sabato 11 marzo 2017

Paradise Island 2-Unions

What is a union? 

A union is an alliance of island owners which opens new opportunities for developing the travel industry. Joining a union will allow you to take part in special events, receive amazing rewards, find new friends who share your interests, and talk to them in a special chat!
After joining a union, you will receive a new Island, located near you. 

How do I join a union? 

Joining a union is automatic once you reach a certain level. You can, however, also join a union manually. First, find the button in the upper left-hand corner of the screen with the text message icon.  

After pushing it, you will see the chat window of your future union. Press the Join Now button, and you’ll be automatically assigned to one of the alliances of island managers. 

If you don’t play online for an extended period of time, you’ll be automatically transferred to another union.

How can I change the union I'm in?

You can be part of only one union at a time. You are assigned to your first union automatically. There’s a way to switch from one union to another, however. Open the main union window by selecting the Island on the map, and press the button with the gear icon. 

In the following menu, press the Change Union button. A window will appear where you can select one of the suggested communities, join a random union, or search for a union by its name.

When you choose the union you like, press the button with the crown icon and go to the union-viewing window.

The green Join Now button means that you can join the selected union right away.

In order to join some unions, you need to have reached a certain level, which will be shown by the level icon on the button.  

There are also private unions to choose from. You can become a member of one of these unions only after the union leader approves your request. Sending a request is easy, all you have to do is press the button at the bottom of the screen. 

You can send only one request at a time. While your request is active, you cannot join other unions. If you want to cancel your request, open the union window and press the Cancel Request button.   

Keep in mind that when you change unions, all the points you have gained will stay with the previous union and will not transfer with you to the new one. Also, if you forgot to collect the reward for a completed quest before leaving, it too will stay in the previous union.

How can you accept an invitation from another union?

Union leaders can invite you to their communities. The indicator on the settings button will notify you of these invitations. 

Press the Invitations button to see all the invitations you’ve received.  

You will see the name of the sender, the date, the name and emblem of the union, as well as the total sum of the union’s points.  

If you want to accept an invitation, press the button with the crown next to the sender’s name. In the window that opens, select Join Now. To delete an invitation, press the button with an X.
If you don’t want to receive invitations to other unions, simply check the box at the bottom of the screen.  

How do I see another player's union?

If you want to see your friend's union, select their avatar in the friends' panel. In the next window, press the crown icon.  

You can also see a player's union even if they are not on your friend list. To do this, go to a player’s Island and press the crown icon on the upper panel.

How can I see a union's members?

In the main union window, press the Union button. In the next window you’ll see a list of members, their points and places in the ratings.  

You can easily establish relations with union members by sending them gifts or visiting their Islands. All these actions can be carried out in the main window on the same tab. All you need to do is select either the gift or the house icon.  
 Also, the green indicator next to a player's name will help you understand which union members are currently online. 

Communication between members

How do I communicate with other union members? 

In the upper left-hand corner, you can see a messaging icon — press it to open the union chat window, where members can talk to each other. 

An indicator will alert you about new messages in the chat.  

To write a message, find the input field at the top of the chat window, write the text using the pop-up panel, and send it.  

What messages can I get?

All messages are divided into to categories: system and personal. System messages appear automatically and inform union members about important events. These messages are highlighted in blue and have an exclamation mark next to them.

Some system messages have a convenient quick access button in them that will take you right to the quest objective. 
Personal messages are those created by you and the members of your union. You can read these separately on the chat tab with the man icon. 

 On the tab with the crown icon, you can read both system and personal messages. 

 The indicator on the subsequent tab will always show you what messages you've received. 

How do I write a message? 

To write a message, find the input field at the top of the chat window, write the text using the pop-up panel, and send it.

After that, your message will appear in the chat. It will contain your name, level, the date and the text itself. 

There are no limits to what you can write in messages; you can share your game achievements with other union members, or just wish them a good day. We do urge you to be civil and to refrain from using profanity. Messages containing obscene language will be deleted. If you frequently abuse this rule, your account will be blocked.

How do I hide or delete messages?

To hide a specific message, press it in the chat window and select the X icon in the pop-up menu. The message will only be hidden from you. 

If you change your mind, you can always make the message visible again by selecting the checkmark in the pop-up menu. 

If you don’t like one of the messages you sent, delete it and start over. After deleting your own message, it will not be visible to anyone else. 

What is a note? 

A note is a message, which can be created and edited only by the three players who have gained the most points. 

A note can be seen by all members of a union. It should be used to coordinate members’ actions or to inform everyone about important news. A note will be displayed in the chat until one of the top three players changes it. 

Union quests

What are union quests?

Union quests are missions for all members of a union. You can always check out the available quests by pressing the Quests button in the main union window.  

By completing these quests, you will receive points that are needed to improve your union, as well as other valuable prizes. 

What are group quests?

Group quests are intended for all union members. Completing them is not easy because they are designed as a challenge for the union as a whole, but the rewards are totally worth it. 
Each group quest requires unions to accomplish a certain objective in a limited amount of time. You can see what the objective is in the name of the quest, in the notes under the progress bar, or by pressing the quest icon and reading the full info. 

For completing a group quest, the union and its members receive points, which depends on the contribution each player made. If the union manages to complete the quest in time, a special reward awaits all players.
 If the quest is completed in time, the union and its members receive a reward. The members receive points not only for completing the whole quest, but also for all the events they held. The amount of reward points can be found in the footnotes of the quest. 

Some quests also provide a quick access button that allows players to instantly find the quest’s objective.

