Travelling Faire. When you receive this, your Happiness will increase by 50 in all of your Cities.

Click on the "Increase Happiness" button from the Castle menu. This provides a temporary boost to your Happiness in exchange for a tax refund at 10 Gold per person in your City. These boosts are only temporary and Happiness levels will return to normal over time.
Lower your Tax Rate.  You can adjust your Tax Rate by accessing your Castle and clicking on the "Change Tax Rate" button

Use the Mass Hypnosis item which increase Happiness to 100 for a limited amount of time.
Be sure to manage the Happiness of your Citizens appropriately for the best balance of Gold production and Population!

Idle Population

What is Idle Population?

Idle Population refers to the number of residents that are not employed. Although not working, this element of the population contributes tax to the City. Idle Population are also used for training to build your army.

Negative Idle Population means that you do not have enough population to man all of your resources. Your resource output will be decreased until you increase your population to meet the shortfall. You also will be unable to train troops while your Idle Population is in the negatives.

You can increase your total population by providing additional housing or by lowering your tax rate to attact more people to your city. You can adjust your tax rate by clicking on your Castle and clicking the 'Change Tax Rate' button.

Level 12 Rally Point

With a Level 12 Rally Point it is possible to send out up to 200,000 troops per attack.

Please note that a Level 12 Rally Point will not allow you to send out more than 11 armies simultaneously.

To increase the number of Troops you can send out from the Level 12 Rally Point, utilize Aura items (such as the Aura of Command) to maximize the power of your marches! 

This information can also be found in the building statistics by clicking on the Rally Point in your City.


What is Might?

Might is a measurement of your Kingdom's strength. It is calculated by combining different amounts of troops, defenses and buildings.

Increasing your Might will allow you to escalate your Player Level and improve your Title. You can gain more Might by constructing and upgrading buildings to higher levels, training more troops, and building Wall Defenses. The higher the level of the buildings and the more powerful your troops, the more Might you will receive.

Please note that not all buildings, troops or Wall Defenses grant you the same amount of Might. For example, creating Siege Weapons, such as Ballistae and Supply Wagons, will give your Kingdom more Might than lower level troops like Scouts or Militiamen.

It is possible to lose Might when you are defeated in battle. You can always rebuild your lost Might, however, by training more troops.

Mists Of Avalon

What are the Mists of Avalon?

The Mists of Avalon create a protective mist over your Cities that prevents other players from seeing your Lord or Lady Name, Might, Alliance, and placement on Leaderboards.

The Mists appear as a dense fog covering your Cities in the Map view. You can apply the Mists of Avalon by using the following items:

Potion of Mist
Portal of Order
Portal of Refuge
 The Mists will be applied to all of your Cities for seven days. If you attack or scout another player's Wilderness or City, your Mists will stop working. You can tell how much longer your Mists will last by placing your cursor over the grey Mists icon that will appear in the top right hand corner of your game screen while the Mists are active.

Using this item does not prevent players from attacking or scouting your Cities; it only makes it harder for enemies to find your Cities and determine your strength. To protect your City for a period of time, you can prevent players from attacking you with the .

Beginner’s Protection also provides new players with the Mists of Avalon for seven days and prevents players from attacking you for four days.

Research & New Technologies

What is Research and how do I Research new Technologies?

Technologies grant your Cities bonuses such as increased Production of Resources, increased Troop Health and Attacks, or more information when Scouting. They also play a heavy role in Combat as many of the Technologies can boost your Army's Attacks, Defenses and Health. In order to begin Researching you need to Construct an Alchemy Lab. Once this is built, you can begin Researching!

NOTE:  The level of Technology you are able to Research corresponds with the level of your Alchemy Lab. Also, a Technology icon with an "X" through it's icon is unable to be Researched. Tap on this Technology to see the requirements!

To begin Researching, Tap on your Alchemy Lab and choose the Technology you want to Research. A "status update" bar will appear in the lower right hand corner of your game screen in the "Building" tab. This tab will display what you're Researching and how much time remains until the Research is complete.
You are able to Research one Technology at a time in each City you have. If you have an Alchemy Lab in two Cities, you will be able to research two technologies- one in each City. You will need to have an Alchemy Lab and the appropriate level Buildings to conduct further Research in each corresponding City. 
NOTE: Research levels of Technologies carry over from City to City. Also, once a Technology is Researched, the Research cannot be undone.

