sabato 11 marzo 2017

🏝Paradise Island 2-Beach Battles🏝

 How do I start a battle?
- How do I start a union battle? 
- How do I join a union battle?  
- How do I fight? 
- Where do I get weapons? What kind of weapons are there in the game? 
- Where can I learn more about my opponents and teammates? 
- What happens if my health reaches zero? 
- How do I win? 
- How are rewards for battles calculated? 
- What are Glory Points?  
- What battle rankings are there?
- How do I get into battle rankings?
- How do I collect ranking rewards? 
- What are Sunshine Medals?
How do I start a battle?

To take part in Beach Battles, you need to speak to a tourist by the name of Rob Malibu. You can usually find him walking along the shore.

Select Rob, and in the window that opens, press the Join fight button.The same window can take you to the rankings or to the Sandy Store, where you can purchase weapons.

To start the battle, you need to have a certain amount of water. You can see the amount of water you currently have in the same Rob Malibu window. Replenish your supply by pressing the plus sign next to the water bar, or wait a while and it will restore automatically. 

If you already have enough water, press the Join fight button. Matchmaking may take a while. 

When enough players are found, the battle will begin automatically. 

How do I start a union battle?

Find Rob Malibu on the beach and select him — he’s the one organizing all the battles.

You’ll see a window, where you’ll be able to join a random battle, create a team of your union members, or join an existing one. If your union still doesn’t have a team, you’ll see a Create a Team button.

If you want to be the captain, press the Create a Team button. Keep in mind, that you need a certain amount of water to create a union team. After that you’ll see a waiting window with the list of your union’s members who are ready to take part in battles. Also, everyone in your union chat will see a message about the creation of a new team.

You can start the fight immediately or wait for union members to join the team. As new players join your team, their names will appear on the list. Your name on this list is highlighted, and the captain’s name is marked with a crown.

Battles are between two teams of 5 players. Your team may have from 1 to 5 union members on it. If the team captain closes the waiting window and doesn’t start the battle, the whole team will be disbanded. 

How do I join a union battle?

When one of the union members is assembling a team, you’ll see a special message in your union chat. The message will also say how many people have already joined the team. Press the Join button to start the battle together with your allies. 

There’s another way to find out that a team has been created. Open Rob Malibu’s window: if there’s a Join Your Allies button at the bottom, then one of the member of your union has already created a team. 

Make sure you have enough water in your supply, and press the Join button. After that you’ll be taken to the waiting window. 

How do I fight?

There are ten players in every battle, five on each side. Teams are formed randomly. The objective of the battle is to reduce the enemy team’s health points to zero. 
Your team is always in the lower left-hand corner of the screen, and your character is highlighted in green.  

At the start of the battle, an opponent from the enemy team will be randomly selected for you. You’ll see who your opponent is on the information panel; the enemy will also be highlighted. You can switch to another opponent by selecting them on the battlefield. 

You can deal damage with a weapon by pressing its icon after selecting an opponent. But don't forget that weapons need time to cool down. 

Some weapons don’t deal damage but replenish your health points instead. These items can heal you, but they cannot be used on other members of your team. 

Battles happen in real time. You don’t need to wait for your enemy’s attack, instead, it’s better to deal as much damage as you can to as many opponents as possible. Also, don’t forget about the timer: each battle lasts a limited time, displayed on the clock. 

If none of the teams win during that time, the battle ends in a draw.

Where do I get weapons? What kind of weapons are there in the game?

Weapons are required for each and every battle. You can get them at the Sandy Store by pressing the button in the Rob Malibu window. 

You’ll be directed to the shop, where you can purchase different weapons. 

There are several types of weapons:
1. Single target weapons deal damage to one opponent and are marked by a target icon.

Water Balloon

2. Multiple targets weapons deal damage to several opponents and are marked by a triple target icon.

3. Healing weapons replenish health and are marked by a heart icon. 

Read the weapon’s description to find out how much damage it can deal.

Where can I learn more about my opponents and teammates?

During a battle, select the player you’re interested in; their name and health bar will appear above them.  

What happens if my health reaches zero?

If you have no health points left, you’ll be out of battle, unable to deal damage to your opponents until the end of the battle. However, you’ll still be able to see the information about the other players and watch the battle. 

How do I win?

To be victorious, you need to reduce your opponents’ health to zero. Try to use all your available weapons as soon as they reload.

How are rewards for battles calculated?

You’ll receive a chest, money, experience, glory points, union points, and Sunshine Medals for winning battles. The size of the reward depends on your contribution to the victory and your place in the ranking. 

Try to win before the timer runs out or else the game will end in a draw, and there’ll be no winner. If you don’t win in time, don’t despair: you still get a consolation prize for all the damage you dealt.

What are Glory Points? 

You get Glory Points for you participation in battles. The number of these points that you have indicates how successful you are as a player. To score as many points as possible, it’s important not only to win, but to also deal maximum damage to the enemy team. 

Also, you are ranked according to your Glory Points. 

What battle rankings are there?

To see the battle rankings, open Rob Malibu’s window and select the Ranking button.

Also, you are ranked according to your Glory Points. 

What battle rankings are there?

To see the battle rankings, open Rob Malibu’s window and select the Ranking button.

Best Unions

This ranking is for the unions whose members won the most battles. Members of the top three unions receive special rewards.

Hall of Fame

This is a special ranking that shows the best fighters along with the best unions. To be in the Hall of Fame, you or your union need to be in one of the top three places in other rankings.

How do I get into battle rankings?

Buy the best weapons, win battles on your own or with allies, reach top places, and get rewards! 

If you want to know the position you currently hold in the rankings, press the Find Me button. 

You can always check the timer to see how much time is left before the rankings are calculated. 

How do I collect ranking rewards? 

To collect the rewards, simply open the ranking window when the ranking day is over. You’ll instantly see your prize. 

What are Sunshine Medals? 

Sunshine Medals are unique rewards that are given to the players who do the most damage in a battle, or to those who climb high enough in the rankings. 

These medals can be exchanged for special buildings from the Exclusive section of the game shop. 

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