lunedì 18 aprile 2016

Astro Garden-Timed Quest:Festival Della Dolcezza

I: Chop woods x 5
Take from storage: Van of sweets x 1
II: Plant seeds: Ether eggplant x 10
Plant seeds: Marmelade tomatoes x 10
III: Join the competition x 1
Send fruits for the competition x 20
IV: Invest chief cook’s recipe in the construction of the decoration: Van of sweets x 15
Collect items: Confectioner’s collection x 2
V: Feed the animal: Chicken x 12
Feed the animal: Cow x 7
VI: Send fruits for the competition x 30
Collect extra: Chief cook’s recipe x 15
VII: Finish first stage of the decorations construction: Van of sweets x 1 
Confectioner's Competitions
I: Collect items: Confectioner's collection x 5
Create: Confectionary tile x 4
Harvest crops: Ether eggplants x 20
II: Start a new stage of the decoration constructions: Van of sweets x 1
Join the competition x 3
III: Plant seeds: Waffle carrots x 20
Plant seeds: Marmelade tomatoes x 20
IV: Invest chef recipe in the construction of the decoration: Van of sweets x 60
Receive the prize: Confectioner's collection x 2
V: Harvest crops at your neighbor's farm: Ether eggplants x 15
Chop trees at your neighbor's farm x 40
VI: Send fruits for the competition x 70
Feed the animal: Chicken x 15
VII: Finish second stage of the decorations construction: van of sweets x 1
Confectioner’s Craft
I: Clear the rocks x 12
Expel the monsters: Yeti x 7
II: Start new decoration construction stage: Van of sweets x 1
Plant seeds: Candy pumpkin x 25
Plant seeds: Waffle carrot x 20
III: Join the competition x 4
Collect extra: Chief cook’s recipe x 30
IV: Collect items: Confectioner’s collection x 5
Receive the prize: Confectioner’s collection x 3
V: Harvest crops: Pepper x 30
Chop down trees x 60
VI: Harvest crops at your neighbor’s farm: Waffle carrot x 20
Harvest crops: Marmelade tomatoes x 25
VII: Send fruits for the competition x 90
Come first in the competition x 1
Taste of Victory
I: Harvest crops: Candy pumpkin x 20
Harvest crops: Ether eggplant x 25
II: Get: Chief cook’s recipe x 70
Collect items: Confectioner’s collection x 8
III: Smash rocks x 70
Collect combo level 7 x 3
IV: Join the competition x 6
Come first in the competition x 3
V: Sell crops in warehouse: Candy pumpkin x 25
Sell crops in warehouse: Marmelade tomatoes x 25
Sell crops in warehouse: Ether eggplant x 30
VI: Harvest crops: Waffle carrot x 30
Send fruits for the competition x 120
VII: Finish the decoration’s construction stage: Van of sweets x 1
Sell crops in warehouse: Waffle carrot x 30
Receive the prize: Confectioner’s collection x 2

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