Switching Guardians

How do I get the new Ore Guardian?

To raise your new Guardian, first click on your Guardian Tile, on which the current one sits.
Your Guardian screen opens, with the information and upgrade options for the current Guardian at the top. At the bottom, you will find a section listing your Active Guardian, and giving you the option to "Unlock" a new one.
Click "Unlock", and if you do not have an Obsidian Rune yet, the screen will then prompt you to purchase an Obsidian Rune. Once you click "Buy" you will be prompted to "Unlock" once more. If you have a Rune already when you enter this screen, then a simple "Unlock" will be enough to get the Guardian Unlocked.
Now you will be prompter to “Summon” a new one. Click on “Summon” above the new Ore Guardian.
A time window will pop up and you will need to wait for the Guardian to be summoned (this takes 10 seconds).
At this point, your Guardians are switched. Click on “Build” by the image of the guardian at the top to build your new level 1 Guardian.
Next time you switch guardians you will not need to “Build” again, nor will you need to purchase another Rune. You can switch between the two guardians by entering this screen and summoning your preferred Guardian. You can also use this page to Upgrade the currently active Guardian.

The Ore Guardian

What does the Ore Guardian do?

The Ore Guardian, also known as the Iron Indrik, is a sacred beast that provides the following boosts to your City:

•     Bonus to total Ore Production within your City.
•     Bonus to maximum Ore Production Cap
•     Bonus to marching Troops’ Attack

The Ore Guardian boosts will stack with other boosts such as Research levels, item boosts, and Knight boosts. As the level of the Ore Guardian increases, the boosts to your Ore production and Attack will increase as well.

To level up your Ore Guardian, you will need to conquer higher level Wildernesses. Please note the maximum level your Ore Guardian can reach directly corresponds to the highest level Wilderness you have conquered.

To unlock the Ore Guardian, you will need to purchase an Obsidian Rune from the Shop. Each Ore Guardian in your Cities will require one Obsidian Rune to summon.

You will be able to switch between the Ore Guardian and any other available Guardian whenever you want. However, the Ore Guardian cannot be deconstructed once it has been built.

Last, remember to name your Ore Guardian with the Renaming Ritual, which is available in the Shop!

The Throne Room

What is the Throne Room and how does it work?

The Throne Room is a feature that allows you to boost various elements of your Kingdom and reduce the effectiveness your enemies in battle.  

You can equip different Throne Items in your Throne Room to activate different boosts and debuffs. You can acquire these Throne Items by acheiving victory in certain types of attacks.

Please be aware that when viewing your equipped Throne Items only the Effects that appear in black text are active, the Effects in grey text are inactive. 

City Deeds And Divine Inspiration Rewards

Which City Deeds reward me with a Divine Inspiration?

Expanding your Kingdom in Camelot is an essential part of the game and vastly important in completing Quests and increasing your Might.

However, please note that you do not receive a Divine Inspiration each time you complete a City Deed Quest.

At the moment, only when you obtain the City Deeds for your Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Cities will you receieve a Divine Inspiration for completing the Quest.

You will not be rewarded with a Divine Inspiration for obtaining Deeds for Cities One, Two, Three, and Four.

Dark Forest

How do the Dark Forests work?

Q: What are the Dark Forests?

A: Camelot is in turmoil! There are strange happenings all throughout the Kingdom and people continue to disappear, leaving no clue as to where they might have gone. Now, with Guinevere kidnapped, Arthur has called his Knights into action! But is it too late? The world is being ripped open and mysterious and vicious creatures are entering our world from beyond. The manifestation of these vile creatures seems to coincide with newly-formed geographical anomalies- the Dark Forests. These evil, seemingly impenetrable locations house incredible challenges for even the most battle-tested inhabitants of the Kingdom. Defeating the creatures within the Dark Forests may be the last hope for Camelot.

Q: In which domains are Dark Forests appearing?

A: Currently, Dark Forests are spread Kingdom-wide to all domains.

Q: How do I find the Dark Forests?

