sabato 28 ottobre 2017

Zombie Castaways-F.A.Q.

Q: Where can I get more tools?
A: You can get tools either from Water Wells or purchase them at the Market. Every Water Well has a limit on the amount of tools it can give you. Once this limit is reached, the Water Well turns golden. If you’ve run out of your water wells, you can buy new ones at the Market!   
Q: How do I invite friends?
A: Zombie Castaways is an offline game for 1 player. But you have zombie-workers in it, they are always ready to help you! 
Q: How can I make sure that I won’t lose my game progress?
A: To save your game progress simply sign in with your Facebook account in game Settings. Thus you’ll also be able to play your favorite game on multiple devices without losing your progress.  
Q: What do I need brains for?
A: Your main zombie doesn’t need brains. It is your helpers, zombie-workers, who need brains to be able to work. 1 zombie-worker needs 1 brain. If there is a pair of zombie-workers (like 2 Woodcutters), 2 brains are needed. There are also Brainy Zombies: these are zombies that have their own brains and don’t require any extra brains.   
Q: How do I learn where to get things?
A: If you don’t know where you can get a material or a recipe, simply tap on a [i] button in the top right corner of the icon of this material/recipe and you’ll either see a hint telling you where you can get this material or you’ll see a window with this recipe.   
Q: How do I contact Game Support?
A: If you have any problems completing a task or you want to report a problem in the game, you can either send us a message here, on our official Facebook page, or send an email at   
Q: How do I find my Game ID?
A: Sometimes, when we need to take a closer look at your problem or send you some goodies, we need to know your Game ID number. How can you find it? First of all, you need to launch the game. Then go to Settings (tap the button in the top left corner of your game screen). Then take a look at a bottom of this screen: your ID will be written under the button for turning sound effects on/off. After that you can either make a screenshot and send it to us, or you can re-type it in the text field of your message or email. 


I didn’t get my order! 
If your purchase didn’t arrive instantly, please exit the game and log back in. A fresh connection with the server may speed the process up. If your order still hasn’t arrived following the restart, it may take up to 24 hours to appear in game. In very rare cases purchases won’t arrive at all. If this is the case, please send us a message. Don’t forget to include the purchase’s receipt. This way, we’ll be able to confirm whether or not the transaction made it to your account.  
Where do I find my purchase history?  
To review your purchase history, please check the guides below:  
1. Enter, then log in with your desired Google account.  
2. Select “Transactions” to display your Play Store order history.  
3. Choose an individual entry to view its corresponding receipt.  
1. Open iTunes on your computer.  
2. Select your username (this should be your e-mail address), and choose “Account”  
3. Scroll down to “Purchase History”, and choose “See All”    
My purchase was canceled!  
If you’ve tried making a purchase but your order was canceled, you will not be charged for that order. However, Google Play may put a temporary “reservation” on your credit card equal to the value of the purchase. But don’t panic; these “reservations” clear automatically in a short period of time. Canceled purchases are likely to occur if your billing address and/or the name registered in your Google Wallet is different from the one on your credit card. Straighten this out by contacting your bank to confirm details, then log into your Google Payments (at, and enter “Payment Methods” to verify that your information is consistent.  
If your problem is not explained above, feel free to contacts us. You can do so either by sending us a message here, on our official Facebook page, or send us an email at Don’t forget to include your Game ID number: you can find it at the bottom of the game Settings window. Simply re-type the number or take a screenshot and include it in your message or email.  

How to find Game ID

Sometimes, when we need to take a closer look at your problem or send you some goodies, we need to know your Game ID number. How can you find it? 
First of all, you need to launch the game. Then go to Settings (tap the button in the top left corner of your game screen). Your ID will be written at the top of the settings window. To the right of the ID there is a copy button. Just tap it and paste your ID wherever you need it: in a mini-game Google sheet, in your e-mail to our support team or in a private message to our Facebook page moderators.

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