DISPONIBILE DAL 03/12 AL 17/12/2015
Get 7 Giftbox Cardboard
Harvest 60 Giftbox Wheat
Craft 3 Island Ginger Coolers
Rewards: 125 XP, 1 Surprise Beagle and 2,500 Coins
Share: Gargoyle Knocker
Get 8 Glossy Ribbon
Harvest 90 Blue Rose
Craft 3 Gilded Bouquets
Rewards: 150 XP, 1 Book Of XP and 3,000 Coins
Share: Bat Stick
Get 9 Thank You Note
Harvest 120 Bell Pepper
Craft 3 Pumpkin Breads
Rewards: 175 XP, 3 pack of Turbo Chargers and 3,500 Coins
Share: Vampiric Cape
Get 10 Star Sparkle
Harvest 150 Chickpeas
Craft 2 Fruit Punchs
Rewards: 200 XP, 1 Giftception Box and 4,000 Coins
Share: Gargoyle Knocker
Get 10 Empty Gift Box
Harvest 180 Gooseberries
Craft 2 Egg Breads
Rewards: 225 XP, 1 Unwither and 4,500 Coins
Share: Bat Stick
Get 11 Gift Box Glue
Harvest 180 Peppermint
Craft 2 Organic Mixed Veggie Salads
Rewards: 250 XP, 1 Super Fertilizer and 5,000 Coins
Share: Vampiric Cape
Get 12 Gift Box Cellotape
Harvest 200 Sunflowers
Craft 2 Lily Bath Bombs
Rewards: 275 XP, 1 Overloaded Gift Gnome, and 5,500 Coins
Share: Gargoyle Knocker
Get 13 Large Scissors
Harvest 220 Spinach
Craft 1 Blackberry Explosion
Rewards: 300 XP, 1 Instagrow Potion and 6,000 Coins
Share: Bat Stick
Get 14 Paper Cutting Knife
Harvest 240 Daffodils
Craft 2 Floral Punchs
Rewards: 325 XP, 1 Giftbox Pegacorn and 6,500 Coins
Share: Vampiric Cape
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