A: The Dark Forests are beginning to appear in Bogs all over Camelot. Search your map for Bogs to find those that have been transformed into Dark Forests. Thankfully, not all Bogs within the Kingdom have yet been transformed so be sure to search diligently. Ridding Camelot of the Dark Forests may be difficult as it is rumored that when one is destroyed, another one opens somewhere else mere hours later.

Fey City Seals

How can I get the Seals to unlock the Fey City?

How can I use Seals to get the Fey Deed?

You can trade in Seals as progress toward completing the Fey City quest. Once you have gathered the necessary Seals and possess an unused Plain, you can trade in your Seals to complete the Fey City Quest and gain your Fey Deed.

Which Seals do I need to complete the Fey City Quest?

You will need all of the following Seals in order to complete the Fey Deed Quest and receive your Fey Deed:

4x Merlin's Seals
3x Aetherseals
2x Ysbadden Seals
Where can I find these Seals?

These specific Seals can be found within Dark Forests. The higher the Dark Forest level you attack, the more likely a Seal will be found.

Can I purchase these Seals?

Yes, you can purchase the Dark Forest Chest in the Shop which contains some of the Seals you will need in order to complete the Fey City Quest. This Chest contains the following:

Between 1 and 3 Aether Seals
Between 1 and 3 Ysbadden Seals
Between 1 and 3 Sidhe Seals
Can I craft these Seals?

Yes, with a level 10 Fey Spire you will have access to the Mist Song and Mist Dirge crafting recipes.

Mist Song
Ingredients - Morgana’s Seal x1, Blood Lust x1, Bloodstone x7, Guinevere’s Favor x2
Aetherstone cost - 80,000
Successful crafting - Aetherseal
Consolation item - Morgana’s Seal
Mist Dirge
Ingredients - Aetherseal x1, Stoneskin x1, Tiferstone x3, Lodestone x3, Guinevere’s Favor x2
Aetherstone cost - 85,000
Successful crafting - Ysbadden Seal
Consolation item - Aetherseal

Fey Spire And Crafting

What is a Fey Spire and how does Crafting work?

The Fey Spire is a new building that is now accessible to all players. The Fey warlocks that reside inside can help you combine your treasures to make new items in a process known as Crafting. The higher in level your Fey Spire is, the more recipes you will unlock - allowing you to craft stronger items. Aetherstones are a new resource in Camelot with a unique use and purpose. They are typically earned by defeating Dark Forests, but you can also loot them from the cities of other players via combat. A large number of Aetherstones, when combined in your Fey Spire, form more valuable and versatile stones that you will be able to combine with other items to craft new, more useful items. There are a limited number of Aetherstones that can exist at one time, so if Dark Forests 'run dry', you may need to resort to attacking other players.

Crafting, in Kingdoms of Camelot is the ability to combine certain resources and lower value items into higher-value items. By following the recipes that you will unlock from your Fey Spire, you will be able to command the Fey warlocks inside to attempt to create a better item. Simpler items are easier to craft, however the stronger the item you're attemping to craft, the greater the chance that the crafting attempt will fail. If the crafting attempt fails, you will lose your items or in some cases, be awarded a small consolation item. You may also purchase Insurance for your crafting attempt which will ensure success.

Insurance will be purchasable within the game, and will mean that your crafting attempts will be guaranteed to succeed. Also, the application of insurance will instantly finish your crafting attempt. Your insurance purchase will only be good for one crafting attempt.

There are many items you will be able to craft: Horns, combat boosts, defensive boosts, Divine Inspirations, Divine Providences, and many more possible crafting projects! You'll need to level up your Fey Spire to unlock the advanced recipes.

To craft an item, select your Fey Spire building within your city. You will then be re-directed to a prompt that allows you to select a recipe, and the option to act on that recipe based on whether or not you own the necessary components.

The items necessary to proceed are displayed above each ingredient in the recipe display, along with the quantity of those items you currently own. Notice the "Chance of Failure" section. The chance of a crafting attempt failing is higher when crafting stronger items. Insurance can also be purchased on this screen which will guarantee success for your crafting attempt. To proceed with your crafting attempt, click the blue "Craft" button. When your crafting attempt is successful, a timer will appear and run until crafting is complete. If your crafting attempt fails, no timer will appear, and your ingredients are lost.