What are solo quests?

 Solo quests are quests that should be completed by individual members of a union. Every quest has an objective that must be achieved in a limited period of time. You can see what the objective is in the name of the quest, or in the notes under the progress bar.
You can find additional information about the objective by pressing the quest icon. 

How do I receive rewards for quests?

After completing a quest in time, a Claim Reward button will appear on the panel.  

After collecting the reward, union points along with other prizes will be instantly given out. 

What is a consolation prize?

If you did your best in helping your union to complete the common quest, but for some reason failed to make a notable contribution, don't feel bad. Your efforts will be duly appreciated, and you'll receive a consolation prize, a small yet nice prize for your participation. 

What's the point of completing union quests? 

Union quests give points that increase the rank of the whole union as well as the rank of each individual member. You can also receive an additional reward of coins, experience, crystals and useful items for completing quests within the designated time.  
If the common quest is completed in 50% from the allotted time, all the Union members will receive a reward, including those who did not have an opportunity to contribute to the common victory.  

Union points

Why do you need union points? 

Union points help define the most successful island managers, as well as the strongest and most influential unions. 

How do I get union points?

There are several ways you can get union points:
Most points are awarded for completing union quests, both common and individual.
Some points are awarded for visiting the game on a daily basis.
Helping allies on their islands is a good way to gain some points.

How are union points given out?

In group quests, union points are given out to every player that participates in the event as well as to the union as a whole. It doesn’t matter whether the group quest was completed within the time limit.
Completing the quest in time will give all the players who participated in it additional union points, as well as valuable prizes. Additional union points will be given to the union as well.
Union rankings

What are union rankings, how do I get into them?

Union rankings are a list of all the unions and their members that are the best in a certain field. Set new records, and your name and the name of your union will appear in the rankings!
How do I view the union rankings? 

In the main union window, press the Ranking button.

A rankings window with several tabs will open. Each tab depicts the best players and unions in a certain field.  

What union rankings are there?

Most Influential Unions — this ranking is for alliances that have the most union points. 

Most Experienced Unions — for unions with the highest average member experience. 

 Most Active Members — for players who have brought the most points to their unions. 

You can also view your friends’ stats in the ranking by selecting the corresponding tab.

What is the point of rankings?

First of all, if you get into the rankings or help your union get there, you will automatically be considered a strong and influential player, a role model for others. Unions that reach the top of the rankings are the best respected island communities in the game. Only the most skilled can reach these heights!

How do I find out where my union and I are in the rankings?

It's easy! Open the ranking you're interested in and press either the Find Me or the Find My Union button at the bottom of the screen. 

Creating your own union

How does a union you create differ from other unions?

When you create your own union, you automatically become its leader and can choose the name and the emblem. Also, the leader has power to accept new members or remove old ones.

How do you create your own union?

It’s possible to create a union in the early stages of the game, as well as after you’ve joined another union. If you’re not in a union, and want to create one, open the chat.

Then press the Create your Union button in the lower part of the panel.  

If you’re already a member of a union, open the main window by pressing on the Island on the horizon. Then open the settings menu and press the Create your Union button. 

In the window that opens, write the name of your union, select the color, emblem and frame, and define the union’s type.  

Public unions allow players to join without the leader’s approval. To join a private union, a player must first send a request that will later be approved or rejected. You can also set the minimal level requirements here. 
Please note that creating a union requires a small amount of crystals. 
After creating a union, you can always change its name, emblem or type. To do so, go to the settings menu and select Union Settings.

How do you invite friends to your union?

After creating a union, you will be prompted to invite your friends and previous allies. Check the boxes next to the players you want to see as members of your union and press the Invite button.

You can invite friends and monitor the status of players you’ve already invited in a special window. Just open the settings menu and press the Invitations button. 

In the window that opens, you can see the number of active invitations that have been sent out. There can be a maximum of 10.
If you’ve already sent out the maximum number of invitations, but want an additional person in your union, you must cancel one of the other invitations first by pressing the X button. Then press the Invite button and find the name of the player you want to invite. 

What are incoming requests?

In order for a player to join a private union, his or her request must be accepted by the union leader. The number of new requests is indicated on the settings button in the main union window. To learn additional information, press the Invitations button. 

Then select the Inbox tab.  

Now you can see the full list of incoming requests. To accept or reject any of the requests, press the checkmark or the X next to it. You can also visit the Island of the player who sent the request.

Every request has a date and the number of points the player has gained over the course of the game. The latter can help you decide whether a player is potentially useful to your union. 

Can other unions invite me?

Other players can invite you to their unions, even if you are the leader of your own union. To see the invitations, open the settings menu and press the Invitations button.

 Then go to the Invitations tab. 

Here you can see all the invitations other players have sent you.  

Every invitation contains the name of the sender, the date, as well as the union’s name, emblem and the amount of union points.

If you don’t want to be invited to other unions, just check the appropriate box at the bottom of the screen. 

To accept an invitation to another union, you first need to transfer your leadership to another member of your current union. You can do that in the member management window. 

What is member managing?

As a leader of a union, you can remove existing members and invite new ones, as well as transfer leadership to one of the current members. All these actions can be done in the union management window. To access it, open the settings menu in the main union window and press the Management button.  

Here’s a list of all the union’s members. You can remove them from the union by pressing the X or visit their Island by pressing the house icon. 
If you want to transfer leadership, press the green button with the crown icon next to a player’s name. Keep in mind, that after transferring leadership, you will become just a regular member of the union.

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