There may be a chance you receive a consolation item. The smaller icon in the middle of the crafting menu is that recipe's consolation item; not every recipe has one. If your crafti

Persistently Attacked By Another Player

Is there anything that can be done about another player who persistently attacks me?

Kingdoms of Camelot is a war game and attacking is an essential part of gameplay. Constant battles between rival Alliances and ongoing feuds between players are common, and can be an incredibly exciting aspect of the game.

However, it can be frustrating when another player launches an excessive amount of attacks against your cities for an extended period of time.

We recommend peacefully addressing any underlying issues between your Alliance, and the other player to resolve the matter. If the other player is being especially persistent with attacks and diplomacy has failed, here are some suggestions to assist you in the game:

Use a Potion of Mist, available in the Shop, to deploy the Mists of Avalon for seven days
Use the "Ignore" feature by clicking on a player's name in Chat and clicking on the Ignore button to avoid seeing this player's Chat messages
Use the "Block" feature by going to a player's message in your Inbox, clicking More Actions and selecting Block User to prevent this player from sending you messages (see image below)
Join a strong Alliance and be active in helping your Alliance, so your Alliance members will help you in times of need
Upgrade your Storehouse to protect all of the Resources needed to train Troops, so even if you are hit hard, you should have some saved Resources to help you rebuild your army
Build strong Wall and Field Defenses and order Troops to Defend City
Relocate your City and deploy the Mists of Avalon using a Portal of Order or Portal of Refuge, available in the Shop
Use a Merlin's Cloak, available in the Shop, to change your Player Name and deploy the Mists of Avalon
Hide your Resources in a Wilderness you own or an Alliance member's City
Use a Dove of Peace, available in the Shop, to make you invulnerable to attacks for 12 hours, and allow yourself to build up your Troops and Defenses

If you suspect another player may be using Third Party Add-Ons to automatically launch several attacks against your cities, please submit a request for us to investigate the matter, including as much detail as possible. For more information on submitting a request, please see our Knowledge Base article on 

Sudden Increase In Troop Upkeep

What causes Troop Upkeep to suddenly increase?

Sometimes you may experience an unexpected increase in your Troop Upkeep while playing Kingdoms of Camelot. This can be due to several reasons:

An Alliance member has reinforced your City and you have Troops encamped in your Embassy. If an allied player sends Troops to reinforce your City, then these Troops will immediately begin eating your Food. If you run out of Food in your City, these reinforcing Troops will be sent back home. They will not desert your City.  
You recently used a Volunteer item, such as the Young Volunteers, Experienced Volunteers, Veteran Volunteers, or Siege Volunteers.  These items instantly add Troops to your City and begin to consume your Food after they appear. 
You have Troops that recently finished training.  Troops will begin eating food immediately after they complete training.
You will receive a warning when you do not have enough Food to feed your Troops for 24 hours, and this is indicated as your Food production shows in red.  Once your Food runs out, your army will begin to desert at a rate of approximately 10% at a time.

Unable To Portal

Why can't I use my Portal of Order or Portal of Refuge to move my City?

If you are receiving the error message that states, "Cannot have outstanding market transactions" when trying to use your Portal of Order or Portal of Refuge, please try the following steps.

If your City has a Market, please click on it and go to the Transactions tab. Please cancel any transactions here as this will then allow the use of Portals.

If your City does not have a Market, you are receiving this error due to a previously built Market which was deconstructed without the cancelation of all pending transactions. Please follow the steps listed below to resolve this issue:

Find an empty space to build a new Market. You might already have an empty space, or you will need to deconstruct one of your Buildings
Build a level 1 Market in the empty spot
Go into the Market and cancel all of your pending transactions
Deconstruct the Market
Rebuild a Building on the now empty square
Once these steps are completed, you should now be able to use your Portal of Order or Portal of Refuge to move your City!

Introduction To Combat And Marches-KOC

How do I send an attack?

In Kingdoms of Camelot: Battle for the North, the attack process involves gathering intelligence, preparing for combat, sending an attack, and holding conquered wilds or resources.

Gathering Intelligence: A wise player always knows what kind of situation he or she will be confronted with in battle. Because of this, reading up on Wilds and Scouting enemy encampments is very important. You can discover some basic information about your targets by simply tapping rival cities or Wilds. Doing this over a rival city will tell you the Might Level of the player who owns it, as well as what Alliance he or she is associated with. This is very valuable information: if you attack a City that is in an Alliance you may have a great deal of retaliation to deal with.

The other pillar of intelligence gathering is the Scouting feature. When you tap on an enemy Wild or City you have the option to Scout that enemy by sending Scout troops to that tile. When you do, a small time bar will appear, and after it the Scout returns you will have a detailed report of the enemy you are facing which can be viewed in your Mailbox under the Reports tab.

Preparing for Combat: Making a strike against an enemy target is nothing to take lightly. It is best to use your highest level Knight to command your March (this will give your attacks a boost) and use many more troops in your attack than your enemy has in defense.

Sending an Attack: To send an attack, tap on your target on the map screen. From here, you will be taken to a menu that will allow you to select how many of your units you would like to send, and which Knight you would like to command them. Once you have made your selections, you will be able to launch your attack. Depending on how far apart your attacking city and your target are, it will take more or less time for the attack to arrive. Once the attack has been completed you will received an attack report to let you know if you achieved victory or not, and what you have gained in conquest.

Holding a Territory: If you are victorious in attacking a Wild, an icon will appear over the tile indicating which of your cities the territory now belongs to. Your forces from your attack and your Knight will now be 'Encamped' here, which means that they will defend the Wild from the attacks of other players if it is assaulted. If you do not want to keep your troops and your Knight 'Encamped' you can recall them by clicking on the Wild, selecting 'View Troops', and then instructing them to recall to your city. You can also use the 'Reinforce' button to send additional troops from your city to defend the area.

You can view how many Wilds you are holding and the bonuses they are giving you by opening the 'Wilds' tab in your Castle. If your attack was against another player, you will simply get an attack report telling you how many resources you have gained from the raid, as you cannot permanently hold another player's city.

Diplomacy For Your Alliances

What is Diplomacy, and how do I set it for my Alliance?

Much like real warfare, harboring solid relations is extremely important in Kingdoms of Camelot. Such diplomacy plays a key role in interacting with other Alliances, and negotiating with other factions on your domain can be both fun and rewarding. It is also greatly helpful in planning attacks on a grand scale and an easy way to get to know other players.

By default, all other Alliances start with a "Neutral" diplomacy. Please note that only a Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor can manually change the Diplomacy setting for other Alliances.

You can change the Diplomacy Status by clicking the "Set Diplomacy" button found on the Alliance tab. There, you will have the option to search for the Alliance whose Diplomacy Status you would like to update and can set them as Friendly, Neutral or Hostile. There is also a section in the Alliance tab that shows which Alliances are currently Friendly and/or Hostile with your own.

Finally, please note that you cannot transfer resources between Alliances. Please let us know if you have any questions, and good luck on the battlefield!

Joining An Alliance

How do I join an Alliance?

There are two ways to become part of an Alliance.

Joining an existing Alliance

To see a list of the alliances on your server, click the 'Alliance' button at the top of the game screen, then click on 'Browse Alliances'. This will bring up a list of the alliances on your server. The Alliances are listed from highest to lowest Power. The number of people in each Alliance will also be listed.

When you have found the Alliance you wish to join, click the “Request To Join” button next to the alliance’s Might level. This will send a message to the Chancellor and other officers stating your interest in joining the alliance.

It is the Chancellor's decision whether to accept or reject your application.

Creating your own Alliance

In order to create an Alliance, you must first have a level 2 Embassy. Once you have your embassy upgraded to level 2, click on the 'Alliance' button at the top of the game screen and then click on "Create An Alliance". You will be prompted to enter a name for your Alliance and a brief description about it.

Order Of The Round Table

What is the Order of the Round Table?

The Order of the Round Table is a subscription service available to all Kingdoms of Camelot players that have account access through  The subscription service provides the player with a number of valuable in game bonuses as well as Gem bonuses.

The bonuses available to subscription holders of the Order of the Round Table are: 

1100 Gems granted during subscription activation and renewal! 
One Free additional Build queue per City! 
Bonus Gems, totaling 20% of Gems spent during the subscription period, will be granted to your account at the end of the 30 day cycle! (Up to 5000 bonus Gems can be earned in this way)
Upkeep is reduced by 20%!
Troop training time is reduced by 10%!
Troop defenses are increased by 15%!
Chance of successfully Upgrading a Throne Room item is increased by 5%!


How do I sign up?

To sign up for this service, players will need to sign onto and locate the Subscribe button from the row of tabs above the game window. 

Button is pictured below:

From there, review the bonuses provided and then click the Join Now button.  You will then be prompted to complete the transaction and select a payment option.  Once the payment has been processed the 1100 Gems for activating the subscription service will be granted to your account along with your in game bonuses.  

How do I review the status of bonuses provided through the Order of the Round Table?

Players can confirm that the subscription is active by looking for an icon depicting an "O" under your active buff display in game.  Hovering over the icon will provide players with a breakdown of the active bonuses as well as a sum of the current bonus Gems they will be provided at the end of the subscription cycle.  A green icon indicates that the bonuses are active and the service is set to renew at the end of 30 days.  A grey icon indicates that the bonuses are active, but the transaction is either pending or is set to cancel at the end of the 30 day cycle. 

How long is a subscription cycle?

A subscription cycle begins the moment you sign up and is set to automatically renew 30 days after.  Players that cancel the service before the end of the 30 day cycle will continue to benefit from the bonuses provided up until the final day.

When will I receive my bonus Gems?

Bonus Gems for the activation and renewal of the subscription will be provided immediately after the activation and then for each successive renewal payment.  Conversely, players will receive the bonus Gems, totaling 20% of Gems spent during the subscription period, at the end of each cycle.

How do I manage my subscription?

Log in to your Facebook account and select "Account Settings" (this is the icon in the top right corner that looks like a gear)
From the left hand-side of the next screen, select "Payments"
From this screen you will be able to view and cancel any recurring subscriptions.

Reinforcing An Alliance Member

How are Reinforcing Troops affected by the defending City?

A great way to assist an Alliance member in battle is to send an army to reinforce them.

Reinforceing Troops cannot be used on attacks by the defending city and are only used for defensive purposes. If the defending City is attacked while your Troops are still reinforcing, then only the defending player will receive a Battle Report. However, reinforcing Troops can be viewed in the allied player’s Embassy.

Please note that reinforcing Troops do not use your Research levels and instead reflect the Research of the player they are defending. These Troops are also fed by the defending City but if this City runs out of Food, the reinforcing Troops will return to your own City.

Sending And Claiming Free Gifts

How do I send and claim Free Gifts"

Sending Gifts
Players can send Free Gifts to their Alliance members each day.  To send gifts click the "Free Gifts" tab at the top of your game screen or click the treasure chest icon in your City View.  Select the gift you would like to send and then click "Proceed to Send".  You will then have the option to chose which Alliance members you would like to send the gifts to.

You can send gifts to a maximum of 22 Alliance members each day.
Clicking the "Select all" button will automatically select the first 22 Alliance members in your list.
If more than 22 Alliance members are selected when you send the gifts, only the first 22 will receive gifts.
If you have already sent a Gift to a specific Alliance member and go to send more gifts, that player will not be available in the list of players to send to.
Claiming Gifts
When an Alliance member sends you a Free Gift the item will be automatically added to your Inventory and you will get an Inbox message notifying you of the Gift that you received. Players can claim all Gifts sent to them (maximum 99 with a 100 player Alliance).  If one of your Alliance members is attempting to send Gifts to more than 22 players, there is a chance that you will not receive a Gift even if your name is checked when the Gifts are sent.

Turning Sound Effects On And Off

How can I turn the sound effects on or off?

Sound effects have arrived in Kingdoms of Camelot!  If you would like to turn off your sound effects click on the gear icon in the top right hand corner of your game screen and then click on the speaker symbol that drops down.
Your sound effects options will be saved each time your reload that domain.  Sound effects settings are specific to each domain so you can chose to have sound on in some domains and off in others.

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